I Contracted Myself

【1056】Eye of God and Demon

Breakthrough before battle is never achieved overnight.

Wuming's experience in the past thousand years, especially the time when he refined the Dark Gate Dragon Dark Sky Reverse Scale, actually brought him a deep accumulation. This kind of foundation formed by the long years is the fundamental reason for the breakthrough before battle.

Without the foundation, there is no breakthrough.

At this time, he pulled his countless energies into lines, and then re-woven them into abilities, just like a programmer combines the same code into different programs. Through different weaving methods, different effects are formed between abilities.

Even two identical abilities will have completely opposite effects under different weaving methods.

The huge Wuming will not improve. Its attack moves have been constant, but breaking all laws with one force is itself wild and unreasonable. Anyone with weaker strength than it cannot stop its sickle. Only those with sufficient purity and strength can fight it.

Before, Wuming relied on a huge amount of energy to deal with it, but in fact he was still at a disadvantage. However, after Wuming broke through in the battle, the two sides finally presented a battle scene of equal strength.

Wuming used threads to form a hand at first, but gradually felt that this could not fully exert his strength, so countless threads were woven into a knife.

At the moment the knife was formed, Wuming seemed to hold a knife in his hand. When he saw the giant Wuming's sickle slashing at him, he also swung the knife in the void, and a knife emitting colorful light collided with the sickle.

The aftermath of the collision between the two was unloaded from both sides and finally disappeared at the end of the void.

In fact, Wuming and the giant Wuming were separated by several light years, but every time the two sides attacked, the surrounding space would seem to be folded together. The distance in the twisted void could no longer be calculated, and they would only collide when needed.

When Wuming had enough power to fight against the giant Wuming, the situation began to reverse.

Wuming had learned swordsmanship in the Eternal Martial Arts Training. His skills were far superior to those of Huge Wuming. As he continued to strike, Huge Wuming was left with only defense, because he had no chance to attack.

The tricky swordsmanship, with strange and changeable styles, was like a venomous snake hidden in the shadows, and like the scorching sun. Every strike made Huge Wuming have to defend himself, but he could not defend himself.

Suddenly, when Huge Wuming blocked a strike, Wuming's wrist gently made a hand-off motion, and then his index finger seemed to press down hard as if holding the handle of the knife.

The huge knife in the distance suddenly rotated and slashed on Huge Wuming's black cloak.


A harsh and sharp sound rang out.

Wuming was surprised to see... Under Huge Wuming's cloak was not a body, but a huge cage, in which was imprisoned a dark, indescribable thing.

"So that's it. The giant nameless is just a superficial appearance. The essence of this negative thought is the fear of crime. No, it should be the fear of being punished." Nameless looked at the black thing and said to himself.

That is the real body of the giant nameless.

The reason why Nameless couldn't take effect just now was not because the root text of the giant nameless was difficult to guess, but because Nameless was equivalent to falling on the shield and had no effect at all.

After understanding this, the battle should be over.

Although Wuming enjoyed the battle with the giant nameless, it was hard to guarantee that there would be no variables if he continued to fight. It would be better to end it as soon as possible.

Next, Wuming used the same trick again and attacked the giant nameless with a knife.

The giant nameless has a strong recovery ability. The cloak that was just cut has healed, but it has no learning ability. It only needs to use the same routine to cut its cloak again.

Then the nameless golden light that had been ready to go quickly surged out, all flew from the torn cloak into the cage, and in an instant the huge nameless was frozen in place, it was controlled.

"Sin, interesting, before dying, what it feared most was not me, but the justice I represented, what it was really afraid of was confessing its guilt!" Wuming laughed.

But it was normal to think about it.

It was because it committed a crime that Wuming chased it. Mosquito Taoist himself was actually very clear about this, so before dying, although it seemed to be afraid of Wuming, it was actually afraid of the justice and law represented by Wuming.

The battle was over.

After Wuming turned the huge nameless into a new shell of all laws, all the shells merged into the huge nameless body in a blink of an eye. The huge nameless held a sickle to split the world crack and returned to the world of trial again.

The last few weeks of the last month passed without any danger.

In a blink of an eye, Wuming's huge shell appeared in the Golden Square. He floated above the square, which was even bigger than the entire Golden Square, and frightened countless trialists to death on the spot.

In Wuming's mind, the shell shrank rapidly, and he landed in the corner of the Golden Square, waiting for the reward to be distributed.

At this time, seven levels have been passed, and there are only two levels left before you can choose to leave.

Wuming glanced at the trialists on the square. There are many trialists left this time. I don't know how many people will be eliminated in the next two levels.

I hope everyone can survive.

Wuming thought secretly in his heart, and suddenly the statue in the middle of the Golden Square moved.

It opened its hands, and rows of lanterns continued to appear. There was a dim light in each lantern, and there seemed to be something in the light ball.

The trialists were a little confused. Could it be that this level was to directly snatch the lanterns?

When everyone was afraid to act rashly, Wuming stepped forward, reached in from above a lantern, grabbed the object in the light ball and pulled it out.

He opened his hand, and saw an eye on his palm.

"Eye of the Devil..."

Wuming soon learned the ability and name of this eye.

When he first participated in the Shenzang Trial, he was compensated with the Eye of God, and now he finally got the opposite of the Eye of God, the Eye of the Devil.

When these eyes merge together, they evolve into the Eye of God and the Eye of the Devil, which has a very interesting effect.

In Wuming's mind, this eye quickly disappeared from his arm, passed through layer after layer of shells, and finally entered the inner space. Compared with the Eye of God, the Eye of the Devil is not a real eye, it is an illusory existence, and only Wuming himself can see it.

It can move at will and grow anywhere.

Wuming pulled it into his eyes, and in an instant his eyes seemed to be mixed with black and white. Then he pulled the corners of his eyes and pulled them out of his face with his eye sockets.

Only his nose and mouth were left on his face, and his eyes were gone.

"Interesting, the eyes have become an immortal concept, and from now on they are truly immortal!" Wuming gently shook his index finger, and his eyes began to move with the shaking of his index finger.

After a while, he felt uncomfortable and quickly installed the eyes back on his face.

He felt dizzy.

He wanted to vomit.

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