I Contracted Myself

【1057】Life and Death Game

"Level 8, Life and Death Game, please complete the task as required, otherwise you will die immediately."

Wuming opened his eyes and found himself in an empty silver space. There were also other trialists in this space, a total of 100 people.

"The name of this level gives me a bad feeling."

"Will it not be a re-enactment of the life and death game 10,000 years ago? In the end, only one trialist can survive."

"It's over. If I had known, I should have quit at the first level. Woohoo, mom, I miss you. I'm sorry, I may not be able to go back."

"We're dead, we're all dead, hahahahahahahaha, in the life and death game, only one person can pass the level alive. If the last person dies, it will never end."

"Ahhhhhh, I don't accept it, I don't accept it,‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‏‎Why do I have to encounter this level??"

The trialists present quickly read the rules of this level, and then some broke down and cried, some were furious, some had gloomy faces, and some were dumbfounded.

Wuming instantly remembered the content of the life and death game in the Shenzang Trial.

Simply put, each space will give a requirement. If you complete the requirement, you can live, and if you don't complete it, you will die.

Sometimes, many tests are small games, but the small games are extremely malicious and cruel, and they test human nature and human heart.

"It turned out to be this kind of level."

Wuming muttered to himself with some dissatisfaction.

After a moment, a red circle suddenly appeared on the floor in the center of the space, and a line of words appeared on the silver wall: Please enter the red circle as soon as possible. Those who fail to enter the red circle after ten minutes will die!

After reading this line of words, all the trial participants immediately rushed to the red circle frantically.

Wuming also quickly arrived at the red circle, and then stood near the center. Others kept squeezing in, and some even climbed on other people's heads and stacked up.

But even if they did so, soon the circle could not squeeze in even one person. The circle was too small. Normally, there was only enough space for ten people to stand in the circle. Now, with the stacking of people, there was only enough space for 99 people to stay in the circle.

A little girl stood outside the circle and could not squeeze into the circle at all.

The others stood there stubbornly, afraid to come out of the circle, so that each of them was like a copper wall and iron wall, blocking the little girl out of the circle.

"Please, let me in." The little girl said pitifully.

But everyone was not moved at all. Who is not an old fox to survive to the eighth level? This little girl must not be as simple as she looks.

Unfortunately, it is useless to be simple. Everyone cannot use their abilities in this level. She is just an ordinary little girl.

Time passed little by little. The little girl tried to climb up the tower, but she couldn't squeeze into the circle until she reached the top. Everyone tried not to take up space as much as possible, but there were too many people.

Ten minutes have passed.

The little girl grabbed the clothes of one of the people in the wall. Her expression suddenly became gray, her skin quickly turned pale, and finally she fell from the air powerlessly and hit the ground heavily.



Everyone present realized that the first life and death test was over.

Many people climbed down from the pile of people, each with a heavy look. As the crowd dispersed, Wuming also saw the little girl lying on the ground and had lost her breath.

He sighed, stepped forward and moved the little girl's body to the corner.

The test of this level was a bit cruel, but since they chose to accept the test and did not quit the test at the first level, it meant that everyone was mentally prepared to put life and death aside.

Be willing to accept the loss.

Then there should be no resentment or hatred after death.

The malice of this level was very obvious. The space of the circle was calculated, and there must be someone who could not squeeze in. Because the little girl was not strong enough, she was facing a dead end from the beginning of the test.

Of course, if she reacted quickly enough and rushed to the center of the circle, she would still have a chance to survive, because in the crowded situation, no one would be willing to retreat, and she would inevitably be unable to move in the center of the circle, even if she wanted to get out.

It's a pity that her reaction was too slow and her body was not strong enough.

In other levels, her appearance may be very deceptive, making it easy for people to be easily helped, but this is her biggest disadvantage in this level.

Wuming turned around and suddenly saw a table in the center of the space.

On the table was a very special multi-sided dice, each side of which had numbers, from 1 to 99.

At this time, new rules appeared on the wall. Everyone could roll the dice once, and the one with the smallest number would die, and the rest could continue to survive.

"Fuck, in this case, if the first person rolls 1 point, wouldn't it be a slow wait for death?" Someone saw the rules slowly appearing and couldn't help complaining.

But then, another line of words continued to appear under the rules: If no one in the first fifty rolls a number after 50 points, the trialist who rolls 1 point will have the opportunity to exchange numbers with the trialist who rolls 99 points.

If the sum of the numbers rolled by the first fifty people exceeds 1275, the trialist who rolls 98 points will be able to designate a trialist to exchange with 1 point.

"This rule is to kill the person with the best or the worst luck." One of the trial participants reacted.

But one of the trialists immediately retorted: "No, this should be for the luckiest people. As long as you don't draw 1 and 99, you will have a high probability of surviving."

"There are numbers behind the seats at the long table. Is that the order of rolling the dice?" one of the trialists asked.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‎‏As soon as this was said, everyone reacted and rushed to their seats. Except for seats 1 and 99, everyone felt that it was not auspicious, and the remaining seats were quickly filled.

Wuming saw that everyone was seated, so he walked to seat 1 and sat down. Everyone's eyes changed when they looked at him, as if there was a star of death flashing above his head.

"Don't be so superstitious, this level is all about heartbeats." Wuming said with a smile.

The other trialists didn't say anything, all looked at the multi-sided dice on the table, and when the words on the wall were all revealed, the dice immediately appeared in front of Wuming.

"Sure enough, the dice are rolled according to the seat number." One of the trialists saw this scene and thought secretly in his heart.

Wuming picked up the dice and threw it directly on the table. The dice turned on the table, bounced a few times, rolled for a while, and finally stopped at 99 points.


Wuming had actually guessed it. With his luck, it must be 99 points.

Logically, he must not sit in the first position, because in this way, no matter how many points the first fifty people cast, they will definitely exceed the value of 1275 points, and the trialist who casts 98 points will have the power to designate the exchange.

But Wuming wanted to see who would die in the end and who would cast 98 points.

Moreover, the trialist who casts 98 points has a high probability of obtaining the power of designated exchange, even if Wuming does not sit in the first position.

He looked at the second trialist, who trembled and cast the dice, and finally cast 12 points.

Then, the trialists cast their points one by one, slowly moving to the back half of the table.

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