I Contracted Myself

【1058】Grasp the human heart

Finally, in the second half, a woman scored 98 points, and everyone looked at her.

Someone said, "Don't hesitate, choose Wuming, he has the best luck and is the biggest threat to us. If we want to survive, Wuming must die."

"Yes, Wuming is experienced and lucky. He is the most likely to survive among all people. Only by sending him away first can we have a chance to survive." A woman said.

Everyone looked at the woman who scored 98 points, and their eyes gave her great pressure invisibly.

"This level does not say that everyone must be killed. In fact, most people have a chance to survive, but this level is the most suitable level for revenge. Enemies that you had to look up to before and enemies that you were unable to fight can be easily killed in this level. Jasmine, what do you think?" Wuming said faintly at this time.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‏The woman named Jasmine was startled and looked at Wuming in surprise. Wuming smiled and said, "The extermination of the great tree elves has always been a concern of our Council of All Heavens. Unfortunately, the dark druid Oos is too cunning, so we have not been able to catch him. In order to avoid alerting the enemy, we did not directly issue a warrant for his arrest."


Jasmine's eyes suddenly flashed with tears, and she subconsciously clenched the dice.

The people present realized that something was wrong, and threatened and warned Jasmine. Jasmine was silent for a moment, looked at the trialists who threatened and warned her, and said faintly, "I haven't chosen anyone yet, and you are so anxious to die?"

In an instant, everyone quieted down, and no one dared to talk nonsense anymore. Threatening Jasmine now is like hanging an old man and looking for death!

Jasmine slowly looked at an old man at this time. The old man was very burly and had a huge beard. He looked very gentlemanly.

But Jasmine will never forget this person. The Great Tree Elves were destroyed by this person. Her brothers and sisters were all killed and even eaten alive by the other party.

She said happily: "I didn't expect that there are still survivors in the Great Tree Elves!"

"Indeed, you don't have any characteristics of the Great Tree Elves. It seems that you are guarding against me." Oos said in a deep voice.

Jasmine smiled and said: "If there were, wouldn't you find it in a minute?"

"Hmph, choose." Oos said lightly.

Jasmine immediately designated Oos as a point, and then Oos died on the spot.

"Sure enough, my intuition was not wrong." Wuming saw this scene and thought with a smile in his heart.

After he realized that his luck would definitely throw 99 points, he knew that most players would definitely choose him, so he looked at all the seats and chose seat number one by intuition.

He felt that only by sitting in seat number one would he have the highest probability of surviving.

It turned out that it was because he sat in the first position that Jasmine rolled 98 points, and Jasmine happened to be one of the few trialists whose enemies were among the trialists.

Compared with him, Jasmine was more likely to choose the enemy, so he survived.

Everything was intuition, but he believed in intuition.

With the death of Euos, the dice disappeared, and then a turntable appeared in the middle of the table with 98 drinks on it.

Rules: Everyone must turn the turntable and choose one of the drinks. Everyone has one chance to force a trialist to exchange drinks with him.

Among all the drinks, there is only one poisoned wine.

Please start.

After reading the rules, everyone looked at the drinks on the turntable with fear.

Wuming sat in the first position, so when the turntable moved in front of him, he gently turned the turntable and finally chose a drink.

Then the turntable moved to the second position, and the trialists got their drinks in turn.

"In fact, the probability of death this time is very small. Okay, this is nonsense. Does anyone want to exchange with me?" Wuming asked with a smile while holding a drink.

No one present spoke, because Wuming had the best luck, so Wuming was the most dangerous.

The luck of the cultivation world is not an illusory existence. Many practitioners can sense their own luck, the luck of the dynasty, and the luck of the world.

When they determine that a person has good luck, they often have two choices, designing the other party to seize the luck, or making friends with him to get some luck.

Wuming's luck is too good, which means that Wuming is very dangerous. The drink in his hand is very likely to be poisoned. Once you choose to exchange with him, you will definitely be poisoned to death.

Now Wuming can choose a person to force exchange as long as he wants, and the other party will definitely die.

Of course, after the forced exchange, this person can also choose Wuming to force exchange again, but the result is likely to be his own death.

No matter how you choose, the lucky party will not suffer, this is the terrible thing about Wuming.

"Molier, I will exchange with you." A woman suddenly said.

Just now, Jasmine threatened her recklessly. If the drink in her hand was poisoned, she could be poisoned to death.

The woman believed that her luck was definitely better than Jasmine's. The reason why Jasmine was able to cast 98 points before was probably because Wuming's luck was shared with her. After all, only Jasmine would not choose Wuming.

Because of this thought, the woman decided to touch Jasmine.

Wuming smiled and said, "Then after you exchange, I will exchange with you."


‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‏The woman's face suddenly darkened. She didn't expect Wuming to stand up for Jasmine.

Wuming smiled and said, "In the last level, Jasmine helped me. You don't think I'm ungrateful, do you?"

"..."The woman was speechless.

Next, Jasmine exchanged drinks with the woman first, and then Wuming exchanged drinks with the woman.

After the exchange, everyone looked at the woman, as if the woman was dead.

Wuming asked, "Does anyone want to exchange with me?"


Everyone present remained silent. Who wants to exchange with Wuming?

Wuming picked up the drink and smiled, "Then I'll drink it."

After that, he drank the drink in one gulp.

The next second, he suddenly shook and fell down, holding his heart. Everyone showed incredible expressions. The woman was even more ecstatic, thinking that Wuming was the unlucky guy.

But then Wuming got up from the table and said with a smile: "Oh, you scared me, it turns out there is no poison."


All the trial participants present were secretly biting their gums in hatred. This bastard was playing tricks on them.

Wuming smiled and said: "Okay, time is limited, everyone quickly exchange and drink, otherwise there may be penalties if you exceed the time."

The life and death game does have such unspoken rules, so the trial participants began to exchange or drink the drinks.

The woman looked at the drink in her hand that no one was willing to exchange, and her heart couldn't help but beat violently. Will she die if she drinks it?

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