I Contracted Myself

【1060】Death in Progress

One minute later, a woman died suddenly. She threw the dart into the black area.

The remaining trialists who had not thrown the darts were all stunned, and then they all looked at Wuming. Didn't they say that the last person would most likely be black?

"I didn't say it for sure." Wuming shrugged and said irresponsibly.

All the trialists holding darts were sweating coldly. They were just fooled by Wuming again.

Fortunately, they didn't die this time, but what about the next time?

"Wait a minute, no matter what Wuming said, we don't believe him!" The burly man said with gritted teeth.

Others nodded in agreement. Although Wuming's words made some sense, since he was an opponent, he couldn't believe it no matter how reasonable it was. Who knew if Wuming would hide any tricks.

‎​​‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‏‎‏At this time, ropes fell from above the space, and everyone present was stunned.

Rules: Only one of the ropes is strong, and the rest will break automatically. Please choose a rope to hang yourself.

Wuming walked to a rope and put his head on it. The rope immediately contracted and pulled him into the air, but then the rope broke.

He fell to the ground and smiled, "It doesn't seem difficult."


The others were speechless, but then they realized that they had to choose a rope as soon as possible.

Although everyone has a chance to choose a strong rope, the more survivors there are, the greater the probability of choosing a strong rope later.

This time, the trialists on the burly man's side made their choices. After everyone chose a rope, the burly man gritted his teeth and said, "It depends on luck!"

After that, he put the rope on his head.

In an instant, the rope pulled him into the air. He kept struggling, and then found that the rope he chose was the strongest one. It was over.

The ropes of the others broke one after another, and everyone's eyes fell on the burly man, watching him twist his body like a suffocated fish, and finally he was completely motionless.

"What a pity, I thought he could live a little longer." Wuming said with a smile.

The others were all silent. No one dared to contradict Wuming this time. After all, the people on their side died because of contradicting Wuming in the previous two levels.

If you can't kill a person with great luck, and can't take away his luck, then you shouldn't be his enemy.

Many people sighed in their hearts, but they didn't mean to compete with Wuming anymore.

The rope on the ceiling slowly rose, and the body of the burly man was also pulled into the ceiling. Everyone waited quietly for the next level.

Many people were nervous, fearing that they would die next time.

Although only one person died each time, as the trialists died one by one, the surviving trialists were under more pressure.

In fact, it was this pressure that made many people lose their previous rationality. Now the death of the burly man was like a plate of cold water, which not only extinguished the restlessness in their hearts, but also made them rational and re-examine this level.

Finally, a new test came.

In front of the silver space, it suddenly rose quickly, and doors appeared in front of everyone, and the rules were also revealed on the side: each trialist can only choose one door to go to the next space, and among all the doors, only one door leads to a dead end.

Sure enough...

Wuming and others are no longer surprised.

He walked to the door at the side, and a tall and thin man immediately ran to the door he wanted to choose and rushed in without looking back.

After the tall and thin man rushed in, the door quickly closed automatically. Wuming shrugged and immediately chose the door next to him. Some trialists reacted and rushed to enter the door before Wuming.

Since Wuming is lucky, he will take advantage of Wuming's light and rush to enter the door that Wuming wants to enter before Wuming.

Although doing so is somewhat dangerous.

Wuming did not comment on everyone's choice. He waited until no one was vying for the door, then stood in front of the door and asked, "Are you all done vying?"

"Master Wuming, no one can guarantee whether the door in front is a dead end, nor can anyone guarantee whether the door behind is a dead end. It doesn't really matter." A man wearing glasses laughed.

Wuming laughed, "It seems to be true. The result is not immediate. Life and death are unpredictable. I wish you good luck. Let's go."

After that, he walked into the passage.

As long as you don't choose a dead end, there is actually no danger in this level. You just need to walk forward along the passage.

After walking for about five minutes, a golden space appeared in front of Wuming. When he walked into the space, the door behind him closed automatically. He looked at the trialists on his left and found that one was missing.

"It seems that one of my friends is not very lucky." Wuming laughed.

The other trialists did not speak. In addition to feeling lucky, they also felt extremely cold. Fortunately, they did not choose a dead end.

After a while, the trialists walked into the golden space one after another.

The gold space is much larger and more spacious than the silver space.

At this time, the gold transformed into a table with a shotgun on it, and many boxes appeared in the distance.

Rules: The testers shoot the boxes one by one with guns. When each tester shoots, one of the boxes will have his or her heart appear. If the heart is hit, the tester will die on the spot.

What a vicious rule.

This is to let the testers kill themselves.

Everyone looked at Wuming, who shrugged, picked up the shotgun, and said with a smile: "‎​​‎‎‏‎‎‏‎‏‎‏‏‏This time everyone's probability is the same, let's see who has bad luck."

After that, he pulled the trigger and the bullet hit the box in the middle.

Then he put down the gun and said with a smile: "In fact, the probability of survival is still somewhat high. If the number of people continues to decrease..."


The other trial participants suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

No one knew when the test would end, and no one knew if they would die next time.

In this high-pressure environment, no one except Wuming could laugh.

Next, the trial participants took heavy steps and walked to the table one by one. They picked up the shotgun, aimed at the box, and then closed their eyes and pulled the trigger.

No one knew whether there would be their heart in the box. At the moment of pulling the trigger, it was actually equivalent to dying once and walking around the gate of hell.

Wuming watched the trial participants shoot at the boxes one by one, and finally his eyes fell on a long-haired man. He had a vague premonition that the long-haired man would die in this level.

In fact, he had a premonition before, and he could roughly guess who would die in each level.

This feeling was very mysterious, not like a sixth sense or something like that, but more like collecting countless information around and finally extracting the answer.

Sure enough, as the long-haired man pulled the trigger, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

He slowly fell down, holding his chest, staring at the ceiling with his eyes wide open. When the other trial participants saw this scene, they felt complicated for a moment, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

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