I Contracted Myself

【1061】Restart Block

In fact, the pressure on most of the trialists present at this time is increasing.

Even if they are very strong-willed, they will definitely be upset when they see that the trialists with strong strength are easily killed like chickens, ducks and geese.

After eight rounds of screening, there are only 92 people left.

At this time, a fruit tree made of gold grows rapidly in the golden space, and a large number of golden apples grow in a blink of an eye, exactly 92.

Rules: Each person chooses a golden apple. Whoever falls asleep after eating it will die. The apple must be eaten within one minute. Please choose.

The trialists present couldn't help but want to curse. Isn't this telling them clearly that there is a golden apple among them, and eating it will make them fall asleep 100%.

However, when everyone‏‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‎ chose their own apples, many people's faces changed slightly after taking the first bite.

When they took the first bite of the golden apple, they felt a surge of sleepiness. This level was not about one apple having problems, but about all the apples.

Now the test was willpower. Whoever fell asleep first would die!

Wuming had never thought that this level would be so insidious. He tried to open his eyes wide, and then walked to Jasmine while eating the golden apple, saying, "Let's slap each other, don't fall asleep!"

"Okay? Okay! Okay!!" Jasmine felt sleepy, and was a little stunned at first, but then she reacted and tried to stay awake.

Wuming raised his hand and slapped her directly. With a snap, Jasmine suddenly became much more awake. She took a bite of the golden apple, mustered up the courage to raise her hand and slap Wuming again. Wuming suddenly got a start, took a bite of the apple, and slapped Jasmine again.

Snap, snap, snap!

The two fought each other. When the other trial participants saw this scene, they reacted and teamed up to slap each other, trying not to fall asleep.

Snap, Snap, Snap!

One of the trialists found that he had no one to cooperate with, so he took matters into his own hands and slapped himself crazily.

A few slaps were nothing, but falling asleep would kill him!

Snap, Snap, Snap...

For a moment, the golden space continued to slap, until a trialist was slapped to the ground and snored on the ground.

The next second, the sleeping trialist died suddenly, and died silently.

The other trialists saw this scene and suddenly woke up. Wuming ate the apple in a few bites and said, "This level doesn't say that only one person will die. Those who haven't finished eating the apple should hurry up."


Everyone reacted and quickly ate the apples in their hands.

Then they reacted again, and looked at Wuming angrily and helplessly. This was obviously playing a trick on them again. The sleepiness imposed by the apple on them was gone, which meant that this level was over.

Wuming rubbed his left cheek, gasped with a hiss, and complained: "It hurts."

"I'm sorry, Lord Wuming." Jasmine apologized quickly.

But her cheek was also red and swollen, and it was obvious that Wuming didn't hold back just now.

Wuming smiled and said: "It's okay, if it weren't for your slaps, I'm afraid I would have fallen asleep."

At this time, the big tree in the middle of the golden space withered, and then a flower gradually bloomed. The next moment... with this flower as the center, countless flowers bloomed crazily.

Rules: Luck is also misfortune. Please pick a flower. The one with the most stamens will die.

Everyone was stunned after reading the rules. The number of stamens?

Everyone looked at the stamens of the flowers. There were indeed a lot of stamens in the center of the stamens, but who knew which flower had the most stamens at the moment?

"There are only 91 people present, so the flower with the most stamens must have 91 stamens. The flowers with less than 91 stamens should be safe." Wuming said at this time.

Then he squatted down and started counting. The others immediately learned to do the same.

Wuming smiled slightly, then picked a flower, and then looked at the people who were still counting, and said faintly: "If you don't choose quickly, you may not be able to catch up."

The others were suddenly under great pressure and wanted to speed up the counting.

The problem is that each flower is not big, and the stamens are even more numerous and small. If you are distracted a little, you may have to start over. For a while, someone made a mistake in a hurry and had to start over.

"55, 22, 11..." Wuming held the flower and counted suddenly, but he just read out a number at random.

The other trial participants might have been led astray by him while counting, and they wanted to kill Wuming one by one, but time was too tight, so they could only grit their teeth and continue counting.

At this time, Wuming said, "It's almost time. If you don't choose..."

Many people were forced to pick the flower they felt had the least stamens.

After everyone picked the flowers, one of the men suddenly fell down. He looked at the flower in his hand in disbelief. He couldn't accept that his flower had the most stamens.

In fact, when the number of stamens exceeded 80, it was difficult to tell who had more and who had less.

In the end, someone would be caught, no matter how careful he was.

As the man died, everyone looked dazed for a moment, and then they found themselves back in the Golden Square. Many people cried with joy, and some knelt on the ground and gasped for breath, as if they had experienced a nightmare.

"So that's it, ten people out of a hundred were eliminated." Wuming stood on the square and laughed to himself.

In other words, in the test just now, everyone had a one-tenth chance of death, which was actually safer than many levels.

Compared to the level where only one or two people died, this level was really very simple.

If it was a world without magic, someone was willing to organize a similar test, and the final reward was the same as that given by the Shenzang Trial, it is estimated that everyone would cut their heads and drill into it, wishing that they could be the lucky one and master extraordinary power from then on.

After all, although the Shenzang Trial is dangerous, the reward is really awesome.

Next is the time to collect the reward.

Wuming glanced at Jasmine not far away, and saw that Jasmine was looking at him, so he narrowed his eyes and smiled at her, then looked up at the statue.

Above the statue, a circle of light appeared.

The circle of light slowly fell and gradually shrank. It first floated in front of Wuming, and then stopped.

Wuming blinked, thought about it, and reached his hand into the circle of light. Sure enough, he felt around and found something inside. He grabbed a cube and took it out directly.

Restart the cube.

This cube can always keep the state of an object constant. Once the state changes, it will restart directly, so that it will always remain in that state, and it will not increase or decrease.

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