I Contracted Myself


Wuming frowned, feeling that this thing was not meant for him. As for using it on a certain ability, it seemed a little inappropriate.

Maybe it could be used to trick people?

Once someone is kept in a certain state, the other person will freeze and stay in that state forever.

Thoughts, body, everything are kept constant. Even if there is a slight change in thoughts, it will directly trigger a restart. This way... it's a bit scary.

A killer move!

Wuming instantly thought of many places where the restart block could be used.

He put the restart block away, and then looked at the others. The others also followed him and reached their hands into the light circle to take things out. Some were lucky and some were unlucky. Everyone had their own joys and sorrows.

After everyone had drawn the prizes, everyone quickly packed up their moods and prepared to face the final test.

The ninth level is also the last level for most trialists. After passing the level, most trialists will choose to end the trial instead of continuing.

After all, only by stopping when you are ahead can you live longer.

At this time, the Golden Gate appeared again, and everyone entered the Golden Gate one by one.

Wuming did not walk in the front or the back but followed the crowd. There were still so many survivors in the ninth level, which was actually much better than his last time.

"Ninth level, Wuming Escort, Trialists, you will be the escorts responsible for escorting, please protect the goods and deliver the goods to the guests."

Wuming opened his eyes and was already sitting on a horse. He read the rules and then looked around, only to see the other trialists dressed as escorts also looking at him.

"It seems that we are lucky, this is a cooperative level." Wuming smiled slightly.

A blond man smiled and said, "It's the last level. It's really lucky to be on the same team with Lord Wuming. My name is Mark. You may as well introduce yourself. It's better to talk about what you are good at. For example, I... I am very confident in shooting, but it seems that there is no gun in this level."

"My name is Ni Hongye, I am good at flying knives and whip techniques." A red-haired woman riding a horse not far away said heroically.

Then the driver, who looked like an old man, smiled and said, "My name is Ye Wenlu, and I am good at magic, deception, gambling, drug making, and theft."

"My name is Delia, and I am good at swordsmanship." A beautiful woman on the white horse next to the old man said coldly.

Wuming smiled and said, "Everyone knows my name, and I am good at it... I seem to know a little bit about everything."

This level is again a team of five people, and their strength is also suppressed, but there seems to be another force in their bodies. This force flows naturally in the body, a bit like the internal force in the novel.

"Do you feel the power in your body?" Mark said at this time.

Ye Wenlu smiled and said, "That is internal force. Many high martial arts worlds and kung fu worlds have similar energy."

"In other words, this power can be upgraded to a stronger power?" Mark's eyes lit up immediately, and seeing that others had no intention of speaking, he immediately asked.

Ye Wenlu nodded and said, "In many high-level martial arts worlds, the first strength that is trained is internal strength. This kind of strength can only act on the body and can fully strengthen the body's functions, but it cannot be released outside the body, so it is called internal strength.

When the internal strength continues to accumulate and gradually turns from virtual to real, it will form true qi. At this time, the warrior can release this power outside the body.

True qi is often called acquired true qi, and it can be further purified and transformed into innate true qi, and the power will become even stronger."

"So, the most important thing for us now is..." Mark nodded, and was directly led astray.

Wuming smiled and said, "The most important thing for us now is to ensure the safety of the goods and where we are going. Ye Wenlu, see if there is a map on the carriage."

"Oh, okay, okay." Ye Wenlu agreed with a smile.

After a while, Ye Wenlu found the map in the carriage. He frowned as he opened it and said, "This map is a little hard to read."

"Let me see." Wuming rode forward and took the map.

He looked at the map, then compared it with the surrounding environment, frowned and said, "From the map, our destination is called Wuming Peak. The problem is that we are now in the wilderness and there is no way to tell the direction. It seems that we must first find a village or town to locate our position."

"Then follow the water source, so it is most likely to find people." Ni Hongye said.

Ye Wenlu smiled and said, "Not bad, not bad. As for the goods, they are in the carriage. Do you want to take a look?"

"Then take a look." Wuming nodded.

He lifted the curtain of the carriage and saw five boxes in the carriage. Each box was locked. I don't know what was inside.

In addition to being locked, there were also seals on the boxes, which were obviously to prevent the escort from opening the boxes on the way.

"Five escorts."

"The five boxes are the goods."

"The destination is Wuming Peak..."


Wuming lowered the curtain after reading it, and didn't say anything else.

This level is obviously not that easy. If you don't want to die, the best way is to follow the rules. At least the rules will never lie.

Afterwards, everyone rode their horses along the road. The mountain road was rugged, with weeds on one side and steep cliffs on the other. No one dared to take it lightly and could only concentrate on getting on the road.

A few hours later, the front gradually became open, the cliff became a steep slope, and the narrow path became an open forest.

Wuming narrowed his eyes and said, "Everyone, wake up. This kind of place is suitable for both enemy ambushes and wild beast ambushes. It's better to be safe than sorry!"

"Haha, after listening to what Master Wuming said, this is really a suitable place for an ambush." ​​Mark laughed.

Ye Wenlu held his pipe in his mouth, took a puff of smoke, then coughed twice, and put his hand into his waist. The next moment, he swung his hand violently, and a diamond-shaped black iron was immediately thrown out.

A scream suddenly came from the bushes, and a ragged and dirty young man fell from the bushes.

"Sure enough, there is an ambush!" Mark said in surprise.

The next moment, dozens of people rushed out from everywhere, without shouting any slogans, and all quickly killed Wuming and others.

It was obvious that they wanted to fight quickly. Wuming drew his knife to block the flying hidden weapon, then he turned over and dismounted, and walked quickly towards the bandits. As soon as the two sides fought, Wuming killed one of the bandits with his knife.

Delia and Ni Hongye were also worried that the hidden weapon would hurt their horses, so they dismounted and fought the bandits in close combat. With their strong experience and flexible skills, they easily killed the first bandit they came into contact with.

"Good guys, you are all good at practicing internal strength. The little guys retreat!" A big guy shouted seriously at this time.

As he spoke, the big guy rushed towards Wuming, raised the axe in his hand and split Huashan with a fierce move, as if he wanted to cut Wuming in half. Unfortunately, Wuming had already predicted his attack, dodged sideways, and gently swung his long knife to kill his throat with one knife.

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