I Contracted Myself

【1063】Golden Ribbon Power

Huh! ?

Wuming thought the big guy was going to die, but then he felt something was wrong.

He immediately stepped back, and the moment he stepped back, the big guy suddenly changed his moves, swept his axe horizontally, and almost cut Wuming in half.

"Hard Qigong?"

Wuming looked at the big guy and asked.

But the big guy obviously wouldn't tell Wuming what he practiced. He wasn't a villain in anime novels. He liked to tell his opponent about his abilities proudly. Isn't that making himself uncomfortable?

Unless there is no weakness in the ability, telling the other party about the ability is actually equivalent to telling the other party about your own weaknesses.

Wuming didn't feel disappointed about this. He avoided the next series of attacks from the big guy and suddenly chopped the back of the big guy's head with a knife.

Then‎​​‎​‏‎‎‏​‏‏‏‏He bypassed the big guy's axe and swept horizontally, and chopped the big guy's neck with another knife.

"I see. I thought that horizontal training skills like the Golden Bell Cover and Iron Cloth Shirt would have weaknesses, but it turns out to be a more interesting ability." Wuming said with a smile.

In the last two slashes, he slashed at the weaker parts of the big guy's body, and these two parts were just exposed, showing different situations after the slashes.

The slash on the back of the head did not even leave a mark, and then the second slash on the neck left a very shallow white mark.

This shows that the big guy did not defend well against the second slash. This is not a kind of horizontal training method, but more like a method of concentrating internal force at a certain point for defense.

Only when the big guy sees it, or judges the landing point of Wuming's attack in advance, can he mobilize his internal force to defend, so as to avoid injury.

Once he can't see it, or has no time to defend, he will be injured.

Once this ability is understood, it is not difficult to crack. Wuming smiled and accelerated the attack speed, and at the same time the attack became real and fake, so that the big guy could not judge which knife was a real attack and which knife was a fake attack.

Gradually, the big guy began to have a lot of knife wounds on his body. Some bandits wanted to come up to rescue him, but they were all blocked by Ni Hongye and Delia.

"You are definitely not ordinary escorts. Are you the bastards from the Six Gates?" The big guy also realized that Wuming and others were too strong. How could such strong people be escorts?

Wuming smiled and said, "Tell me what kind of martial arts you practice, and I might consider sparing your life."

"Really?" The big guy asked doubtfully.

Wuming smiled and said, "You might as well believe it."

"The martial arts I practice is a family martial arts, called the Golden Belt Kung Fu. After practicing it, it's as if there is a golden ribbon protecting the body. In a moment, the ribbon can travel around the body to defend against the opponent's attack." The big guy replied.

Wuming put away the knife and said, "Do you have the martial arts with you?"

"No, what's the use of carrying it with you when you go out to rob?" The big guy said confidently.

Wuming drew out his knife again. Seeing this, the big guy quickly said, "But I can recite the whole text. In the past, I was beaten by my mother with several sticks in order to memorize the whole text."

"Then recite it to me." Wuming put away the knife again.

The big guy hesitated for a moment, but in order to survive, he still recited the whole text honestly. After listening, Wuming closed his eyes and thought about it in his mind.

This method is not difficult to understand. The acupoints and meridians required can also be used in other methods. It can be said that Wuming understood the mystery of this method in seconds.

Suddenly, the sound of wind came. He smiled slightly and operated the internal force in his body according to what the big guy said. In an instant, a force of internal force flowed on the surface of his body.


The big guy chopped Wuming's neck with an axe, and the axe actually felt like it was chopped on soft silk.

"How is it possible? I practiced for three years to barely get started with the Golden Silk Wire Skill, and you learned it in one second?" The big guy shouted in shock, and then his eyes were bloodshot, and he chopped Wuming quickly with a crazy look.

The axe was swung around for a while, but every axe hit the soft silk. The big guy was too familiar with that feeling, wasn't it his Golden Silk Wire Skill!

The problem was that Wuming used it too well, and he didn't even need to open his eyes to defend all his attacks.

If he closed his eyes, he would be chopped to death in a minute, because the golden silk ribbon provided by the Golden Silk Wire Skill is actually very narrow, only about five centimeters wide and thirty centimeters long.

It is said that after the skill is advanced, it can be expanded to thirty centimeters wide and one meter long, but the big guy obviously lacks talent, so it is difficult to make progress after getting started, and it is only five centimeters wide and thirty centimeters long.

Logically speaking, even if Wuming got his skills and got started quickly, he should be the same as him now, with a width of five centimeters and a length of thirty centimeters, but why can he defend his attacks without leaking a drop?

The big guy regretted it very much. If he had known, he would not recite the whole text just now.

But he was used to reciting the whole text once he started, and he could not even change the first word in the middle. This was the result of rote memorization in order to deal with his mother. He could recite the whole text with his eyes closed, just like a student reciting pi, 3.1415926... It's easy to recite, but it's difficult to change a certain number in it.

After a few minutes, the big guy let go of his hand in despair, and the axe fell to the ground with a clang. His hands were bleeding from the shock, but Wuming was still unscathed.

This skill is not particularly strong in him, why does it seem like a magical skill when it comes to Wuming?

Is their realm really that different?

Obviously, everyone is just a warrior at the inner force realm, this doesn't make sense!

The big guy knelt down tremblingly and said, "In fact, you never thought of letting me go from the beginning to the end, right? Kill me."

"Have you killed anyone? Have you killed innocent people?" Wuming opened his eyes and looked at the big guy and asked.

The big guy shook his head and said, "No, I robbed people, but I didn't kill anyone. Liuzi was killed by the old man on your side, so we came out directly. I didn't want to let you go this time."

"Quite honest." Wuming nodded.

He knew whether what the big guy said was true or false as soon as he heard it, and it was indeed their side that started it first, but these people robbed and died, so it was not unfair to kill them.

"Go away, next time you meet a master, you may not keep your promise like me." Wuming said lightly.

The big guy gritted his teeth, picked up the axe immediately, and shouted: "The wind is strong, run!!!"

After that, he turned around and ran. Ni Hongye and Delia did not chase him, but watched him run by, leaving only corpses on the ground.

"Really let them go!" Mark said in surprise while riding on the horse.

Wuming got back on the horse and smiled: "The golden silk ribbon skill just now is worth it for me to let him go. As for the future...what does it have to do with us? It's hard to say whether this world is real or fake."

"The golden silk ribbon skill is a bit difficult." Ye Wenlu said at this time.

He also listened to the big guy reciting the whole text, but he found it difficult after trying it. It requires extremely high concentration to condense the golden silk ribbon, and also requires a faster reaction speed. Otherwise, the enemy's attack will cut on the body, and the golden silk ribbon will still move slowly. Isn't this looking for death?

Only Wuming is so perverted that he dared to use his body to test this skill after listening, and he was not afraid of being chopped into two pieces by the big guy's axe.

As expected, there is no false reputation under a great name. Even if Wuming loses his own power, he is still terrifyingly strong.

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