I Contracted Myself

【1064】A paradise on earth

On the way, Wuming taught the Golden Belt Gong to Mark, Ni Hongye, and Delia. However, the three of them were like Ye Wenlu. Even if they had the skills, they could only use them after learning them reluctantly, but it was difficult for them to be as handy as Wuming.

Wuming had no way to deal with this. He could quickly master the Golden Belt Gong because he mastered various abilities and had already integrated countless abilities.

If the control difficulty of internal force is 1, then the control difficulty of magic power is 2, the control difficulty of spiritual power is 3, and the control difficulty of biological force field is 8. If all kinds of superpowers are integrated and used without any conflict, the difficulty is 10.

Probably because he often plays high-end games, Wuming has almost no obstacles to mastering internal force, and he can understand and master the Golden Belt Gong in seconds.

In the evening, there was no village in front and no shop behind. Wuming and others were still shuttling through the mountains and forests until the visibility became lower and lower, and everyone completely gave up the idea of ​​finding a family to spend the night.

Everyone gathered under a tree and built a simple bonfire. Wuming took out the dry food he had brought with him, heated it over the fire, and ate it with water.

"This level doesn't seem to be that difficult." Mark played with the branches and smiled at everyone, as if he wanted to liven up the atmosphere.

Wuming put the stopper on the water bag, then slowly hung the water bag around his waist, and then said: "The last level of the Shenzang Space has always been the most difficult. Don't be confused by the current appearance."

"What do you mean?" Ye Wenlu said unexpectedly.

Wuming smiled and said: "We have internal force, and the bandits we met have internal force. Is the mainstream of this world really internal force? What if there are immortal cultivators who appear directly to attack us with dimensionality reduction?"


Everyone was a little unconvinced after hearing this, but since it was Wuming who said this, they did not refute it.

Wuming smiled and said, "Of course, this is just a metaphor. Maybe there will be more strange things happening. In short, the ninth level cannot be that simple. Don't take it lightly. I hope that all of us can pass it alive!"

Afterwards, everyone talked about the levels they had experienced before. In addition to their strength, the people present were also quite lucky to survive. The various experiences of escaping death made everyone secretly exclaim in horror, and even sweat in their palms.

As the night deepened, Wuming and Ni Hongye were responsible for guarding the first half of the night, while Mark and Delia were responsible for guarding the second half of the night. As for Ye Wenlu... considering his old age, although he may not be older than Wuming and others, he should still be allowed to rest well.

In fact, Ye Wenlu is more than 500 years old this year, while Mark and Delia are older than him. Mark is nearly 10,000 years old this year, and Delia is also 6,000 years old this year. Only Ni Hongye is more than 300 years old, which is younger than Ye Wenlu.

Wuming has lived for more than a thousand years without knowing it. He didn't calculate how old he was, but it must be more than a thousand.

However, because his body functions are in a youthful state, his mentality is always young, and he will not become old because of living too long.

The mind and the body are mutually influential and interdependent.

When the body is injured, the mind will also get different feedback. When the mind has problems, it will also be fed back to the body.

Ye Wenlu's mentality is indeed more like an old man. Even though he is younger than Mark, Delia, and Wuming, his mentality is older.

There was no conversation that night. The next morning, Wuming sat on the horse's back, dozing off while controlling his legs to clamp the saddle. He looked like he was going to fall off the horse's back several times, but then he would sit back swayingly.

Mark, Ni Hongye, and Delia were all very uncomfortable with his neither-up nor down attitude.

At first, they were afraid that Wuming would fall off the horse, and he would die.

But they were relieved when Wuming didn't fall off the horse for several times in a row. However, when they saw Wuming's posture gradually tilted, as if he would fall off the horse in the next second, they couldn't help but feel nervous, and even wanted to go forward to straighten Wuming.

When Wuming sat up again, everyone breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

"Master Wuming, why don't you go into the carriage and sleep for a while?" Ye Wenlu asked with a wry smile when he saw that everyone else was not in the mood to hurry.

Wuming said dazedly: "No, the horse knows the way by itself, you just need to pay attention to the surroundings."

After that, he continued to doze off.

He especially missed the Shell of All Laws now. If he had the Shell of All Laws, he could run to the inner space of the horse and catch up on his sleep directly.

In the morning, without any danger, everyone climbed over two mountains and saw a village across the river at the bottom of the mountain from a distance.

The village is not particularly large. It is estimated that there are about a hundred households. The neatly arranged fields are lush and green, and there are little people walking around the fields, which is peaceful.

"Finally I saw someone." Mark breathed a sigh of relief.

Wuming simply took off the water bag, poured water on his face, and then wiped his face, smiling: "The next step is to figure out the geographical location and then set off to the destination, Wuming Peak."

"It's better to be careful. I will go to get the news later, and you will guard the escort car. If something happens to me, you can also rescue one or two." Ye Wenlu said at this time.

He is an old man, and others can't want anything from him, and it is not so easy to arouse the villagers' vigilance, so it is easier to get information.

"That makes sense. Old Ye will go to get the information later. We will support them in secret. If there is any problem... we will just kill them directly." Wuming nodded.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‎‏In order to complete the task and pass the level, he even killed the trial participants, not to mention the creatures in the level.

If necessary, he can actually be cruel and kill them.

The crowd made a difficult way through the forest and walked down the mountain. They were originally walking along the path trampled by pedestrians, but the road was gone when they reached this section. Now they can only make their own way.

Wuming held a knife in his hand and kept chopping off the branches and grass leaves that blocked the road in front of him. The same was true for Nihongye on the other side. The two of them worked together to slowly kill their way out.

"There is a problem." Wuming suddenly said.

Everyone looked at him. Wuming closed his eyes and instantly went through the various scenes he had just seen in his mind.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and frowned, saying, "It's really not right."

"What's wrong?" Ye Wenlu asked.

Wuming turned his horse and said, "Follow me."

As they said that, they circled back to the high place just now. Looking down the mountain from the high place, the village below the mountain was still peaceful and tranquil, and the years were quiet and good.

"What a paradise." Ye Wenlu said with a smile.

Wuming asked, "Don't you think there is something wrong?"

"Is there? No!" Mark blinked, but still didn't find the problem.

At this time, Ni Hongye frowned and said, "This place is too beautiful, and the houses are built too well. From our angle, we can almost see everything around. This village... There is no road leading to other villages. It is really isolated from the world!"

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