I Contracted Myself

【1065】Ghost Village

"What's wrong with that?"

Delia saw Ni Hongye's face becoming serious and couldn't help but ask.

"For more than a hundred households, the food grown in the fields below may not be enough to eat. If there are roads leading to other villages, it can also be explained. For example, some people do not rely on farming to make a living. They may also raise silkworms and do carpentry, but There is not even a way for people to walk out around the village, which means that the village must be closed and there is indeed a problem." Ye Wenlu said with a frown.

Wuming smiled and said: "Yes, and there are only more than a hundred households. Don't you think this house is too well built and too new?"

"What if it is a newly built village? This makes sense. The crops are not enough because they still have surplus food. The houses are too new because they were originally built. Yes, there is no road to other villages, that’s because it hasn’t been opened yet,” Mark suddenly thought of a possibility and said excitedly.

Wuming and others all looked at Mark, and Ye Wenlu said with a half-smile, "Why don't you go explore the situation?"

"Uh... Didn't I just say that you should go, Lao Ye? Hey, hey, I'll forget it. He doesn't look like someone from here. He's blond and blue-eyed. What if the villagers treat him as a monster?" Mark immediately backed down. road.

Wuming said speechlessly: "Okay, safety first, we won't enter the village and continue to the next mountain."

"Well, safety first, let's take the lead in the last step!" Mark nodded immediately.

Everyone continued to move forward, with Wuming and Ni Hongye leading the way. Mark and Delia were responsible for guarding both sides of the escort vehicle, while Ye Wenlu was responsible for driving the escort vehicle.

There is indeed a big difference between having roads and not having roads.

It took a full day for Wuming and the others to walk from one mountain to the mountainside of another mountain. Finally, they stopped on a huge black stone and prepared to spend the night here.

The location of this place is quite good. You can see the surrounding terrain clearly, and you can even look back and see the village just now, but the village has become a small square.

As night falls, a bonfire is raised.

"Hey, look!" Mark suddenly took a breath, patted Ye Wenlu next to him, and whispered.

Everyone followed his gaze to look at the village in the distance. The whole village was emitting a faint green light, and it suddenly changed from a paradise in the daytime to a ghostly place.

"Sure enough, there is a problem." Ye Wenlu said.

Wuming was silent for a moment and said: "It seems that the real danger in this world comes from ghosts. I wonder if the internal force can cause harm to them."

"It shouldn't be possible. According to the nature of most internal forces in the world, they are unable to cause harm to ghosts and monsters. However, there are some worlds that have cultivated pure Yang and extremely strong and powerful internal forces that can burn ghosts with their blood. But our internal strength obviously does not have such attributes," Ye Wenlu said.

He then knocked on his pipe and said with a smile: "Normally speaking, if you want to cause harm to ghosts and monsters, you have to cultivate your true energy, and your true energy must be spoken professionally, ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏ ‎‎‏‏As far as I know, there are martial arts such as Dragon Evil Kung Fu, Pure Yang Fishing Qi Kung, Nine Yang Divine Kung Fu, etc., which can be used to defeat all kinds of demons and demons.”

"Can Pure Yang Fishing Qigong restrain ghosts? Then I'll give it a try." Wuming laughed after hearing this.

Although he has not practiced all kinds of messy skills in the world, he has seen not only tens of billions but also hundreds of billions of skills. It's just that there are too many skills. If there is no goal, it will not be of much use. You can't do just one skill. Practice each method to test it.

After a moment, he said in disappointment: "If you can't practice, give up."

It was clear that there was internal power in his body, but he could not gather the internal power by practicing Chunyang Diao Qigong. Then he tried to use the breathing method of Chunyang Diao Qigong to gather the new internal power, but he didn't even feel it at all.

With his current understanding and body control, he can basically tell whether the technique can be used or not in a test, and there is no possibility of making wrong judgments.

"Actually, I know a lot of martial arts skills. I tried a lot from yesterday to today, but basically they all ended in failure." Ye Wenlu said with a sly smile.

He just found that martial arts skills couldn't be practiced, so he spoke out openly.

"Perhaps only the skills acquired in this world can be practiced. Otherwise, those trialists who bring their own secrets would be equivalent to using a cheat at this level." Ni Hongye said calmly.

Wuming searched a few more martial arts books in his mind and tried them, but sure enough it still didn't work.

Although he felt that it wouldn't work at the beginning, he just subconsciously felt that it wouldn't work at that time, so he had no idea of ​​​​experimenting. Now after Ye Wenlu reminded him, he had the idea of ​​​​experimenting, but the result...it really didn't work.

To put it simply, he subconsciously ignored it before, but now... the result is the same whether he ignores it or not.

Tonight, obviously no one dares to really sleep. After all, the ghost village is far away. Who knows if there will be any changes in the middle of the night.

Everyone gathered around the bonfire, chatting about all kinds of things, and they talked about men's favorite topics.

"Back then, I was in Taizhou, Nanshan, in the Eastern Wilderness World, and I caught a Kunpeng. That guy was really big. It turned into a Dapeng immediately after it came out of the water. It spread its wings and was about to fly away. I held on to the fishing rod tightly and talked with it. After a stalemate for fifteen years, I finally caught it ashore." When Ye Wenlu talked about his fishing experience, his face suddenly lightened up, as if he was coming back. To the glory days of those days.

Wuming asked curiously: "The problem is that Kunpeng turns into Dapeng when it comes out of the water, so are you fishing for fish or birds?"

"Of course it's a fish. It's still a fish when it bites the hook, so how can it not be a fish?" Ye Wenlu was immediately anxious when Wuming questioned him, and he argued with dancing and excitement.

Wuming smiled and said: "But Dapeng is a bird. Did you eat bird wings or fish fins in the end?"

"What do you care what I eat? Anyway, I'm fishing for fish." Ye Wenlu blew his beard and glared.

Everyone laughed at Wuming and Ye Wenlu's debate. Suddenly, Mark felt that something was wrong with the corner of his eyes. He immediately looked behind Wuming, and the next moment his pupils contracted and his eyes widened.

He immediately patted Wuming, and then patted Ye Wenlu. The two looked at Mark first, and then immediately looked in the direction of the ghost village.

Many villagers were wearing silk clothes, beating gongs and drums and walking in the front, followed by four sedan bearers carrying a red sedan in the middle, and a row of people playing suona and walking at the end.

This group of people caused a lot of confusion, and they were walking with green light, and they were slowly moving along the road that Wuming and others had opened before.

"They are not good people!" Ye Wenlu said solemnly.

Wuming stood up and said, "Why are you still sitting there? Let's go!"

They didn't have any means to deal with the ghosts for the time being, so if they stayed, they would just be waiting for death.

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