I Contracted Myself

【1066】Tiger bites man

Although traveling at night is very dangerous, it is obvious that the ghost bride's wedding is more dangerous. Wuming and others can only choose the lesser of two evils and run away quickly.

Everyone got on their horses and ran away directly. Wuming and Ni Hongye still walked in the front, using knives to quickly clear the way.

Fortunately, this time they still have the extraordinary power of internal force in their bodies, so they will not be sore after chopping a few trees, and the speed of clearing the way is not slow.

In addition, the ghost bride's wedding team is not fast, and Mark found it early, so until daytime, the ghost bride did not catch up with Wuming and others.

Wuming yawned, and when he saw the sun coming out, he breathed a sigh of relief, took off a poisonous snake on his wrist, and said, "Breakfast is in hand."

With the Golden Silk Wire Kung Fu for self-defense, the poisonous snakes can't even bite his skin. ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‏He was attacked by poisonous snakes several times at night, all of which were blocked by him with the Golden Silk Wire Kung Fu.

At this time, he had several colorful belts hanging around his waist, all of which were snake bodies with heads cut off.

He cut off the head of the venomous snake and hung it around his waist. Looking at Mark behind him, his mouth twitched slightly, but he was a little envious. The defense of the Golden Wire Kung Fu was great. If it wasn't too difficult, he really wanted to learn it well. At least in this level, it would greatly increase the probability of survival.

If you can't stop ghosts, it's not bad to be able to stop wild beasts.

At about nine o'clock in the morning, Wuming and his friends stopped in a valley, made a fire and grilled meat for breakfast.

After breakfast, everyone decided to rest until twelve o'clock, and then continue on their way. Otherwise, if they were not in good condition, it would be troublesome to encounter ghosts.

Even if they didn't encounter ghosts, they would need to deal with bandits or something. They couldn't do it without a good condition.

"By the way, what if the ghost bride chases us at night?" Mark asked while lying on the ground.

Wuming lay on the horse's back, closed his eyes, and answered casually: "What else can we do? Before we have a way to deal with it, we can only run. Of course... if you want to stay and be the groom, it's not impossible."

"Uh..." Mark was speechless.

At noon, everyone got up with difficulty and continued to move forward.

After walking for about two hours, there was a road in front of them, but Wuming and others were already scared, fearing that this road would send them to a ghost village, ghost town, or ghost city, so they tacitly did not take the right road, but walked along the road, but walked in the woods not far from the road.

After another hour, a prosperous town appeared in front of everyone.

This town is connected in all directions. There is a village not far from the town. Even if you are more than ten meters away, you can hear the bustling sounds in the town, which is very lively.

"Do you want to go in?" Mark asked.

Wuming shook his head and said, "Safety first, let's find a place to spend the night first and see if there will be any changes at night."

"As expected of Lord Wuming, he is really steady." Mark smiled immediately.

The group bypassed the town and finally spent the night in a forest not far from the town. They could see the houses and even some residents when they looked up.

These residents were full of life and did not look like ghosts under the scorching sun.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‎‎Wuming and others observed for a while, and then rested separately. The main reason was that they did not rest enough in the morning. If they had to continue running at night, they would have little rest time left, so everyone cherished it.

Gradually, the sky darkened.

Wuming was the first to open his eyes. He looked in the direction of the town and found that the whole town was dark, much darker than outside, and there was no light from the houses. It seemed that people here did not light up the lights.

"Sure enough, there is something strange." Ye Wenlu said faintly at this time.

Ni Hongye frowned and said, "Who is the person in there..."

"It should be a person, but it is not." Delia said calmly. She was actually the first one to wake up among the group, so she saw a lot of interesting scenes.

She whispered, "People here seem to follow some kind of rules. They must go home before the sun sets completely, and they must go home to sleep."

"In other words, going home to sleep may help avoid some dangers?" Ye Wenlu guessed.

Wuming smiled and said, "It may also be an ostrich mentality, equivalent to putting the dishes on the plate and letting the monsters choose. As long as the monsters don't eat all the dishes in one breath, everyone will consider it safe."

"Hiss, when you say that, I feel a little cold on my back." Mark said in horror at this time.

Wuming looked behind him and said, "Let's go. It seems that the ghost bride has really set her sights on us. If we don't leave, it will be troublesome."

"Fuck, how come it's so close!" Mark looked back and exclaimed. Last night, they traveled all night, so the ghost bride was actually several kilometers away from them, but now it is only a few hundred meters away.

This shows that when they were resting, the ghost bride was not afraid of the sun, but followed behind them all the time, but under the scorching sun, it was in a state of invisibility, so Wuming and others did not find it.

Wuming got on the horse and sighed, "It's a pity that there is no way to deal with them, and the methods we know are probably ineffective against them."

"By the way, are you really not curious about the goods at all?" Mark asked suddenly after he saw the box in the escort car after getting on the horse.

Wuming said calmly, "It is a taboo for escorts to move goods without permission. Maybe the moment you open the goods is equivalent to a failure of escort, and then you will die. Now‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‎Are you still curious?"

"No, no." Mark shook his head quickly.

Next, everyone continued to travel, but the speed was much slower than before. It was not that Wuming and his friends were too tired, but the horses could not bear it.

Wuming and his friends were exhausted, not to mention the horses.

These horses were good horses that were good at long-distance raids, but they could not withstand the tossing of Wuming and his friends day and night. Although Wuming consciously increased their food, it was still difficult to keep them in good condition.

If this continued, it was estimated that within four or five days, the horses would be useless.

But now Wuming and his friends had no choice but to endure it. If the ghost bride continued to chase them, they might have to venture into the town they found later to see if there was any way to crack it.

In the middle of the night, the horses moved forward with difficulty. Wuming closed his eyes and waved his hands instinctively to cut off the branches blocking the road around him.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and whispered, "Everyone cheer up, a big guy is coming."

The tired crowd was suddenly startled, and the next moment they saw a burly tiger rushing out of the dense grass and rushing towards Delia at an extremely terrifying speed. The horses were frightened and the formation suddenly changed slightly.

Delia drew her sword instantly, and the blade reflected the moonlight.

The next second, the tiger was illuminated by the sword light and turned sharply to rush towards Mark. The horse under Mark's buttocks had been frightened and its legs were weak. Seeing the tiger approaching, it immediately knelt on the ground in cooperation. Mark looked up and saw the tiger opening its bloody mouth to bite him.

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