I Contracted Myself

【1067】Close to science

Although Mark always said that he was not good at close combat, when the real thing came, he showed a strong reaction ability. He raised his hand to press against the tiger's chin, and his body naturally slid to the side of the horse's back, and one leg hit the tiger's abdomen while sliding down.

With this push, he immediately rolled over with the follow-up power when he landed, and easily avoided the tiger's attack.

The tiger landed on the horse's back, but did not bite the horse's back, but turned his head to look at Mark rolling on the ground, but at this time Wuming drew his sword to kill, and the tiger had to give up Mark and turned to run into the bushes.

"Don't run!"

Wuming shot a dart, but it fell into the bushes and failed to hit the tiger.

"Hurry up, hurry up, the ghost bride is chasing us!" Ye Wenlu reminded at this time.

Wuming looked up and saw a pale figure beating gongs and drums not far away, walking towards them, and it was estimated that it was only seventy or eighty meters away.

He immediately turned around and got on the horse, saying, "Let's go!"

The horse immediately ran, and Mark jumped on his horse but found that the horse was still lying on the ground and dared not move. He had to give up the horse, quickly catch up with the escort car, and sit on the coachman's seat of the escort car.

"My horse is gone." Mark said depressedly to Ye Wenlu next to him.

Ye Wenlu couldn't help laughing and said, "So now we can only call you 'Ke' or 'Ake'?"


Mark was speechless. He still had the mind to joke at this time. He was convinced.

At this time, the screams of the horse came from behind, and everyone turned back, only to see that the horse that had just been lying on the ground had disappeared, replaced by the sedan chair of the ghost bride.

"Fuck, so wild, even the horse was not spared." Mark said in shock.

Ye Wenlu said solemnly: "Maybe it is some kind of rule-based ghost, and it will die if touched."

"No, if it is this kind of existence, the horse cannot scream, because it is dead the moment it is touched." Wuming said at this time.

Immediately afterwards, he began to doubt whether the ghost bride behind him was a ghost.

They had a preconceived notion and regarded the other party as a ghost or something like that. In fact, there was no evidence to prove that they were ghosts.

"Do you think that is really a ghost?" Wuming asked directly.

Ye Wenlu frowned and said, "If it is not a ghost, then what is it?"

"I don't know, but it may not be a ghost." Wuming said.

Of course, he would definitely not risk his life to verify what the ghost bride behind him is, but once the seed of doubt sprouts, he will always remain suspicious in his heart.

Then everyone continued to hurry on their way, so as not to be caught up by the ghost bride, and did not stop until daytime.

Wuming had been paying attention to the ghost bride behind him. When dawn was about to come, the ghost bride's team stopped and did not continue to chase them. Now they were far behind them and could not see them clearly.

"I'm so tired, I have to sleep for a while." Mark simply climbed onto the carriage of the escort car and lay down to sleep directly.

Wuming got off the horse and said, "Hongye, come with me."

"Okay!" Ni Hongye said without hesitation.

Seeing the two walking back, Ye Wenlu said, "Be careful on the road. If something goes wrong, run away quickly."

"This is not crying until you see the coffin." Then, he took a puff of cigarette and whispered to himself. According to his experience, it is definitely a ghost or something like a ghost. Even if it is daytime, it is very dangerous to approach rashly.

Wuming and Ni Hongye walked back and stopped after a few minutes.

Both of them noticed that something was wrong in front of them. This road was cut out by them with knives, and they knew best what was on the ground.

At this time, the ground in front of them bulged slightly, forming a long bulge, as if something was buried underneath.

"What do you think it is?" Wuming asked in a low voice.

Ni Hongye tightened the knife in his hand and said, "Snake?"

"I also suspect it is a snake, but if it is really a snake, it is too long." Wuming frowned and said.

From that weird village, they have been following them to this place. There are many things that cannot be explained, such as what happened to that village?

If this snake really came from that village, why would the village be filled with ghosts at night?

It doesn't make sense.

Ni Hongye took out a dart and said, "We'll know if there's any problem if we try it out."

They hadn't dared to go back before, so they hadn't found such a bulge. Now that they had found it, they had to figure it out.

"Then let's try it!" Wuming nodded.

Ni Hongye moved her internal force to her right arm, shouted secretly, and threw the dart at the bulge. With her strength, the dart shot into the soil like a bullet.

The bulge vibrated, and then something twisted under the soil.

"Be careful!"

Wuming pulled Ni Hongye back quickly.

The front part of the bulge on the ground, about ten meters long, exploded, and a giant red snake poked its head out.

It was very flat, with a dark belly and a red back. Its shape was somewhat similar to that of a cobra, but its eyes were like two large lanterns.

When it opened its eyes, the eyes slowly rose up, like the tentacles of a snail.

"These are the two people holding lanterns and walking in front of the ghost bride team." Ni Hongye recognized the eyes of the giant snake in an instant.

The scales on the giant snake's back slowly opened, and vivid characters appeared on its back, some beating gongs and some beating drums. At the same time, a sedan chair appeared on the bulge of its back, and a woman's laughter could be heard faintly.

The whole team was actually created by its scales.

"I've learned a lot." Wuming said in amazement.

Ni Hongye clenched the knife in his hand and asked in a low voice: "Master Wuming, can you beat it?"

"I don't know, let's try it first. Stay away and hit its eyes when you get the chance." Wuming replied.

Ni Hongye nodded and said: "Okay!"

While speaking, Wuming rushed towards the giant snake. The giant snake hissed, raised its head and lowered it sharply, and its body quickly rushed towards Wuming, opening its mouth to swallow Wuming.

Unfortunately, such an attack was basically equivalent to playing house in Wuming's eyes. He turned sideways at the right time while running, and then slashed at the giant snake's mouth with a knife, preparing to skin it alive along the corner of the giant snake's mouth.

However, just when his knife was about to cut the corner of the giant snake's mouth, the scales on its back pretending to be drummers unexpectedly stretched out their hands and blocked Wuming's knife with drumsticks.

Wuming looked up and saw the drummer's smiling face. This face...


Wuming's pupils shrank instantly and his body quickly retreated. The giant snake immediately turned around, using its length advantage to surround Wuming and quickly narrowed the space in the circle.

"So that's what happened!"

Wuming finally knew what the red light he saw at night was.

The scales of this snake are all transparent. Blood flows through the capillaries under the scales, and then reflects the moonlight and hits these scales, so the scales are naturally covered with a layer of red light.

What's more terrifying is that the human figures in the scales are not fake, but people eaten by the giant snake. They are only left with a piece of human skin and clothes absorbed into the scales. When the giant snake bulges its scales, they are like a person between a paper man and an inflatable doll.

It looks normal from a distance, but it is extremely terrifying when you look at it up close.

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