I Contracted Myself

【1069】Chen Quanyong

In the evening, the sun sets in the west, and the sky is full of red clouds.

The high mountains are dyed red, and the low mountains are covered with black, like an ink painting.

The sound of wheels rang out in the forest. Wuming and his group slowly walked out of the forest. Seeing a dilapidated temple in the distance, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

A temple means there are people.

They can finally get some information.

The group continued on their way and arrived at the dilapidated temple when night fell. After confirming again and again that the dilapidated temple was not a mimic creature, everyone entered the temple.

"Jiaoshan Temple? It's not a land god temple or a mountain god temple." Ye Wenlu glanced at the plaque of the temple and said in surprise.

Mark glanced at the statue in the temple and said, "So this mountain is called Jiaoshan?"

"It's hard to say. What if this statue is called Jiaoshan? As far as I know, there was a Mr. Jiaoshan in ancient times on Earth. Jiaoshan has courage. Have you heard of him?" Wuming glanced at the statue and continued.

That being said, he actually didn't believe that it would be related to Mr. Jiaoshan. After all, there are no creatures like snail snakes on Earth.

It is very likely that the name of this mountain is Jiaoshan, as Mark guessed, so this is still a mountain temple, Jiaoshan Mountain Temple!

After confirming that there were no poisonous snakes or insects in the temple, everyone built a bonfire in the temple and took out dry food to heat it up and eat it with water.

After eating, Wuming lay on a piece of rag to rest, and the others also rested, leaving only Mark to guard the first half of the night.

Beep, beep, beep...

Mark was bored, so he found a small wooden stick and poked the bonfire from time to time. Finally, he simply knocked on the firewood that had not yet burned. He never thought that the sound was a bit like the sound of a wooden fish, so he pretended to be a monk, chanting and knocking continuously, which really looked a bit like that.

At this time, there was a sudden voice outside the temple, followed by a rustling for a while, and a burly man dressed as a warrior walked in. He first glanced around the temple, and then asked: "The wild mountains and ridges are dangerous at night. I wonder if I can spend a night in the temple with you heroes?"

"I wonder how many people there are?" Mark asked.

The man replied: "It's just me, my family and an apprentice."

"Then come in." Mark glanced at Wuming, and seeing that Wuming did not object, he spoke. The main reason is that this Jiaoshan Temple is not opened by their family. If someone really wants to come in for a night, they can't refuse.

After a while, the burly man came in with his family and apprentice. His family was a wife and a son and a daughter. The son was only about one year old and needed his wife to hold him. The daughter was about five years old and held her mother's hand tightly, while curiously looking at Wuming and others.

Finally, the man's apprentice, who looked quite handsome and was about fifteen to eighteen years old, was difficult to tell his real age mainly because the ancients were generally malnourished and developed slowly.

The man sat in the other corner of the campfire, using his huge body to block his family behind him, while the apprentice sat on the left side, holding a big knife in his hand.

The big knife was about one meter and seventy long, quite heavy and domineering, but it was obviously not suitable for the apprentice who was only about one meter and sixty in height. It was probably the weapon of the burly man.

In fact, we can also see something from the posture of the apprentice holding the knife. The scabbard of the knife was facing the left. As long as the angle was slightly adjusted, the burly man could stand up and hold the handle to pull out the knife.

From these details, Wuming came to a conclusion that the man had no bad intentions and probably just wanted to find a place to spend the night.

After all, the burly man who came in just now did not bring a knife.

The bonfire was still burning, Wuming yawned and continued to sleep, and Mark was bored and chatted with the burly man.

The two knew each other's names and identities during the conversation. After knowing that Wuming and others were escorts and were escorting, the burly man immediately relaxed a lot and spoke boldly.

This person's name is Chen Quanyong, and he is the eldest disciple of the owner of the Overlord Sword Hall in Niugang City.

The reason why he appeared in Jiaoshan Temple today was mainly because his beloved son Chen Shandao had a strange disease. He would cry every midnight. Although he was fine at the time, strange scars would appear on his body the next day.

This disease was strange and abnormal, and all the doctors in the city were helpless. In desperation, he could only ask for help from his master, and finally got his guidance and crossed mountains and ridges to find the miracle doctor Bai Yaoxian.

"The miraculous doctor Bai Yaoxian is said to be able to bring the dead back to life and cure all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases in the world. Fifty years ago, he even cured a strange disease for the emperor and was named the best needle in the world by the emperor. If we can find him, my son's strange disease will definitely be cured. Unfortunately, his whereabouts have always been elusive, and I don't know if he has left Taizhou now." Chen Quanyong said with some worry.

Mark comforted: "The miraculous doctor must not have left. Maybe we can look for him in the surrounding villages."

"Where are there villages in Taizhou?" Chen Quanyong looked at Mark in confusion, and even became a little alert.

Mark was surprised and said: "Is there no village in Taizhou? We encountered a village before, but the experience was quite terrifying."

As he spoke, he told the story of encountering the snail snake, how he noticed something was wrong, how he escaped later, and even how he saw through the snail snake, as if the story happened to him.

"If there is no village, why would the strange snail snake pretend to be a village?" Mark asked at last.

Chen Quanyong and the others all took a deep breath after hearing this. His apprentice was even more shocked and said, "It turns out that the legendary Zhong Kui marrying his sister is actually a monster disguised as a snail snake!"

"If we enter that village, I'm afraid we will be dead." Chen Quanyong nodded.

Then he looked at Mark again, his face slightly relieved, and said, "I think this is not the first time for you to escort in Taizhou, but you haven't come in recent years. In the past few years, Taizhou was plagued by zombies, and the villages could not resist the invasion of zombies, so the surrounding cities absorbed the villagers of the surrounding villages to resist the zombie plague together. The zombie plague was solved last year, so no village in Taizhou has been restored so far, only fifteen cities."

"Fifteen cities? The small town we passed by when we were chased by the ghost bride before..." Mark widened his eyes and said in disbelief.

Chen Quanyong also said solemnly: "It's hard to say, maybe it's a spirit or a ghost."

"Okay, let's not talk about these ghosts and gods at night, let's talk about something else." Mark saw that the atmosphere was a bit solemn and his wife hiding behind Chen Quanyong seemed a little scared, so he smiled and changed the subject.

Then, the two talked about everything, from martial arts to the fifteen cities, and then from the fifteen cities to the famous rivers and mountains.

Mark took the opportunity to ask: "By the way, I wonder if Brother Chen has heard of Wuming Peak?"

"You are talking about the origin of the zombie plague, Wuming Mountain?" Chen Quanyong asked in surprise.

Mark widened his eyes and wanted to say something, but suddenly there was footsteps outside the temple again. The two immediately looked in the direction of the temple gate, and suddenly there was only the crackling sound of burning flames in the temple.

It seems to be a bit lively tonight.

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