I Contracted Myself

【1070】The theory of ghosts

The other party seemed to be hesitant about whether to come in, and was pacing back and forth outside the dark temple gate.

Chen Quanyong felt something was wrong and shouted, "Who is outside!!!"

As soon as he shouted, the footsteps outside the door immediately fled quickly, but then there was a scream, and the voice of "Help, help" could be heard faintly.

Mark and Chen Quanyong both stood up, feeling a little hesitant.

"In this case, could it be a ghost who is helping the tiger?" Chen Quanyong thought about it and said his guess.

Mark frowned and said, "What abilities does the ghost have?"

"The ghost will appear at night, usually wandering outside the room. If someone in the house shouts or opens the door, it will disappear like a gust of wind, but then there will be a cry for help. If someone dares to save people, they will often never come back." Chen Quanyong said.

After listening to this, Mark couldn't help but complain: "Brother Chen, what you said seems to be all right. I'm afraid that the ghost pacing back and forth outside just now is a ghost, but there are really ghosts in this world?"

Before, they thought that the ghost bride was a ghost, but it turned out to be a snail snake. So could this ghost be something else?

"I have never seen a ghost, but I have seen zombies and killed zombies with my own hands." Chen Quanyong replied.

At this time, the cry for help gradually became smaller and finally disappeared completely.

Mark and Chen Quanyong did not relax their vigilance and continued to stare at the door. After about ten minutes, the two sat down again. Chen Quanyong said: "That thing should have left."

"Huh, I thought it would rush in just now." Mark breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Quanyong smiled and said: "As long as it can be killed with a knife, I will kill as many as it comes. Besides, there are many people here, and that thing will definitely not dare to come in if it has a brain."

Then the two returned to the previous topic.

Wuming Peak is also called Wuming Mountain. As for why it is called this name, Chen Quanyong is not sure.

But after investigation, the source of the zombie crisis basically points to Wuming Mountain, and the initial outbreak point is a village at the foot of Wuming Mountain.

"Strange, Wuming Mountain is now a place that everyone avoids, why are there still people who entrust the delivery of goods to Wuming Mountain?" Chen Quanyong muttered softly after learning that Mark and others' destination was Wuming Mountain.

Mark smiled and said, "Maybe it's a relative of a villager at the foot of Wuming Mountain. After making a fortune in other places, he wants to send something back. Unfortunately... This makes our mission a little troublesome."

"Well, that makes sense." Chen Quanyong nodded.

At this time, Chen Quanyong's wife whispered in Chen Quanyong's ear, and Chen Quanyong nodded and said, "Well, you and Renhe go to bed first, I will keep watch tonight."

"Dad, I will also keep watch with you." Chen Quanyong's daughter said lively.

Chen Quanyong scratched her hair and said, "If a child doesn't sleep well, he will be taken away by wolves. Daddy is an adult and is not afraid, but Song'er is a child, so he has to sleep well."

"But I'm not sleepy." Chen Song'er said.

At this time, Mark heard Chen Quanyong's wife whispering to Chen Song'er, and finally Chen Song'er had to sleep reluctantly.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‎As the night deepened, Mark and Chen Quanyong didn't talk anymore. The main reason was that they were more tired as the night went on. The two of them needed to consume a lot of energy to keep watch, and talking would be even more tiring.

Around three o'clock in the morning, footsteps suddenly came from outside the temple gate.

Mark and Chen Quanyong both looked up, looked at each other, and then stood up and picked up their weapons. It seemed that the other party was not giving up. So even if they didn't succeed today, they might follow them tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If they acted at night and didn't have the temple to rely on, it would be dangerous.

Simply, kill it once and for all!

There is no doubt that Mark and Chen Quanyong had the same idea.

The two slowly drew their swords and walked slowly towards the temple gate. They rushed out of the temple gate at the same time, but they were empty-handed.

Suddenly, they heard the cry of a child coming from the temple. Their faces changed and they turned around and ran into the temple. When they entered the temple, they saw Chen Quanyong's wife holding a girl and comforting her crying daughter. The little apprentice next to her was still looking at the ground in shock. There was a white tiger tail on the ground.

Wuming stood by the campfire with a knife, and blood was dripping on the blade.

This Jiaoshan Temple has no windows, but there are several long and flat vents, about three meters away from the temple wall.

However, this vent is quite narrow, and even a child cannot get out. The tiger stuck its tail in to catch people, probably more to make the people in the temple mess up first, but Wuming did not expect that he would react so quickly. As soon as it wrapped Chen Quanyong's daughter, Wuming drew his sword and cut off its tail.

"That beast was really cunning, and almost got into trouble. Thank you for saving my daughter's life. If you need me in the future, just tell me, I, Chen Quanyong, will definitely help you with all my strength." Chen Quanyong was afraid at first, then looked at Wuming with gratitude and said with a fist.

Wuming smiled and said, "Okay, okay, we are not very familiar with the territory of Taizhou. If you can give me a map, it would be the best."

"Map, yes!" Chen Quanyong didn't expect Wuming to ask for it right away, but he nodded immediately.

He took out a map from his chest and said, "This is the latest map of Taizhou. Only fifteen cities are marked, and there are some places that cannot be easily approached after the disaster."

Wuming took the map and opened it, glanced at it and closed his eyes, then opened his eyes and glanced again, and said, "Okay, thank you."

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‏‏As he said this, he returned the map to Chen Quanyong.

"Brave man, this is..." Chen Quanyong said in surprise.

He actually needed the map, but thinking that he had just made a promise, it seemed not good to refuse Wuming's request, so he gritted his teeth and gave the map to Wuming. Who knew that Wuming took a look and returned it.

Mark smiled and said, "Wuming should have remembered the map. You should comfort your daughter quickly."

"Okay, okay." Chen Quanyong was very surprised, but when he saw his daughter still crying, he immediately ignored other things and hurried forward to comfort his frightened daughter with his wife.

Mark asked after Chen Quanyong left, "Master Wuming, did you really remember it?"

Without the extraordinary energy to nourish his brain, he would have to spend a lot of time even if he wanted to remember the map. Wuming remembered the map after just a glance, which was already an extraordinary ability.

"The map is not difficult to remember, but the tiger tonight must be eliminated." Wuming said casually.

A white tiger, with a tail thicker than his arm, is definitely not an ordinary animal.

Adding to the previous conversation between Chen Quanyong and Mark about the ghost, Wuming suspected that the tiger was also similar to the snail snake.

Animals have many behavioral patterns, some hold grudges, and some do not.

Tigers are obviously the type that hold grudges.

With this knife, both sides will definitely fight to the death.

Although Wuming really hopes that the tiger will be as cowardly as the snail snake, he has a hunch that the tiger will not give up.

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