I Contracted Myself

【1071】The medicine boy vomits secrets

If a tiger's tail is injured, it will inevitably leave blood stains.

Wu Ming, Mark and Chen Quanyong said something, then walked out of Jiaoshan Temple, walked around the right wall and saw some blood stains, and the two of them chased after the blood stains.

The moonlight was hazy, and the two chased him for two or three minutes. It was difficult to find any traces of blood in the overgrown weeds.

Wuming's nose moved, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he whispered: "Good guy, I still want to counterattack or sneak attack in this situation."

"Where?" Mark suddenly became nervous, constantly looking around, and asked in a low voice.

Wuming suddenly rushed to the right side quickly. He didn't care about anything in the grass and just rushed forward. Then a white and colorful tiger suddenly jumped out of the dense forest, roaring and pounced on Wuming.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, Wuming rolled over violently, and at the same time, the knife slashed the tiger's belly from under his own ribs.

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏It sounds nice, but it’s actually similar to a slide shovel.

It's just that Wuming rolled on the spot and gave the tiger a knife in its soft belly.

The tiger landed and fell down immediately. Wuming stood up and put the knife in its sheath. Mark hurriedly caught up with him. When he saw the tiger, he was surprised and said, "Is this the end?"

"You still want to fight for 300 rounds? This is just a little clever beast." Wuming complained.

But then the sound of rapid breathing came from the tiger's belly, and the sound unexpectedly sounded like a human being.

Wuming frowned and stepped forward, opening the tiger's belly. Most tigers only have one stomach, but it actually had two stomachs like a cow.

The breathing sound came from the front of the stomach.

Wuming pulled out the knife and cut open the forestomach little by little. Inside was a living human head!

There were many fine blood vessels connecting the severed part of the human head to the entire stomach, so that even though only the head was left, the man was still alive inside the tiger's body.

"No wonder I heard someone shouting for help before. It turned out to be this thing. Could it be the so-called ghost?" Mark said in surprise.

Wuming squatted down and looked at the human head. He was a little curious about whether the human head still had self-awareness, so he broke off a nearby branch and poked the human head on the cheek. The human head suddenly opened his eyes and took a big breath with difficulty.

"Help, help!" He stared at Wuming and said hoarsely.

Wuming looked at him and said calmly: "But you are already dead, and the tiger that ate you is about to die, so you will probably die again."


The man's head was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that there was no body under his neck.

He was confused at first, then fearful, and then his head shook, and he said with resentment on his face: "It's all Master's fault, it's all Master's fault. Let me tell you a big secret. The zombie is my Master Bai Yaoxianfeng." Because of the research on the elixir of life, all the lives in Taizhou were killed by my master Bai Yaoxian. Go tell everyone and tell the world that the world’s number one miracle doctor is actually a ruthless executioner!”

At the end of the sentence, his face was distorted and hysterical, as if he wanted to swallow Bai Yaoxian alive.

"Then where is your master?" Wuming asked calmly.

This disaster is nothing. He has saved the world countless times, saved all the worlds many times, what this man said‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ It wasn't enough to move him in any way.

After listening to the nameless question, the head opened its mouth to answer, but its expression gradually became dull, and finally the head completely lost its color and died.

As he died, the tiger's heart also stopped beating.

Obviously, the tiger and the human head are already in a symbiotic relationship. If the tiger dies, the human head will also die.

"Let's go."

Wuming looked at it for a while and confirmed that the tiger was indeed dead, so he stood up and said.

"Master Wuming, do you think everything he said is true?" Mark followed Wuming and asked curiously.

Wuming walked back and said calmly: "Whether it is true or false, it has nothing to do with us. We only need to deliver the goods to Wuming Peak and then clear the game!"

"That's right." Mark nodded.

Wuming didn't tell Mark, but he actually had a hunch that the boss of this level might be Bai Yaoxian, and the location of Bai Yaoxian was most likely Wuming Peak.

There should be no ghosts in this world, but there are many strange creatures.

The zombie disaster may be the result of some mysterious creatures. Bai Yaoxian must have some understanding of some mysterious creatures, so he can use the abilities of these creatures to create zombies.

The two returned to Jiaoshan Temple. When Chen Quanyong saw the two coming back so quickly, he thought they had lost him and wanted to comfort them. Unexpectedly, before he could say anything, he saw Wuming pull out the knife again and take it out. A piece of cloth wipes the blood from the blade.

This knife is not a precious sword that will not stain with blood. If you want to extend its service life, you must take good care of it.

"Is that beast dead?" Chen Quanyong asked curiously.

Mark nodded and said, "Well, Wuming is very skilled and only used one knife!"

One knife!

Chen Quanyong took a breath of cold air.

Even he couldn't guarantee that he could kill a tiger with one sword.

In particular, that tiger is very unusual. Not only is it smart and cunning, but its tail can stick out from the vent and wrap around my daughter. It can be judged that its size is definitely much larger than the average tiger.

Such a ruthless character was killed by Wuming with just one blow. He was so inhuman!

Wuming continued to sleep holding the knife, and said calmly: "I still have to travel tomorrow, so I'll go to sleep first."

"Well, go to sleep. There should be no problem tonight." Mark said with a smile.

Chen Quanyong retracted his astonished gaze, looked at Mark and asked: "I forgot to ask, which escort agency are you from? If there is a need in the future, I will definitely go to your escort agency."

"We, we are from the Trial Escort Agency. I wonder if you have heard of it?" Mark was stunned, then laughed.

Chen Quanyong was confused and said: "Trial Escort Agency?"

He felt a little strange. It stands to reason that Wuming's skills alone can fully support a large escort agency. How could he be unknown?

However, these questions are not easy to ask, and can only be pondered in the heart.

After a few hours, the sky gradually brightened, and the songs of various birds rose and fell, competing for singing.

Wuming and others packed up their things, said goodbye to Chen Quanyong's family, and continued to move towards the direction of Wuming Mountain. At this time, Wuming had memorized the map and determined the direction through Jiaoshan. He just needed to walk towards the direction of Wuming Mountain.

The rest of the journey was basically safe and sound.

The tiger that was killed was obviously the dominant existence in this area. Although it was dead, its power was still there. There were no strange creatures around that dared to cross the border.

"After Jiaoshan is Mangshan. In the past, there was a snake village at the foot of Mangshan. The villagers were all snake catchers and snake handlers. Now the whole village has moved to Qingshan City, one of the fifteen cities. I don’t know if there will be a lot of snakes in Mangshan now." Mark said as he walked.

Ye Wenlu was surprised: "How do you know so much?"

"I was bored in the second half of last night, so I borrowed a copy of Taizhou Customs from Brother Chen. This is all the content on it." Mark said.

As he spoke, Mangshan was already in sight. The top of the mountain was shrouded in clouds and mist, and the sun couldn't get in. Just looking at it gave people a feeling of heavy humidity.

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