I Contracted Myself

【1072】Crossing Mangshan

It's a snake again!

Although Wuming has overcome his psychological barrier, he still hates snakes.

He really wanted to take a detour instead of taking the road to Mangshan. The problem was that the other two roads were more dangerous than Mangshan. One was to bypass Mangshan and take the road from Yebo Valley. Not only did he have to walk two-thirds more distance, and Wild Boar Valley can be marked as a big disaster on Chen Quanyong’s map.

If you don't go through the Wild Boar Valley and cross the other side of the python, you have to find a way to cross a canyon abyss. Anyway, it is very troublesome and dangerous. Without tools, it is estimated that it will take four or five days.

Therefore, no matter how reluctant he was, Wuming finally chose to take the ancient road of Mang Mountain.

As long as they cross Mang Mountain and walk for two days, they can reach Wuming Peak safely.

Of course, this is what is expected under ideal conditions.

If we encounter any mysterious creatures again, it may be delayed a lot of time. It is not impossible to postpone it for a few more days.

A few hours later, everyone arrived at the foot of Mangshan Mountain. Sure enough, the villagers of Snake Village had deserted the village. The village had even been occupied by snakes. Snakes could be seen slowly squirming in the gaps in the walls made of stacked stones.

"Let's go!"

Wuming looked around and continued.

Behind him, Mark carefully observed the surrounding walls and said at the same time: "Unknown Master, be careful. It is said that before the villagers of Snake Village left, they told the snakes here to guard their homes. If anyone wants to occupy the magpie's nest, The snakes will attack the intruders."

"I know." Wuming pulled out the knife and said seriously.

He hates snakes, so he is actually very good at dealing with snakes. After all, if he hates them, he should kill them all. There is nothing wrong with learning the ability to kill snakes!

Next, any poisonous snakes that came within two meters of him were killed by him with one blow.

He didn't need to use the naked eye to see at all. He could accurately find every venomous snake just by feeling. Mark, Delia, and Ni Hongye were very surprised when they saw it.

"Master Wuming, do you still retain any special abilities?" Delia couldn't help but ask.

Mark nodded and said: "Yes, yes, this is completely unscientific. You can find the snake even if it is in an invisible place."

"Special ability? I don't know if it counts, but I get goosebumps whenever a snake gets too close to me." Wuming said casually.

Ye Wenlu said amusedly: "It turns out that Mr. Wuming is afraid of snakes."

"I can't say I'm afraid. At best, I just hate it." Wuming retorted.

At this time, the door of one of the houses in the village opened, and a villager walked out and shouted: "Who are you? This is Snake Village, not the place you should come."

"Is there anyone?" Mark said in surprise.

Wuming carefully observed the villager, and then controlled the horse, trying to make the horse move forward, but the horse was unwilling to move.

have no choice.

Wuming had no choice but to dismount.

He slowly walked towards the villagers, and sure enough he found some inconsistencies in the villagers.

"What will you do if we leave obediently?" Wuming asked curiously.

The villagers glared at Wuming and shouted, "Get out of here, or I won't be polite."

"I see, let's try to communicate." Wuming's heart moved and he said, "We will leave, but we have to leave by that way."

"Humph, then get out of here!" the villager said.

Wuming smiled, turned around and returned to the horse‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏. He pulled the horse’s reins and walked forward bit by bit. The closer the horse got to the villager, the more Frightened, he ran quickly after passing by the villagers.

Other people's horses had similar reactions, which is quite interesting.

After coming out of Snake Village, Mark asked: "What on earth is that thing? It shouldn't be a human being."

"Is it another snail snake?" Ni Hongye guessed.

Wuming smiled and said: "Maybe it is really a close relative of the snail snake, but it should be an existence similar to a rattlesnake, and it has an owner."


Everyone was stunned, and the image of a rattlesnake immediately came to mind.

"You mean, that villager is actually the tail of a rattlesnake?" Ni Hongye asked.

Wuming nodded and said: "Well, that's most likely the case. Although it imitates people very vividly, a hundred times and a thousand times better than the snail's imitation, there are still some flaws after all."

"Is there any flaw? Did you see it?" Mark asked in surprise.

Ni Hongye and Delia both shook their heads slightly, but Ye Wenlu took a puff of cigarette and said: "The flaw that Mr. Wu Ming mentioned should be the clothes. The clothes of the village name didn't rise at all, and they didn't have any clothes when talking or acting. Any wrinkles.”

"Well, that clothes should also be part of its tail." Wuming nodded.

Everyone passed through the village, and the path behind the village began to go up the mountain. Although this road was an ancient road, it had already been walked by the snake catchers countless times, and there was no need for Wuming and the others to reopen the road.

The horse walks very slowly on the mountain road. There are some places where it will not go immediately and you have to get off the horse before you can get it up.

We walked and stopped all the way, and finally reached the mountainside near dusk.

There is a pool on the mountainside, which may have been a resting place for snake catchers in the past. There are not only many smooth stones, but also large and small bonfires.

The piled stones were so black from the fire that even the rain could not wash them away.

"Let's spend the night here tonight." Wuming looked around and then said to everyone.

Naturally, everyone had no objection. It was obvious that this place was a place where climbers often rested, so safety was guaranteed.

Wuming tied his horse to a rock nearby, and then sat by the pool to observe the pool.

For some reason, every time he saw the green and bottomless pool on the mountain, he always felt that there was a big snake or dragon under the pool.

Of course, it was usually an illusion, and he rarely found snakes or dragons.

There are many poisonous snakes in Mangshan, but he has never seen a python.

Wuming looked at the pool and smiled when Ni Hongye approached: "Do you think there is a big python hidden under this pool?"

"If there is really a big python hiding under the pool, how can the villagers of Snake Village rest in such a dangerous place." Ni Hongye retorted.

Wuming nodded and smiled: "That's right, it should be unlikely."

At this time, Mark had already lit a bonfire, and Delia and Ye Wenlu also found a lot of relatively dry firewood.

The climate in Mangshan is humid. When you look up, even the sky is covered by fog, and you can only see it hazy. It is not easy to make a fire in such a place, and it is not easy to find dry firewood.

Fortunately, everyone has enough experience in surviving in the wild, so they can find the necessary supplies in nature in a short time.

Everyone gathered around the campfire and took out dry food. At this time, Mark said: "My dry food is only enough for two days, what about yours?"

"One day." Ni Hongye said a little embarrassed.

Delia said lightly: "Three days."

"I still have four days of dry food left." Ye Wenlu said.

After everyone finished speaking, they looked at Wuming. Wuming ate the dry food and said: "It can still eat for two days."

There are all kinds of strange and mysterious creatures in this world. No one knows whether the animals in the wild will hide some strange insects, or even insects that cannot be burned to death and are resistant to high temperatures. The risk of eating wild animals is very high.

Wuming and his friends subconsciously did not eat things in the wild. They ate dry food all the way to ensure that there was no problem with their bodies.

But now the dry food is almost gone.

Soon, food will become one of the problems they need to face.

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