I Contracted Myself

【1073】No horses again

In the middle of the night, Ye Wenlu and Ni Hongye were sitting in a position that could be slightly toasted by the campfire. One was grinding the fruits collected in the past few days, and the other was maintaining the knife.

Everyone else has already fallen asleep, but they are all in a light sleep, and they will get up immediately if there is danger.

The climate in Mangshan Mountain is humid, especially after nightfall. The clouds and mist in the sky seem to slowly sink. The wet mist touches the leaves and will make them wet in a blink of an eye. If it gets on the clothes, the clothes will soon become dry. It was wet, like clothes that had just been washed and not yet dried.

In this environment, people will become lazy due to the heavy humidity. If they encounter miasma again in the mountains, the lives of the ancients may be lost there.

Fortunately, Wuming and others are not ordinary people. They have internal energy flowing in their bodies, so they won't feel too damp when they rest close to the campfire.

"Huh, ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Why do you think there are no pythons in Mang Mountain?" Ye Wenlu blew out a puff of smoke, and then suddenly asked Ni Hongye.

Ni Hongye was stunned for a moment, then did not answer, but lowered his head and continued to maintain the knife. Ye Wenlu suddenly felt helpless and said: "I just found a lot of venomous snakes, indeed there is not even a python, but this mountain is called Python Mountain, don't you think Is there a problem?"

"I don't know. If there really is a python, then kill it." Ni Hongye said calmly.

Ye Wenlu smiled bitterly and said, "I'm afraid this python is not an ordinary python."

Late at night, pattering raindrops fell from the sky, and a kind of rain that was different from ordinary rain also fell. I was unaware of the heavy responsibility of being in the mountain. Only when I looked up at the foot of the mountain could I notice this unique scene.

In Snake Village, the 'villager' who expelled Wuming and others leaned under the eaves and looked up at the mist-shrouded Python Mountain. From its perspective, a huge python was slowly falling from the sky. It was huge but loose. When it falls on Mangshan Mountain, it quickly turns into mist and returns to the sky, repeating itself over and over again.

This cloud python is eating, and some venomous snakes have sucked out all the flesh, blood and nutrients in their bodies silently, leaving only a layer of snake skin.

After eating, the cloud python returned to the air and stopped moving.

The rain stopped.

The sun gradually rises from the horizon, and the plants on Mangshan Mountain are moistened by the rain, and the young leaves look delicate and delicate.

The birds woke up one after another, standing on the branches and chirping, not sure whether they were courting or warning their companions.

Wuming and others got up, all lazily, but after cleansing their bodies with internal energy, they immediately became energetic again. Everyone had breakfast and prepared to leave.

Mark, who was horseless, walked towards the escort carriage.


Suddenly, Mark took two steps back and let out an exclamation.

Everyone stepped forward and saw that the horse responsible for pulling the escort carriage had only a piece of skin left and died quietly.

"Didn't you hear any noise last night?" Wuming looked at Ye Wenlu and Ni Hongye.

Ye Wenlu shook his head and said: "No, after the rain, although the horse was a little uneasy, it didn't make much noise, and I can guarantee that nothing came close."

"Yes, I can guarantee that!" Ni Hongye nodded.

If there was a large animal approaching, there was no way she wouldn't be able to detect it.

‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ Seeing the two of them so sure, Wuming frowned and said: "It seems that there is some mysterious creature that we don't know about in Mang Mountain. Let's leave as soon as possible. Let's go."

He gave up his horse to the carriage and walked next. Anyway, with the blessing of internal strength, walking would only consume more energy.

It just so happened that he was going to hunt. After the dry food was finished, they might have no choice but to eat meat.

Next, everyone wanted to speed up. No one wanted to spend the night in Mang Mountain. After all, the mysterious creature could eat one of their horses silently, so it could also eat them silently.

In Jiaoshan, several men wearing brocade clothes and Shura masks found the tiger that had been killed by Wuming. One of them squatted down, opened the tiger's skin, and took out the human head from the front stomach.

"That's right, it's Mr. Bai's medicine boy Xiang Mingzi."

"Master Bai's order is to see the body alive or dead, and take the head back to Master Bai."

Then, one of the men in brocade clothes took out the box and put the head in it, and everyone left the place immediately.

Under the Mangshan Ancient Road, Wuming and his group slowly moved towards the foot of the mountain.

Wuming held a hare in his hand and happily played a tune with a leaf. With his skills, even just a leaf could be played melodiously and melodiously, adding a touch of fun to the boring journey.

Maybe the atmosphere was up, and then Ye Wenlu sang a heroic ancient tune with an old voice. Mark smiled and kept slapping his thighs in agreement. Ni Hongye and Delia met, so one sang the harmony a cappella, and the other slightly. Pull out the sword, flick the blade with your fingers, and join in the music by stepping on the points.

After the song, everyone also came to the foot of the mountain. Looking back at Mang Mountain, it was still shrouded in mist and mysterious.

If one's own strength is still there, one may be able to see through the secrets at a glance. Unfortunately, everyone is just a weak mortal now. The internal strength in the body can only protect oneself a little at best, but it is far from enough to do anything else.

For safety reasons, everyone continued walking overnight, walking for about two hours, and finally rested in a deserted field.

Not far away, there is an abandoned village that is eerie and eerie. Everything in the house has been demolished, leaving only mud walls and things that cannot be taken away.

Through the unobstructed windows, every house looks like a haunted house in a ghost movie. If a white figure suddenly flashes past, it would be even more like it.

Wuming and others were worried that other people would live in such an abandoned village, so after discussion, they did not enter the village. Instead, they built a bonfire in the fields and prepared to spend the night in the fields.

Tonight it was Wuming and Delia's turn to keep vigil. The two sat by the campfire. Delia looked at Wuming, while Wuming was dissecting a rabbit and cutting the meat into strips and stringing them on wooden sticks.

"It's a pity that I didn't bring salt, otherwise it would taste better."

Wuming saw Delia looking at the meat and said with a smile.

Then he noticed that it was raining again on Mangshan Mountain in the distance. He looked at Mangshan Mountain and said, "This mountain is indeed unusual. The sky here is clear, but Mangshan Mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist. There is always a layer of dark clouds that even the sun cannot melt away. There aren’t any atmospheric creatures living inside, right?”


Delia was also a dull gourd. After hearing this, she just followed Wuming and glanced at the Python Mountain behind her, but did not express any opinion.

Suddenly, Wuming burst into laughter and said, "You are very similar to Hongye. Do you feel this way?"

"No." Delia shook her head.

Wuming smiled and said: "But you do look alike. If you stay vigil with her, it should be quiet from beginning to end."


Only then did Delia understand what Wuming meant and gave Wuming a speechless look.

She is quiet now because the environment is unfamiliar and her own strength is gone, so she is in a state of alert from beginning to end. She is actually very talkative, but now her own safety is not guaranteed, and she is not in the mood to be lively at all.

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