The feathers of deep-cold frigatebirds are a special kind of biometal.

This special biometal has the characteristics of high temperature and low temperature resistance, especially the characteristic of becoming sharp at high temperature, which is very suitable for the ability of Phoenix.

Although Feng Laixian is a member of Beastmaster Fist, he is not an absolute karate.

It's just that the overwhelming majority weapons are unusable in his hands. Once he enters the form of the Dahichi Emperor, he will be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, so he usually does not carry weapons.

After discussing the plan, Zhang Ping released Ah Da from the storage contract. Liu Sishan and the others took the Ah Da to leave first. Only Zhang Ping and Fenglaixian were left on the turtle's back. people.

"Are you nervous?" Feng Laixian glanced at Zhang Ping with a smile.

Zhang Ping looked at the reeds in the distance, said with a smile: "I am just a stand-in, what's so nervous?"


Feng Laixian was speechless immediately.

Next, he looked up at the sun, preparing to enter the form of the Great Sun Crimson Emperor.

But before that, Zhang Ping first ordered Xuangui to add a thick Space Shield to himself to prevent the tortoise shell from being burned through by the phoenix.

"senior, does the Great Sun Crimson Emperor form borrow the power of the sun or your own power?" Zhang Ping looked at the phoenix whose body was gradually turning red, and asked.

Feng Laixian stared at the sun, replied: "Neither, it's a superpower."

"Then what do you think you can do to become King? Before me I heard people say that it is possible to become King if they rule all human beings.” Zhang Ping took the opportunity to ask.

Guan Hongying's words, he has not forgotten.

"I don't know, but I can guarantee that the condition for becoming a King is definitely not to rule all human beings." Feng Laixian stared at the sun and said with certainty.

Suddenly, a red fire appeared in his eyes, he looked down at Zhang Ping, and said seriously: "I once read a stone tablet document in the ruins of a genocide village. There is a record on it. King is not It can be achieved by relying on domination or breakthrough. Actually... if the average person does not have the posture of King, then no matter what he does, he will be impossible to become King, and further breakthrough is only... beyond!"

I haven't told anyone, not even Bai De.

"The Transcender?" Zhang Ping asked in surprise.

Fenglaixian nodded and said: "After becoming a top awakened, only by breaking the shackles of self-consciousness can you become a transcendant, but I don’t know exactly how to do it."

"What's the matter with King?" Zhang Ping couldn't understand.

Since there is a transcendence above the top awakened, what is King?

Feng Laixian said indifferently: "I don’t know, most of the stone tablet documents I found are incomplete. They only mention some information about the transcendence, but it’s not complete. A lot of the content is even my own. Guess, you don’t have to take seriously, but the king is’s definitely the wrong path."

In fact, he didn’t completely let go of his idea of ​​becoming King, but he didn’t put his eggs in a basket. Whether it is King or beyond is the way forward.

Even, he doesn't even know whether King is stronger or the transcendant is stronger.

While speaking, he looked forward and whispered: "Prepare, the deep-cold frigate bird is here!"

Zhang Ping immediately put down and discusses the way forward with Feng Laixian Thought, staring at the front intently.

In the distance, a small spot turned into a giant bird of red in an instant.

Everything froze into ice where the deep-cold frigate bird passed, and even the clouds in the sky were affected, and a little snow fell.

After seeing the mysterious tortoise chasing the moon, the deep cold frigate bird accelerated violently while paying attention to all directions in the air.

It's speed is getting faster and faster, the wind on its body collides with the snowflakes to form a layer of white air current, in which it dives down, preparing to cut the moon chasing mysterious turtle in half.

But at this moment, suddenly a door appeared in front of it.

Because this door appeared so suddenly, it didn't have time to stop, and it just plunged in.

The other side of the door was opened beside Xuangui, and a lot of cold wind blew out of the door for an instant, but Feng Laixian was shouting loudly at this moment, inhaling and spraying out the cold wind. Carrying the chaos of the Great Sun True Fire.

The deep cold hurricane collided with the chaos, and suddenly billowing steam came out.

In the steam, the head of the deep-cold frigate bird was sent through the door, and the black turtle's ability was directly activated, and the entire bird's head was directly twisted into a twist.

However, the life force of the Deep Frigate Bird is very tenacious, and even so, there is still no death.

It came out of the door and immediately opened its wings to escape.

Obviously, it is scared.

Although it is the overlord of the poison swamp and has experienced many life and death battles, it still fears death.

Especially in this kind of battle that doesn't even have the power to resist, most animals will choose to run!

"I want to run now? It's too late!"

Zhang Ping looked at the deep-cold frigate bird and activated his abilities in an instant.

At this time, one after another light cannon fell from the sky, directly cutting off the deep-cold frigate bird and finally a glimmer of survival.

Actually, the light cannon can't cause too much damage to the deep-cold frigate bird. The problem is that the impact of the light cannon will crush it, making it unable to take off.

So, after a round of light cannons, Xuangui's second space distortion began.

This time distortion directly consumes all the moonlight energy of the moon chasing turtle, and the distortion range is extremely large. The body of the deep cold frigate bird is suddenly distorted, just like squeezing juice, and blood is splashed from the cracks. .

But even so, the deep-cold frigate bird is still alive, it struggles crazily on the ice, and its sharp wings sweep all around the reeds.

Its wings are very sharp, no matter what, everything that is swept by the wings will inevitably be divided into two.

"Don't let it go, take out all the light cannon gems and bomb it!" Feng Laixian opened the mouth and said at this time.

Zhang Ping took out two floating cannon gems and put them into the air again. Feng Laixian did not idle, but controlled the eyes of Great Sun True Fire specializing in deep-cold frigate bird.


In the sky, a shot fell, and the eyes of the deep-cold frigate bird were burnt and unable to open. It was directly hit by the light cannon, and its head was heavily hit on the ice.

Its sharp beak even hit a frozen big fish. When it raised its head again, the big fish was also pulled out. It happened to be stuck with its mouth, and it couldn't even open its mouth.

"I'm going to end it!"

Feng Laixian saw that the Deep Frigate Bird was still alive like this, so he opened the mouth and said.

After speaking, he jumped up, and the Great Sun True Fire with red all over his body landed on the head of the Frigate Bird.

Actually, the Chilled Frigatebird has no power to resist. Its bones are distorted by space abilities, and its head is dizzy under a lot of blood loss. In addition to instinctive resistance, even its superpowers have become weak. And his eyes were burned by the Great Sun True Fire, and his eyesight was greatly affected.

Even if it is left alone now, it will die from excessive blood loss after a while.

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