Ten minutes later.

Under Fenglaixian's Dianabol, the Deep Frigate Bird finally died.

Zhang Ping immediately ordered the Moon Chasing Black Tortoise to lean over, and then he jumped from the turtle's back to the body of the deep-cold frigate bird, feeling that the feathers under his feet were like steel, stepping up and jumping.

I have to say that even though the Deep Frigid Bird is dead, its body still exudes a terrifying chill.

Zhang Ping stood for a while and felt that the blood of the substitute had begun to coagulate, so he quickly used the king's blood to speed up the blood flow.

"Feng Hall Master, what should we do with it next?" Zhang Ping touched the feathers of the Frost Frigate Bird and asked.

Fenglaixian said with a slight smile: "Of course, first collect all the feathers, and then look for a Forging Master to process it. You should be able to produce several sets of weapons and armor."

He stretched out his hand to grab a feather and plucked the feather with great effort. The feather itself was like a sword. He gently heated the feather and the feather instantly turned red.

"This kind of biological metal needs a special method to forge a weapon without losing its special properties, and ordinary people can't handle it." After he finished speaking, he gently scratched his palm with a feather.

The feathers are not deformed or softened at all under the high temperature, but become sharper.

Zhang Ping sits on the back of the deep-cold frigate bird. He gently beats the feathers while using Appraisal Technique on the feathers.

After determining the material of the feather, he opened the mouth and said: "I will deal with this kind of biometal. What kind of weapon does Feng Hall Master need?"

"You still Can forge?" Feng Laixian looked at Zhang Ping in surprise, and asked incredible.

Zhang Ping is a bit sorry and said: "It's only an apprenticeship level, but this kind of biometal itself is easier to handle, and there is no need to add other materials, so I should be fine."

It happened that Liu Tiefeng taught him how to deal with biometals.

In fact, the most difficult part of biometals is how to retain their original biological activity. As long as you know how to retain the activity, the other steps are not difficult.

"Nah Cheng, turn around you to help me build a Guan Knife!" Feng Laixian said with a smile.

Next, Zhang Ping's consciousness shifted to the body, and after notifying Liu Sishan that the battle was over, he ordered Ah Dazhe to return.

The feathers of the deep cold frigate bird are very long, one feather is about one meter, and it can be used as a weapon without forging.

and the others After getting together, everyone started to pull their feathers together.

It took more than half a day to process the feathers of the deep-cold frigate bird. Zhang Ping collected all the feathers into the gold treasure house bracelet. He will be responsible for tailoring one for each person. Pieces of weapons.

After handling the feathers, everyone started to cut the meat of the deep-cold frigate bird. This powerful alienated beast has extremely high nutritional value of flesh and blood. It is a top-level alienation of 50 grams in Pearl City. The meat of the beast can sell for at least 10,000 Pearl Coins.

For such a big alienated beast, weighing at least several tons, one can imagine how valuable it is.

In addition to flesh and blood, the bones of alienated beasts are also very valuable.

But after installing the meat of one third, Zhang Ping had to regret opening the mouth and said: "My bracelet can't fit anymore, just forget the rest?"

It's not that the Deep Frigate Bird has a lot of meat, but there are many other things in his bracelet, plus the Frost Frigate Bird's meat, so some can't hold it.

"Why don't we just barbecue here?" Zhang Shouzhong held a piece of meat and listened to the suggestion.

Bai De agreed: "This is a good idea. The flesh and nutrients of the alienated beast will be lost with the ebbing of time. Let's eat it as soon as it is fresh."

"Success, You can eat as much as you can eat the rest!" Feng Laixian agreed.

This deep-cold frigate bird strictly speaking of which is regarded as the spoils of war between him and Zhang Ping. Zhang Ping saw that Feng Laixian agreed, so nodded and said: "Then it’s rare to relax, everyone open up Eat your stomach!"

"Look at me!"

Zhang Shouzhong smiled and used fat to make a barbecue, and then made a gas bottle.

"Fatty, gas cylinders can also be used as weapons, haven't you thought about it?" Zhang Ping saw the gas cylinders, suddenly divine light flashed, and couldn't help but say.

Lieutenant Zhang Shou put a piece of bird meat on the barbecue, said with a smile: "I thought about it a long time ago. The problem is that a gas bottle that is a hundred meters away can't escape. Ah!"

"Unless the environment is special, it is not recommended to use this as a weapon." Liu Sishan used pure water to instantly sweep the meat on the grill, and all the meat became clean.

Zhang Ping took out the seasoning from the bracelet and sprinkled it on top of the meat. After opening the fire, he grilled while asking: "Now that you can talk about the weapon you want, you can be more specific. I will think about how to make it later. ."

"Close the knife, about three meters long, the heavier the better!" Feng Laixian said directly, sitting on the frozen marsh soil.

Cheng Xuejie said distressed: "I haven't thought about it yet, can I talk about it tomorrow?"

"Of course, you can also think about it before telling me." Zhang Ping turned After flipping the barbecue, then nodded and said.

Zhang Shouzhong conjured up chairs and greeted everyone to sit down, then opened the mouth and said: "My weapons can be made by myself, so I don’t need them anymore."

"Master Zhang Ping, can brother and I ask for a weapon?" Zhao Yanhu couldn't help asking.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Of course, everyone can ask for it. What kind of weapon do you and your brother want?"

"I want a whip, which is about six meters long! "Zhao Yanhu immediately replied.

Zhao Yanlong replied calmly: "I want a gun, and finally a hollow gun, I can pass blood through the gun body to the gun head."

"This I have to Think about it!"

Zhang Ping didn't dare to boast about going to Haikou. After all, listening to Zhao Yanlong's description, this weapon seemed a bit complicated.

After all, he is just a forging apprentice who has studied for a few weeks. Although Liu Tiefeng taught him all kinds of forging knowledge without reservation, he is like Zhao Kuo who can only talk about war on paper. Practice, I really don’t know how far it can be done.

"Trouble your lord!" Zhao Yanlong said sorry.

In fact, he was a little depressed during this time.

Since following Zhang Ping, he has always been a soy saucer and he didn’t contribute much. Instead, he was the younger brother Zhao Yanhu. Not only could he control the bird and beast detection, but he also called two powerful people for Zhang Ping. Summoned Beast.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "It’s okay, but I’m not good at my own skills and I’m a little bit unable to grasp what kind of weapon you want. Let’s talk about it later."

He is actually very interested in forging weapons.

It would be even better if one or two of the famous Divine Weapon could be forged.

Only in this way, he can be regarded as living up to Liu Tiefeng's careful teaching.

"Okay, the barbecue is cooked, everyone comes over to eat!"

He flipped through the barbecue, confirmed that the barbecue was cooked, and then greeted the others.

Everyone gathered one after another. Zhang Shouzhong's fat hand grabbed a skewer of barbecue, blew it twice and took a bite, and everyone else tried it.

"It's delicious!"

Cheng Xuejie eyes shined and said joyfully and immediately.

Others also nodded one after another, and then concentrated on dealing with the barbecue in their hands.

Zhang Ping smiled and picked up a skewer of barbecue. Because of the ability of an inflammatory eater, he was not afraid of being scalded at all, so he opened his mouth and ate it directly. Sure enough, the meat of this deep-cold frigate bird tasted very special, just like ordinary Birds are completely different.

"It's delicious!"

Who would have thought that the deep-cold frigate bird, which was unparalleled a moment ago, has now become their dish.

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