I Contracted Myself



The sound of burning bamboo can be heard from time to time.

Mark sat by the campfire, polishing the bamboo flute carefully. In his hands, the bamboo soon became a beautiful bamboo flute. He also had the leisure to carve two turtles on the bamboo flute and write words.

"Let me try."

After Mark was done, he blew a breath to blow away the bamboo ends on the bamboo flute.

Then he closed his eyes and began to play the beautiful flute. The gentle music was like a stream of water slowly soaking the entire bamboo forest.

In the darkness, shadowy figures approached quickly. The moment these people entered the bamboo forest, Wuming opened one eye, and the others woke up one after another.

"The one who comes is not kind."

Ye Wenlu sat up slowly and picked up a burning bamboo to light a cigarette for himself.

At this time, dozens of men in black rushed out from the darkness. Mark was still playing the bamboo flute. Delia and Ni Hongye took the lead. The two women drew their swords to meet the men in black and killed them all in two rounds.

"The swordsmanship is so strong. You can see through our flaws at a glance!"

In the dark, the leader of the Shura Guard, Da Shura, narrowed his eyes and decided not to test it.

He led his men to rush towards Wuming and others. Although they were people from the court, because they needed to secretly clear up the dirty things that the emperor could not see, the Shura Guard never used bows and crossbows that the court banned from civilian use.

Wuming saw the masked man rushing over, stood up to meet the guy who looked like the leader, and the two fought instantly.

It was really a fight!

Wuming blocked the leader's knife with his hand, and then slashed at the leader's neck with a knife. The leader didn't want to die, so he could only block with his other hand, and handed his hand to Wuming in a blink of an eye.

With one knife, the leader's hand was gone.

The leader quickly retreated, looking at Wuming's intact hand in disbelief in pain.

"Are you so surprised? Bai Yaoxian asked you to kill me?" Wuming shook his left hand, then narrowed his eyes slightly and asked the leader with a smile.

The leader was shocked, but then he felt it was not strange. This master was obviously not a martial artist without brains. Since he learned the shocking secret from Xiang Mingzi, how could he not have guessed it.

"It seems that I was still careless. I should completely destroy the body and wipe out all traces." Wuming sighed.

Although this world is strange, it should still be a low-level martial arts world in general, so he really didn't expect that someone could read the information of the dead.

But these people came, which means that there are really people who can read the last information of the dead.

"Humph, how long do you think you can live if you know this secret? Even if you are still alive now, you will definitely die tomorrow!" Da Shura said coldly.

Wuming smiled and said, "At least I can see tomorrow's sun, and you... can't see it!"


Da Shura snorted coldly, but had to admit that he was not Wuming's opponent.

He had lost completely in the first fight. If there is no accident next, he will definitely die.

But even if he died, the mission had to be completed, otherwise it would not only be him who would die, but also his family. The emperor was ruthless, and it was not just talk.

He gave up the knife in his hand, and suddenly took out a insect egg and ate it.

Wuming narrowed his eyes, but did not step forward to stop him, because he could not stop him even if he wanted to. Although the opponent had one arm crippled by his golden ribbon skill, he was actually quite strong. If he wanted to avoid the battle, he could still fight him for a few rounds.


Da Shura suddenly roared in pain after a while, blood vessels all over his body bulged, his eyes suddenly became congested, and his internal force slowly spread outside his body, forming a layer of aura visible to the naked eye.

"The internal force turned into true energy." Wuming was surprised.

At this time, Da Shura roared, his legs suddenly burst out with great force, and the whole person instantly appeared in front of Wuming, and his only arm punched Wuming's head.

The tip of Wuming's nose was just a little bit away from Da Shura's fist. He leaned back quickly, keeping his nose away from the fist. When Da Shura's punch was exhausted, Wuming's body was very close to the posture of Tiebanqiao, but his hands were not on the ground.

He twisted his waist and moved sideways, rotating his body and slashing Da Shura's waist with a knife, but only left a very shallow scratch.

Although Da Shura's current strength was hard-won, his true qi was real. Even if Da Shura couldn't control it, his qi still had a certain defensive power.

If there was no qi, Wuming's knife could cut off half of his body.

Next, Da Shura gritted his teeth and punched continuously. Wuming avoided it every time, as if dancing on the tip of a knife, and kept leaving scars on Da Shura.

Da Shura knew very well that he only needed to hit Wuming with one punch, and Wuming would be gone.

But this punch was too difficult.

His fighting intentions were completely seen through by Wuming. All his tricks and dirty tricks were ineffective against Wuming. He secretly used killing moves several times, but Wuming avoided his attacks by moving a little distance just like playing.

The battles around him continued, but the dead were all from the Shura Guards.

These five people were too strong.

"Where did my colleague find the escort agency? Could he be the apprentice of some hidden old monster?" Da Shura cursed his colleague's ancestors in Quanzhou over and over again in his heart, but the reality was that the battle was about to end.

His consciousness became more and more blurred, and finally his eyes went black and he completely lost consciousness.

After the Great Asura lost consciousness, Wuming felt the danger. The Great Asura's body suddenly swelled, and the flesh and blood swelled up, and the arrogance became more ferocious.

A roar similar to that of a wild beast sounded, and the Great Asura pounced on Wuming. The moment Wuming dodged, he slapped him with his backhand, and Wuming had to block it with his knife.

But just by contact, Wuming felt a terrifying force coming from the blade.

He quickly turned his strength into force, and his body retreated while spinning like a gyroscope. The knife was thrown out and instantly penetrated a bamboo not far away and got stuck between two bamboos.

At this time, the Great Asura rushed again, and Wuming's expression tightened. He immediately retreated into the bamboo forest, grabbed a bamboo and quickly climbed up. In the blink of an eye, he climbed to seven or eight meters.

The Great Asura hit the bamboo, but the problem was that the bamboo was tenacious. He did not break the bamboo, so he was hit by the recoil of the bamboo and staggered.

"I'm here!" Wuming shook the bamboo and challenged the Great Asura.

The Great Asura had lost consciousness, leaving only his bloodthirsty instinct. Seeing that Wuming couldn't catch him from a high place, he turned and rushed to the closest Asura guard. The Asura guard was caught by him with one hand, and his neck was immediately bitten, making him scream in pain.

"Hide in the bamboo forest!" Wuming reminded everyone.

Obviously, the insect eggs swallowed by the Great Asura were the cause of the zombie disaster. Now the Great Asura has completely lost himself and only has instincts left.

Ye Wenlu, Mark, Ni Hongye, and Delia heard Wuming's reminder and immediately hid in the bamboo forest.

As the Great Asura expanded in size, it was difficult for him to display his power in the densely grown bamboo forest. Only here could they fight.

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