I Contracted Myself

【1076】Fire Attack

Dark clouds covered the moon.

The Shura Guards chased into the bamboo forest, and suddenly in the darkness, the sword light flashed like the fire of a bonfire. One Shura Guard's expression tightened, and the next moment he felt a sharp pain in his throat, and blood gushed out.

When another Shura Guard saw his colleague being killed, he immediately rushed to Ni Hongye silently, but Ni Hongye only took a half step back and went around a bamboo. The Shura Guard's sword chopped on the bamboo, and Ni Hongye stabbed out a long sword from the other side, cutting his throat with one sword.


At this time, there was a loud noise, and the Great Shura threw the Shura Guard's body, which had been drained of blood, to the ground.

He looked around with red eyes, his skin had turned blood red, and all the blood vessels were bulging, but they had turned black, as if countless worms were wriggling in the blood vessels, which looked extremely disgusting and terrifying.

When everyone saw the state of the Great Shura, they all showed fear on their faces.

The next moment, Da Shura looked at the people in the bamboo forest. When he was about to move, a flying knife suddenly hit his body protection Qi. His attention immediately shifted to the direction of the flying knife. Wuming immediately smiled and shouted: "Big guy, come here, let's play!"

Ni Hongye and others immediately understood Wuming's intention, and no longer paid attention to Da Shura. They all concentrated their firepower on the remaining Shura guards.

Although bamboo is nothing in front of a knife and an axe, it is very difficult to break it if it is hit by brute force.

Mainly because the root system of bamboo is well-developed, it is possible that an entire bamboo forest is actually a bamboo, all born from the same root, and the foundation is extremely solid.

Da Shura was provoked by Wuming and hit several bamboos mindlessly. The bamboos bent and shook violently, but then the reaction force pushed Da Shura back.

He staggered back a few steps, smelling the bloody smell coming from the bamboo forest on the other side. His head involuntarily looked to the other side, but at this time another dart hit his body-protecting true qi. He looked up and saw Wuming waving at him, so he roared again and rushed directly into the bamboo forest.

This time, under his brute force, several bamboos not only bent, but also exploded one after another, with crackling sounds constantly ringing, but then the reaction force once again repelled the Great Shura.

Seeing this scene, Wuming knew that the bamboo forest could not stop the Great Shura for long. He looked at the knife stuck in the bamboo not far away, and immediately jumped from one bamboo to another, then quickly slid to the ground, grabbed the handle of the knife in a few steps, and pulled it out of the bamboo.

At this time, the Great Shura saw Wuming landed, and immediately launched a charge again. The two bamboos blocking him were instantly exploded, and the places that were originally cracked made explosions one after another.

He stretched out an arm to Wuming, who immediately stepped back, bypassed one bamboo after another, and then reached out to grab a bamboo. Then the power of the bamboo drove him around in a circle, and suddenly appeared beside Da Shura, and the long knife instantly stabbed Da Shura's temple.


Under the protection of the true qi, Da Shura still felt a pain in his temple. He immediately roared and waved his hand to hit Wuming, but Wuming had already withdrawn after the attack. His hand just hit a bamboo heavily, and the bamboo suddenly shook, and dense cracks appeared at the hit position.

Da Shura was very dangerous at this time.

But he was surprisingly easy to understand. As long as he was not hit by his attack, it was actually nothing.

‏​​‎​‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎The only trouble was that he was protected by true qi and was invulnerable to swords and guns. Wuming's attack power was insufficient, and for a while he really couldn't do anything to him.

Wuming shuttled through the bamboo forest, and Da Shura stumbled after him. Because the bamboo forest always blocked his route, Da Shura didn't know how to dodge, so he relied on brute force to knock the bamboo away every time, and sometimes he was knocked away by the bamboo.

In this way, Wuming only needed to deal with it in the bamboo forest to ensure his own safety, and even find an opportunity to counterattack.

However, his counterattack fell on Da Shura and failed to play its due role.

Even if he kept attacking the same position, Da Shura's defense was never broken by him, but he was a little tired.

After a few minutes, Wuming said helplessly: "Are you guys done? I can't hold on any longer!"

Da Shura was like a tireless beast, with infinite strength and extremely fast movements. Even if there was a bamboo forest blocking him, Wuming still needed to keep moving, and it was not a leisurely jog, but an explosive movement.

He needed to move around in a very short distance to avoid Da Shura's pursuit. If he made a mistake, he might be killed by Da Shura.

In this situation, his physical strength was consumed very quickly, and he could not bear it even with the internal force.

Fortunately, Mark and others were reliable.

The Shura Guards quickly turned into ghosts under the bamboo under their joint attack, and then Ni Hongye and Delia quickly rushed to the bamboo forest where Wuming was, while Mark and Ye Wenlu went to get something.

The two ran to the escort car, one picked up a lot of ground medicine powder, and the other took out a wooden jar.

Then they also rushed to the bamboo forest.

In the bamboo forest, Wuming had retreated to a safe place, while Ni Hongye and Delia were restraining Da Shura. The two women did not compete with Da Shura in strength, but had skills and dexterity to deal with Da Shura.

Da Shura was like a brown bear, constantly trying to attack the two foxes, but the two foxes kept crossing and shuttling in the bamboo forest, so that Da Shura, the brown bear, always missed repeatedly.

At this time, Ye Wenlu and Mark came rushing over. Ye Wenlu took a deep breath of smoke, then sprinkled a large amount of powder at Da Shura with his hands, opened his mouth and blew out the smoke, and the powder fell on Da Shura's body along with the smoke.

Da Shura didn't care about these insignificant attacks, and turned to grab Ye Wenlu, but Ye Wenlu squatted and flipped backwards, easily avoiding Da Shura's attack. When he flipped backwards, he still had the strength to hit Da Shura's hand with his pipe, but unfortunately, Da Shura, who was protected by his true qi, was not burned by his pipe.

"Watch this!"

Mark suddenly spoke, and Da Shura instinctively looked in Mark's direction. He still kept the posture of reaching out to grab Ye Wenlu, and then saw the flames coming.

In an instant, Da Shura's face was covered with flames. Mark quickly retreated with the bamboo flute in his hand, and smiled: "It seems that my attack is the most useful."

Gunpowder is not something that is particularly difficult to make. Mark actually paid attention to collecting materials while rushing on the road, and he would configure it according to the best ratio of gunpowder when he was free.

It's just that the previous enemies have never had to use gunpowder, and this is the first time he has used it.

The flame he made was a little special. He added a kind of highly viscous oil to the original configuration of gunpowder. This oil was refined from animal fat and could burn for a long time when it stuck to the target.

Although Wuming and others did not eat wild animals while on the road, they killed a lot of them and collected their fat to make oil.

Gunpowder plus corpse oil, so the face of Da Shura was burning with fire. Even though Da Shura was not afraid of pain, he still instinctively slapped his face to extinguish the flames on his face, but the result was that his hands were also covered with corpse oil and burned.


Wuming knew how difficult Da Shura was to deal with. Seeing that Mark's grease bullet was effective, he immediately gave Mark a thumbs up.

"What a pity for my Xiao!"

Mark looked at the black bamboo Xiao and said with pride and helplessness.

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