I Contracted Myself

【End of Volume】Clear the game

Just now, in order to accurately hit the flame ball on the face of the Great Asura, Mark actually used the technique of blowing arrows, and the blowpipe used was naturally the bamboo flute he had just made.

But after one flame bomb, the other end of the bamboo flute was burnt, and it was obviously impossible to play it again.

At this time, the Great Asura stumbled and fell, rolling on the ground. Seeing this, Mark quickly prepared another flame bomb and blew the flute hard to hit the flame bomb on the body of the Great Asura, so the body of the Great Asura burned again.

Although the Great Asura has true qi because of the insect eggs, the defense of true qi against fire is obviously far inferior to the defense against swords. After a period of burning, Wuming saw that his true qi was gradually weakening, so he decisively cut off his head with a knife.

But even if his head was chopped off, the body of the Great Asura would still move around instinctively. Wuming and others waited around his body for most of the day. Seeing that he was still moving, they simply gathered the dry bamboo leaves around him and covered him with them, and then set him off with a big fire.

"No sleep tonight, let's go directly to Wuming Peak!"

After the battle was resolved, everyone returned to the escort car, and Wuming said to everyone.

Since Bai Yaoxian has already moved his killing intention, he will definitely send people next time. This time is already quite dangerous, and it is hard to say what will happen next time.

On the contrary, rushing to Wuming Peak now may catch the other party off guard.

The Asura Guards did not run over barelegs. They also needed mounts when they rushed from Wuming Peak to Wuming's side.

Wuming and others found many horses after searching around the bamboo forest. After killing the Asura Guards who were watching the horses, each of them carried a box on their backs, abandoned the heavy escort car, and went into battle directly with light equipment.

Although Wuming and his team could only ride one horse, they could control three horses with the reins. Each of them held three reins and drove the horses toward Wuming Peak. Whenever they felt the breathing speed of the horses under their crotch changed, they would switch from one horse to another.

During the whole journey, the five people did not stop and rushed to the road with all their strength.

After rushing and hurrying, the five people arrived at Wuming Peak at noon the next day. They dismounted with the boxes on their backs and looked at the dark Shura Guards in front of them.

"Who is our guest?" Mark asked in a low voice at this time.

The task of this level is to deliver the goods to the guests, and the address of Wuming Peak comes from the map.

Then the question is, the task did not tell them who the guest was from beginning to end.

Although Wuming and others suspected that it was Bai Yaoxian, what if it was not?

Bai Yaoxian is unlikely to rush to another state to issue the task in person. The biggest possibility is that it is a Shura Guard, but that Shura Guard must not be able to rush from Quanzhou to Taizhou.

Most likely... the commission should be to let them hand over the goods to the leader of a Shura Guard.

"We are here to deliver goods. Here are the goods. Please check!"

Wuming thought for a moment, took a step forward, looked at the dark Shura Guards, and said loudly.

Others also untied the boxes on their backs, held the boxes in their hands, and looked at the Shura Guards.

Everyone instantly realized Wuming's idea. No matter who the client was or who the customer was, they would first hand the boxes to the Shura Guards. These Shura Guards would naturally continue to send the boxes to higher-level hands. As long as they fell into the hands of the target, their mission would be completed.

Even if there were no guests of their target in the entire Wuming Peak, it didn't matter.

Because the result would not change, they still had to fight with the Shura Guards here, and the result would be either they would be killed or everyone here would be killed.

Kill everyone, and the box would naturally return to their hands.

"You don't want the things in the box to be damaged, do you?" Mark said with a smile.

The Shura Guards were silent for a moment, and then five Shura Guards received the order and walked out, took the box, and then stepped back a few steps cautiously, and then turned back to the Shura Guards.

"I'm sorry, but you know something you shouldn't know, so... kill!"

A minute later, a Shura Guard walked out, slowly drew the knife from his waist, and said to Wuming and others.

Wuming and others also slowly drew their knives. When the Shura Guards shouted to kill, five people rushed towards the Shura Guards, and the Shura Guards also drew their knives and rushed towards the five people.

Five people VS one hundred people!

The two sides fought, and the Shura Guards lost five people in an instant. Wuming and others took the knife from the dead, turned into double-swordsmen, and mixed into the crowd to open the unparalleled.

Although the Golden Wire Kung Fu is quite difficult, Mark and others can't learn it quickly, but they gradually get familiar with it while rushing on the road. As experienced practitioners, the Golden Wire Kung Fu plus the body movement is enough for everyone to fight one against a hundred. What's more, they are five people, not one person.

The Shura Guards soon found that their swords could not break the defense of the five people, so they retreated timidly and surrounded Wuming and others.

Going on a mission without long-range weapons does not mean that there are no long-range weapons in the base camp.

Dozens of Shura Guards soon came with bows and arrows, and arrows were shot at Wuming and others. Wuming and his five men stood back to back, facing the dense arrows, and quickly blocked them with swords. After a round of arrow rain, everyone was still unharmed.

"This is too strong." A Shura Guard couldn't help but take a breath.

It's really inhuman to be able to block such a rain of arrows!

Wuming said at this time: "Use me as the arrow head, change the formation at any time, go!"

He immediately rushed to the right, and the others followed him. All the arrows and hidden weapons were blocked. Ye Wenlu was responsible for the rear guard. He accurately caught the hidden weapon and threw it back. The Shura Guard who was shooting arrows from a distance was pierced through the throat on the spot.

"Don't come over!"

A Shura Guard saw Wuming rushing over and wanted to retreat but found someone blocking him from behind. The next moment he shouted in despair.

He was instantly killed by Wuming's sword. At the same time as he killed the Shura Guard, two swords were stabbed out from both sides of the Shura Guard's back. Obviously, the Shura Guard had been used as cannon fodder for this sneak attack.

However, Wuming had two hands. One of the swords was blocked by him, and the other was blocked by the golden ribbon internal force formed by the golden ribbon skill.

"It's really despicable. It's his bad luck to have colleagues like you!"

Wuming glanced at the Shura Guard behind the killed Shura Guard and had the leisure to speak.

The two Shura guards didn't expect that such a sneak attack could be blocked. Their faces changed slightly and they wanted to retreat, but there were people behind them blocking them...

On the other side, the box was passed from the deputy commander to the commander, and then the commander sent it to the Great Shura. Then the Great Shura ordered people to carry the box to Bai Yaoxian's residence.

"Master Bai, everything you want has been delivered." The Great Shura said respectfully.

Bai Yaoxian nodded and signaled everyone to put down the things. He then put down the work at hand, washed his hands and walked towards the box.

When he touched the first box, the whole world suddenly froze, and Wuming and others who were still fighting at the foot of the mountain were teleported away in an instant...

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