I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [013] Martial Arts Hall

Zhang Ping weighed the paw of the cadaver dog and asked, "Grandpa Liu, is there any difference between a cadaver dog and an ordinary dog?"

"The fur of a cadaver dog is black, and its eyes are red. The most obvious sign is that they have human-like teeth. As long as you see the teeth, you can basically tell that it is a cadaver dog." Liu Tiefeng replied.

This is really easy to identify.

Zhang Ping thought about it, and a photo of a dog accidentally wearing dentures that he saw on the Internet appeared in his mind. He almost laughed out loud.

Next, he carefully observed the paw of the cadaver dog.

This paw is very heavy. It is obviously the size of an ordinary dog ​​paw, but it weighs almost ten pounds and has a rotten smell.

"Come here, this is the tool for grinding. I will teach you how to use it." Liu Tiefeng walked to a green machine and said to Zhang Ping.


Zhang Ping walked over with the paw of the cadaver dog.

Zhang Ping spent the whole morning studying.

Compared with the knowledge learned in school, the knowledge taught by Liu Tiefeng is more specific. Moreover, Liu Tiefeng has rich life experience and joined the investigation team in his early years. He knows the monsters around Mingzhu City very well. Through words and deeds, Zhang Ping can avoid many detours in the future.

After dinner.

During Liu Tiefeng's nap, Zhang Ping sat by the stove to practice the ability of the fire eater.

This ability can only be wrapped around his hands at present.

If it is wrapped around other places, the clothes will be burned first.

He does not have the ability to control the flame. Even if he keeps practicing, he can only concentrate the fire element energy in his body at most.

Doing so will form a palm print-shaped flame, which can be used for both attack and shield.

He named this move the Flame Palm.

In addition to the Flame Palm, he has also figured out many ways to use it.

For example, the flame will burst out instantly on the soles of the feet, or the flame will be sprayed from the position of the scapula behind the back, but the former will kill the shoes first, and the latter will cause too much damage to the clothes, so they cannot be used casually.

Last night, he came back because the soles of his shoes were burned through, and he felt distressed for a while.

However, if you really fight hard, you will definitely use it, but if it is not necessary, try not to use these moves.

In fact, the explosion under the feet and the spray behind the back do not have much technical content.

Zhang Ping just pondered it a little, and the real technical content is another move, the flame knife.

The use of the flame knife is very simple. On one side of the palm, the fire element energy is released in three positions. When the output is increased, two of the flames pressurize the middle flame to form a sharper flame.

In this way, he can play a good attack effect when slashing the enemy with his hand knife.

"Excuse me, how much is this knife?"

At this time, a voice with insufficient breath came from behind him.

Is there a customer?

Zhang Ping turned around in surprise, only to see a thin boy with a somewhat feminine look looking at him timidly.

He stood up and turned around, took a look at the knife the boy asked about, and replied: "This knife is not for sale, those knives with marked prices are commodities."

The knife the boy liked was the Mingzhu knife that Qiu Qiang had made before, and then Qiu Qiang put it aside. If the boy hadn't asked, Zhang Ping would probably have remembered it for a while.

"Those knives are too expensive." The boy said a little embarrassed.

Zhang Ping said helplessly: "I'm just an apprentice who helps to look after the store. Sorry, I can't make the decision on this."

"Okay, thank you." The boy said in a low voice.

Zhang Ping looked at him and asked curiously: "What grade are you in? Why haven't I seen you before?"

Mingzhu City has only one school.

Zhang Ping remembers most of the students who are about the same age as Zhang Ping, but this boy is not in his memory.

"Ah? I haven't been to school. I have been studying in the martial arts school opened at home." The boy was stunned and then answered.

Mingzhu City does not have compulsory education. Wealthy families will choose to hire private teachers. In some families, parents are strong themselves. They will not send their children to school, but choose to teach them themselves.

Martial arts hall.

Zhang Ping secretly made a note of it, and when he looked up, the boy had left.

He returned to the stove, thinking about the martial arts hall. The organization behind Liu Sishan might be powerful, but it was definitely not as strong as the King of the Beasts. Perhaps he could find some other support.

Those who can open a martial arts hall should be strong.

Zhang Ping thought about it and decided to observe the martial arts halls in Mingzhu City when he went out tonight.

At night.

Zhang Ping climbed through the window and left the Iron Soul.

He had not walked far when he saw Liu Sishan flash by in an alley. He immediately walked into the alley and walked into the dark.

"What's going on?"

The two met at a dead end, and Zhang Ping asked in a low voice.

The next moment, he felt his feet empty, and then he had landed in the dark room, and Liu Sishan also fell from above and landed steadily.

"The organization has conducted a preliminary autopsy on the Tianchang Fox and conducted a detailed analysis of its abilities. There is a problem. When the Tianchang Fox attacks, other people will automatically rationalize this behavior. If a Tianchang Fox attacks you, I need you to give me a signal, otherwise I may see you talking to an ordinary person." Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping and said.

Zhang Ping nodded, then thought: "The signal must not be something like help, otherwise it will definitely be distorted. Let me think..."

This is really a problem.

When 'Luo Shiyu' ate the girl, everyone mistakenly thought that the girl was lucky enough to eat with 'Luo Shiyu'. In everyone's eyes, it was a very harmonious and beautiful scene. Only in Zhang Ping's eyes was it It is a bloody, cruel, and terrifying picture.

"Secret signals may not necessarily work. In this way, we should prepare a few more back-ups. When I shout 'Wind tight, pull hoo', it means that I am being attacked. When I take out a coin and throw it into the air, it means that I have been attacked." When I am attacked, whenever I encounter Tian Chang Hu, I will touch the ring on my right hand with my left index finger, and point the finger with the ring at Tian Chang Hu, so you pay attention to my movements." Zhang Ping said.

Liu Sishan didn't think Zhang Ping was too cautious, but felt that Zhang Ping was not cautious enough. She took out a wooden ring and said: "This ring is a pair of the ring I am wearing..."

"Wait, is it fireproof?" Zhang Ping interrupted.

Liu Sishan frowned and said, "It's not fireproof. This is equipment made by our logistics staff using their abilities."

"I'm afraid it's useless." Zhang Ping said with a bitter smile. As he spoke, he raised his hand, and his palm suddenly burst into flames.

Liu Sishan was stunned and asked: "Isn't your ability the Greed Gem?"

"This is one of the abilities of the Greed Gem."

Zhang Ping stopped releasing the fire element energy without any explanation.

After all, his abilities will only increase. There is no need to hide them, but there is no need to reveal them all.

"It seems that your ability is very special, but it is your own business. Since you have this ability, it is just right to give this to you." Liu Sishan continued to inquire about Zhang Ping's ability, but took out a jade tablet and handed it to Zhang Ping.

Then she introduced this jade plaque, which was also a pair, one was called cold jade and the other was called warm jade.

When cold jade encounters flames, it will transfer heat to warm jade, and when warm jade encounters low temperatures, it will increase its intensity to absorb the temperature of cold jade, and cold jade will become colder.


What Ping got was cold jade. Once he was in danger, he only needed to cover the cold jade with flames, and the warm jade in Liu Sishan's hand would become hot. At that time, Liu Sishan would naturally know that he was in danger and could immediately rescue him.

After deciding on the plan, the two returned to the dead end.

Zhang Ping walked out of the alley first, looked back and found that Liu Sishan was missing.

He estimated that Liu Sishan could either manipulate water element energy to become invisible, or he had invisibility props.

It's a pity that his identification skills are not strong enough.

It would be great if it could also be used to identify the equipment owned by the target.

Coming out of the alley, Zhang Ping continued to wander around the city at night. With Liu Sishan secretly protecting him, he had the confidence to go to places he didn't dare to go in the past.

Pearl City does not have a department such as the Urban Planning Bureau, so the structure of Pearl City is very complex and chaotic. If it were not built too high, it might be attacked by flying alien beasts. It is estimated that Pearl City will have many architectural wonders.

Half an hour later, Zhang Ping found a martial arts gym.

This martial arts gym covers a large area and has a very domineering name: Beast King Boxing Gym.

Even at night, the martial arts hall is still brightly lit, with many adventurers coming and going. Zhang Ping estimates that the majority of customers in this martial arts hall are adventurers.

He thought for a while and simply walked into the martial arts gym.

In lighting, the Nightcrawler effect is weakened.

"Welcome, how can this classmate help you?"

A young lady in martial arts uniform immediately came up with a leaflet, asked with a smile, and handed a leaflet to Zhang Ping while speaking.

Zhang Ping took the flyer, which contained detailed charging standards.

Introduction to ordinary boxing, 500 pearl coins.

The first three moves of the Beast King Fist cost 3,000 pearl coins.

Hit three moves in the Beast King's fist, and get 3,500 Pearl Coins.

Three moves after the Beast King's fist, 5,000 pearl coins.

The Secret of Beast King Fist, 9999 Pearl Coins.

Zhang Ping took one look at the price and knew that Beast King Fist had no fate with a poor guy like him.

He put down the flyer and asked, "Can I come in and have a look?"

"Sorry, this is not possible, because there have been awakened clones who secretly learned the martial arts boxing techniques when they visited, so the inner room where martial arts are taught cannot be visited," the young lady refused.

Zhang Ping said confused: "But the question is... if there is really a copying ability, there is no need to go to the martial arts gym at all. They only need to see your apprentices here using the Beast King Fist outside the martial arts gym. Can they learn it differently?"

"I don't know much about this issue. Sorry, this is the rule of the martial arts school." The young lady was stunned for a moment, then said with a wry smile.

All right.

This is the rule.

Zhang Ping came out of the martial arts hall and continued his night tour.

Through the Beast King Boxing Gym, he roughly understood the reason for the existence of the martial arts gym.

Even adventurers have a need to learn new skills, especially adventurers with physical enhancements. Their battles require the use of various fighting techniques and weapon usage techniques.

If you only rely on yourself to understand these things in life and death, unless you have a few lives, you will hardly achieve great achievements until you die.

As a result, the martial arts school came into being and had the soil for its existence.

Next, Zhang Ping continued to collect information about martial arts gyms and went to several extremely expensive martial arts gyms to investigate.

Most of the gym owners who are qualified to open a martial arts gym have a martial arts skill at their disposal, and some are even powerful awakeners before opening a martial arts gym, or even very famous adventurers.

The martial arts gym itself also has strong cohesion.

The apprentices and even the awakened ones who have just graduated will consciously maintain the reputation of the martial arts hall. Some adventurer groups also use the martial arts hall as a link and only accept awakened people from the same martial arts hall.

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