I Contracted Myself



Suddenly, Wuming was hit in the face by a fist, and the whole person flew backwards, smashing hundreds of meteorites and falling into a piece of space debris. The entire space debris was instantly shattered because of his existence, and the mountains in the space debris turned into powder and floated in the void.

"Are you looking down on me?"

Mao Lin retracted his fist, landed on a meteorite, looked at Wuming from a distance, and asked coldly.

He had enough. Wuming had been looking down on him since he appeared. He had just entered level 279 and was just a newcomer. He was too arrogant!

Go to hell!

Mao Lin did not give Wuming time to breathe. A scarlet light flashed behind him. In an instant, he appeared above Wuming, and a scarlet knight's gun suddenly appeared in his hand. The tip of the gun pierced Wuming's head from top to bottom.

At this time, a golden arm appeared out of thin air, blasting from bottom to top, and the fist collided with the knight's gun. The terrifying energy aftermath instantly exploded everything around, and then the second wave of energy impact swept across, and the dust from the explosion turned into a rolling sandstorm and spread to the distance.

Many reporters hiding in the void faced the sweeping sandstorm, and their faces changed drastically. They were not afraid of the sandstorm itself, but the energy that swept the sandstorm.

Countless people quickly drove the spacecraft and turned around and ran away. Behind them was like the end of the world. The sandstorm continued to devour all matter, and any matter involved in it turned into dust in an instant.

"Too strong, this is probably just a trace of the aftermath of the collision between Lord Wuming and the challenger. It's hard to imagine what the two people at the center are like now."

Most reporters knew that when Wuming and the challenger fought, they would definitely condense their energy to the extreme, which means that when the two collided, 99.99999% of the energy was still at the center of the collision. The sandstorm they encountered was just a little bit of power leaked by the two.

But that little bit of power was already fatal to them.

At the center of the collision, after the two sides touched once, Mao Lin suddenly showed a grim smile, and the next moment he stabbed the knight's gun in his hand frantically at a very fast speed. For a moment, countless red gun shadows fell like rain, and Wuming solemnly manipulated the Titan's hand to bombard at the same high speed.

In a series of attacks, the area where the two sides were located has become a vacuum.

Although the tree-like universe is originally a vacuum state, because of the garbage abandoned by practitioners, the debris of the destroyed world, some things sent by messy spells, and the items that fall into the void after the space ring explodes, there will always be a lot of garbage floating in the tree-like universe, and it cannot be considered an absolute vacuum.

But now the two of them are fighting, directly shaking away all the matter and energy in the vacuum. Now there is nothing else in this area except the two of them.

"Warm-up is over, judgment!"

After a fierce attack, Mao Lin suddenly burst out with more powerful energy, and the knight's spear in his hand suddenly turned into a two-handed sword.

As he said, the series of attacks just now were just warm-ups.


Wuming immediately smelled the breath of death when Mao Lin slashed with a big sword. This sword was enough to kill him!

He closed his eyes, and the Eye of Ignorance was activated immediately, but the next second the picture of the big sword slashing appeared in his mind. He immediately thought it was not good, and his body instantly turned into a residual shadow and dodged to the left.

The red sword light flashed, and an arm fell into the void.

Wuming looked at his right hand and sighed. Sure enough, he still didn't avoid it.

"You want to block my sword with just a little trick of withering insects? Do you think you are playing games?" Mao Lin cut off Wuming's hand, and then temporarily stopped the attack and said indifferently.

Wuming narrowed his eyes, pressed his left hand on his chest and pushed, and his body turned over layer by layer in an instant, and a new body with a right hand suddenly appeared.

He said seriously: "You are right, let's continue."

After speaking, dense black lines suddenly shot from his body to the surroundings, and then dense doors formed out of thin air. Mao Lin's eyes quickly scanned the surroundings, and then scarlet energy wings grew on his back, and he appeared in front of Wuming in an instant.

No matter what Wuming wants to do, attacking Wuming itself is right.

He slashed at Wuming with a sword, but Wuming disappeared in the next moment. He frowned slightly, but slashed with a stronger force. The crescent-shaped red sword energy went straight forward and fell directly into a door below.


A door made of black lines suddenly exploded.

"The clown's trick!"

Mao Lin murmured, and the big sword in his hand turned into two red pistols in an instant.

He closed his eyes, swung his double guns, and then suddenly turned from static to dynamic. Dense bullets sprayed out like raindrops, and each bullet was shot at a door.

"Zhou Tian Bu Leak, Chi Yang Bullet!"

After a series of attacks by Mao Lin, the double guns in his hand suddenly turned into red energy and disappeared. He opened his eyes and said indifferently.

Dense bullets turned into red suns and crushed the surrounding doors. After these doors opened, they collided with the red suns. Suddenly, one of the red suns collided and shattered, and a black knife broke through the sun and slashed towards Mao Lin.

Mao Lin was prepared and moved his body to avoid the attack of the black knife. Then he saw that the person holding the black knife was not Wuming, but a black humanoid creature.

Not good! Mao Lin reacted instantly, and a huge amount of scarlet energy burst out directly from his body. The whole person was like a bomb releasing energy crazily.

The Deep Sea Apostle was instantly destroyed by the huge scarlet energy.

There was actually a door inside its body, and a finger pierced out of the door. If you look closely, you will find that the end of the finger is flashing with golden light.


As soon as this finger appeared, Mao Lin's hair exploded all over his body, and he disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The finger missed, and Wuming's body drilled out of the door frame of only ten centimeters like plasticine. He sighed in his heart, as expected, this move is difficult to work on a 279-level strongman.

On the other side, Mao Lin was sweating all over, feeling more exciting than going down to the abyss to challenge the demon god. He almost died just now.

He didn't know what Wuming's move was, but he knew very well that once he was hit by the finger, the battle would be over, so he retreated completely instinctively. The retreat just now was probably the fastest speed in his life.

"Very good, it is really worth challenging!"

The next moment, Mao Lin showed a crazy smile on his face, and felt very excited after being afraid.

He challenged Wuming for a breakthrough. If Wuming could not put pressure on him, that would be his greatest disappointment. Now he is very satisfied!

This battle must continue!

The energy in his body shook, and a spear emitting scarlet light appeared in his hand instantly. He shouted and threw the spear directly at Wuming.




Mao Lin was faster than the spear, constantly appearing on the side of the scarlet spear, turning over and kicking the end of the spear hard. The spear kept accelerating, and finally Mao Lin himself couldn't catch up with the spear.

Every time the spear was kicked by Mao Lin, the time flow rate inside the energy would increase, and it reached its peak at Mao Lin's last kick.

The countercurrent gun of all things!

The principle is very simple, just accelerate the spear to the point where time can't catch up. Everyone's time is downstream, only this gun is upstream!

However, when the All Things Countercurrent Spear entered Wuming's Seven Dreams of Floating Life, Wuming pressed one hand towards the position where the spear was shot. It was as if he made an unintentional action, but he just happened to suppress the attack from the future.


His palm collided with the tip of the All Things Countercurrent Spear, and the All Things Countercurrent Spear instantly exploded and turned into pure scarlet energy and dispersed.

Fortunately, the surroundings were already a vacuum, so although the explosion of the All Things Countercurrent Spear this time was extremely powerful, only Wuming felt it, and it did not cause any damage to the outside world. [Kakakakaka...]

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