I Contracted Myself


After the explosion, Wuming emerged unscathed, his whole body emitting a stream of light.

This is a bio-force field, but it is not his own bio-force field, but a comprehensive force field formed by all Wuming's shells plus his own bio-force field.

The bio-force field contains all the information of the creature. The stronger the creature, the stronger the bio-force field will naturally be.

After Wuming reached level 279, his bio-force field also became stronger. Even if he did not practice the bio-force field, the strength of the bio-force field was far greater than that of most creatures.

The bio-force fields of a large number of Wuming's shells are superimposed together. Because all Wuming's shells are the same as Wuming, the comprehensive force fields will not repel each other, but can be perfectly integrated together. You can imagine how terrifying it is.

The scarlet energy used by Mao Lin, ‏​​‎​‏‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‏‎‎‎ actually comes from a mystical system called "Blood Path".

This system is a little similar to the bio-force field, that is, it can strip its own blood of its concept in a sublimation ritual, and finally form the blood of the self based on this concept.

In fact, now there is only Mao Lin left in this system, and he is also the strongest person who has walked to the end along this system.

The blood of the self will mutate with the mutation of the user's blood, and can almost integrate all blood-related abilities, and can even derive countless uses by devouring the blood power of other creatures.

At the same time, as the blood continues to mutate, the weight of the blood of the self will continue to increase. Now a trace of Mao Lin's blood of the self has an extremely terrifying weight. If he is in a certain world, he can compress the entire world into a patch thinner than a piece of paper with just one thought.

What black hole, super large world, its mass is completely not enough in front of Mao Lin's blood of the self.

Mao Lin saw that his attack was taken by Wuming without any injury, and he did not feel disappointed. Instead, his fighting spirit became more and more high. In an instant, he turned into a blood-colored beam and appeared in front of Wuming, punching Wuming in the face.

At this time, Wuming raised his hand to block Mao Lin's attack. The biological force field collided with the blood of the self, and both of them could feel the power of each other.

Indestructible body, unshakable will, and a mind as bright as a gem.

Neither the body nor the soul has any weaknesses.


The two sides looked at each other, and even Wuming was inspired to fight. The next moment, both sides broke out at the same time, and fought hundreds of rounds in an instant.

The two fought from one area to another. The aftermath of the battle shattered countless space fragments, meteorites, and mountains. Even some creatures living in the tree-like universe were instantly killed by the two and turned into dust in the void in an instant.


Somewhere in the void, a spaceship was sailing at a very fast speed.

The majestic time energy wrapped around the spaceship, making the spaceship drag a long tail like a comet, moving quickly in the void.

Ma Chengming was late despite his haste. He drove the spaceship to the maximum speed, hoping that it would not end when he arrived.

At this time, he saw that there were many spaceships parked together in front of him. His eyes lit up slightly, and he quickly drove the spaceship over, then opened the address book and contacted his friends.

"Xiaozhi, what's the situation now? Did Mr. Wuming fight with the challenger?" Ma Chengming asked immediately when he saw a middle-aged man with dark circles under his eyes appear on the screen on the right.

Chen Dazhi was holding a cigarette, looking drowsy. He sighed and said, "They did fight, but their destructive power was too terrible. They almost wiped out our press corps. Now we have escaped death, and many people are worried."

"In other words, no one got any special materials?" Ma Chengming couldn't help laughing.

Since no one got the materials, it's reasonable for him not to get them. Song Xue can't blame him alone because no one got them.

"Well, no one got the materials. Now only the Long brothers haven't given up. The others have already given up. The reason they didn't leave is nothing more than waiting for a result." Chen Dazhi said.

Although they couldn't get more valuable information, after the victory or defeat came out, at least there was something to report, which was why the press corps didn't leave.

Ma Chengming immediately drove the spaceship to the side of Chen Dazhi's spaceship and said with a smile: "Let's wait together. I have hot pot here. Do you want to come over?"

"That's fine. I'm free anyway." Chen Dazhi agreed.

Then, the two connected the spaceships together. Chen Dazhi ran to Ma Chengming's side to eat hot pot and chat while waiting for Wuming and the others to finish the fight. They also got off work.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, do you have the record of the aftermath of the fight between Lord Wuming and the challenger?" Ma Chengming picked up a piece of tripe and gave it to Chen Dazhi, then asked.

Chen Dazhi sighed and said, "I knew that your hot pot was not cheap."

However, despite complaining, he still ordered his own spaceship to copy the record and send it to Ma Chengming. Ma Chengming immediately took out the oracle stone and read the record while eating hot pot.

When he saw the apocalyptic scene, he couldn't help but sigh: "As expected of Master Wuming, this is really powerful."

Suddenly, he noticed that in this apocalyptic scene, there seemed to be something higher up. Today's recording methods are quite advanced and can holographically record various data of the battle.

He adjusted the angle and enlarged the small white dot he noticed, and gradually a strange eyeball appeared in the picture.

The eyeball did not seem to be affected by the explosion and was still far away. As the screen continued to play, the angle of the eyeball also shook rapidly.

"Hey, what is that?" Chen Dazhi approached and asked in surprise.

Ma Chengming shook his head and said, "I don't know, but it seems to be related to the one who challenged Mr. Wuming. Could it be a trap?"

His judgment was based on the direction from which the eyeball flew. When it exploded, the eyeball flew from the direction of the challenger, not from the direction of Wuming.

"Quick, check the location!" Chen Dazhi said immediately.

This is obviously a good discovery. If we figure out the ability of the eyeball, we may be able to add it to the news and add a lot of color to the news.

After some calculations, the two quickly found the inconspicuous eyeball.

"Do you want to go?" Ma Chengming looked at Chen Dazhi.

Chen Dazhi licked his lips and smiled, "Of course we have to go. This is our chance. Isn't your mother always looking forward to your fame?"


Ma Chengming was too lazy to explain the origin of his name.

After Chen Dazhi returned to his spaceship, the two of them circled in the void, and then moved towards the location of the eyeball, so as not to be discovered by other colleagues.

It is true that colleagues are enemies.

Once too many people discover the eyeball, the value of this news will plummet.

Just like the pictures recorded by Chen Dazhi before, other colleagues also have them, so he shared them with Ma Chengming casually. If there was any exclusive news, he would definitely be reluctant to give it up, and Ma Chengming would not ask for it.

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