I Contracted Myself


In the void, the two spaceships moved quickly like white tadpoles, and finally stopped on both sides of the inconspicuous eyeball.

Chen Dazhi took a deep breath and said, "Chengming, let me tell you something. I bound that prop to my private channel. If you use that prop, the private channel will also play synchronously."

"Fuck, are you crazy? What about our exclusive news?" Ma Chengming couldn't help but swear.

The 'prop' that Chen Dazhi mentioned is called 'Eye Thorn'. It is a magical prop from the Lost Gate. Once the eye thorn is inserted into the eyeball of a creature or an object with a shape similar to that of an eyeball, the user can see the picture seen by the eyeball synchronously through the binding method.

Because the level of the eye thorn is very high and very secretive, ‏​​‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎In the past, Chen Dazhi relied on the eye thorn to get some exclusive news. Unfortunately, the properties of the eye thorn were later exposed to the Internet by a colleague. From then on, celebrities and strong people would be wary of the prying of the eye thorn, and this prop gradually became a bit tasteless.

Chen Dazhi, with the idea of ​​recycling, secretly created a private online channel, using the eye thorn to broadcast some content from the indigenous world, and actually accumulated some fans.

"I don't have many fans, how about treating it as a benefit?" Chen Dazhi said a little embarrassedly.

Ma Chengming said helplessly: "Forget it, let it be, without that prop, I can't do anything even if the eyeball is found."

"Hehe, it's inherited from my ancestors, it's useless for you to envy it." Chen Dazhi smiled proudly.

Next, Chen Dazhi put on armor that can move in the void, and then walked out of the spaceship. He took out a blood-colored nail from the storage ring. The nail was like two blood vessels entangled together, and there was a weird eye on the top.

Chen Dazhi was wrapped in time energy, and then he quickly floated to the side of the eyeball and directly stabbed the eye thorn into the eyeball. The eyeball on the top of the eye thorn immediately shook wildly.

"What's going on?" It was the first time that Chen Dazhi saw the eyeball on the top of the eye thorn shaking so violently.

He immediately took out the oracle stone and opened his channel. The next moment, he saw the colorful light and the blood-red light fighting each other at a dazzling speed.

"Hiss, Lord Wuming and the challenger are too fast. Even if I put a thorn in my eye, I can't see clearly." Chen Dazhi took a breath and said with some disappointment.

At this time, the two people in the picture stopped at the same time, but the next second a red energy turned into a sea and collided with a black sea.

At the moment when the blood sea and the black sea collided, the oracle stones of Chen Dazhi and Ma Chengming exploded at the same time. Before the two had time to react, the aftermath of the battle between Wuming and Mao Lin hit the two through the picture. The skin of the two people burst instantly, and then the flesh and blood collapsed, and the hair was all pulled out by the roots. In the blink of an eye, the two were seriously injured and fainted.

Ma Chengming was fine. He was inside the spaceship. Although the interior of the spaceship was also greatly impacted, at least it was still able to maintain basic operation. He was lying in the exploded cockpit and at least he was able to wake up. The physical injuries were not a big deal.

Chen Dazhi was miserable. He was in the void. The moment he was impacted, his armor shattered. At this time, he lost the protection of time energy in the void and froze. If no one rescued him in a short time, he would definitely die.

The battle between Wuming and Maolin was not a pure energy competition. The two fought almost in an all-round competition. Levels, realms, concepts, and information were also included in it. These contents were like poison to the weak. As long as they were touched, they would be seriously injured.

Even if they were watched through the screen, they still had extremely terrifying lethality.

Chen Dazhi and Ma Chengming did not realize this.

The main reason was that Wuming also used all his strength many times during the Shenzang Trial. They watched the live broadcast and were not injured. This led to an illusion that they were safe across the screen.

The Godly Hidden Space, the Sealed Demon Area.

Due to the ‘Wang Zong Incident’, the Sealed Demon Area is now a semi-militarized area, with not only a large number of soldiers stationed there, but also dozens of large formations built.

The scholars’ research was only superficial, and they dared not even touch the blood sea in the Sealed Demon Gate and the heads in the blood sea.

After all, with the precedent of Wang Zong, they did not want to become crazy.

A few kilometers away from the Sealed Demon Gate, a scholar stretched his back and finally finished his work for the day. He sealed all the files on the desktop, then got up and lay down on the sofa, then took out the oracle stone and opened it.

As a scholar, he likes to explore everything unknown. He follows many explosive anchors. He scanned the follow list and found that most of the anchors were not broadcasting. He pulled it down and saw a ‘Xiaozhi Peeping Secret’ live broadcasting, so he clicked it like he did in the past.


The mysterious power instantly blasted the scholar’s ​​head through the screen, and then a big hole was blasted in the house, and the invisible power quickly spread through the screen.

In fact, at the moment when Chen Dazhi started the live broadcast, people from all over the world were affected. Some were found and rescued in time, while others died at home without anyone knowing.

After this force erupted in the Demon Sealing Area, the head in the sea of ​​blood in the Demon Sealing Gate slowly opened its eyes.

Dino-Machia felt very noisy, as if someone was rubbing two pieces of iron against his ears crazily. He instinctively stretched out his hand and waved...

The Demon-Sealing Gate was instantly exploded by a large amount of blood. Originally, the Demon-Sealing Gate was in a half-hidden state after the Wang Zong incident. It did not take much power to break through the Demon-Sealing Gate with this blood water, and the remaining power instantly destroyed countless soldiers, The scholar finally bombarded a large defensive formation composed of countless formations.


Dense cracks immediately appeared in the defensive formation, and then the cracks began to spread downward, and the entire demon-sealing area collapsed instantly.

In fact, Wang Zong smashed the earth in the demon-sealing area with one punch back then. The current earth was rebuilt to cover the energy ocean below.

Many practitioners flew up at the moment when the earth collapsed. They all looked solemnly at the Demon Sealing Gate. The Demon Sealing Gate had fallen into the ocean of energy, but was recovered later.

But now the Demon-Sealing Gate did not fall into the ocean of energy as the earth collapsed. Instead, it was suspended in the air. A large amount of blood formed a huge arm that was extending from the Demon-Sealing Gate.

"No, the devil from the Demon-Sealing Sect is coming out." Someone said with a big change of expression.

An old man said: "Don't panic, inform the Council of Heavens, and the rest will retreat to the golden area, and inform Lord Gao Shang Palace to prepare for the enemy."

Many people reacted and followed the orders one after another.

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