I Contracted Myself

【007】Horrible Blood Shadow

Dino-Machia had a very long dream.

From infants to old people, from oviparous to viviparous, from plants to bacteria, from particles to molecules, from nothingness to fullness, from energy to matter, from the future back to the past, everything, endless...

In countless reincarnations, he was muddleheaded, could only go with the flow, passively accepting everything, and his self-consciousness was gradually submerged by the huge experience.

When he was about to annihilate himself, the sudden "noise" broke the cycle.

Half awake and half asleep, the sea of ​​blood first boiled, and then it seemed that countless demons were reveling in the sea of ​​blood, and then it seemed that countless worlds were instantly destroyed in the sea of ​​blood, and countless creatures were wailing in the sea of ​​blood.

In the boiling sea of ​​blood, drops of blood floated up, like a blood-colored gem slowly turning.

They seemed to have their own will, scrambling to leave the location of the Demon Sealing Gate and spread out to the surroundings. The space collapsed wherever they passed, leaving a crack that was invisible to the naked eye.

Golden area.

Countless soldiers were on high alert. Gao Shanggong stood on the top of a hill, looking at the Demon Sealing Area seriously.

Suddenly, he saw a touch of blood in his eyes. The moment he saw the blood, his eyes suddenly exploded, and the golden blood immediately fell around. Countless plants grew wildly, but collapsed quickly the next second.

"Oops, retreat!"

Gao Shanggong covered his eyes with one hand and held the stone next to him with the other hand, enduring the pain and giving the order.

The enemies in the Demon Sealing Gate were too strong. Just seeing the blood beads, he was injured by an astonishing murderous aura, which contained unimaginable murderous intent.

The most terrifying thing is that this murderous intent will affect the target while hurting it, making the target a madman.

Now Gao Shanggong not only needs to bear the pain to expel the killing intent, but also needs to resist the killing intent that grows in his heart under the temptation of this killing intent. However, the moment he suppressed the killing intent, the killing intent that had not been expelled grew again, and he was affected by the killing intent again, and the killing intent grew in his heart.

"Master Gao Shanggong, are you okay?" Gao Shanggong's adjutant asked worriedly.

Wang Zong was very lucky. Although he got a drop of magic blood from the Demon Sealing Gate, because Machia was still in a sealed state at that time, his temperament changed drastically, but his core was still his ego.

Now that Machia is in a semi-sealed and semi-awakened state, these magic bloods show amazing corrosiveness, and just seeing them can make creatures completely crazy.

Gao Shanggong resisted the killing intent and gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone, leave quickly. This is not a disaster that we can handle at this level. Quickly notify Wuming, evacuate... evacuate... evacuate... kill!"

His forehead was bulging with blue veins, his eyes were full of bloodshot, and before he finished speaking, evil thoughts suddenly took over.

The adjutant was startled, and wanted to escape the next moment. The problem was that in the golden area, Gao Shanggong, as the controller, wanted to kill people, how many people could escape?

Countless soldiers suddenly felt an astonishing killing intent, and some of them looked back, and then saw the last scene of their lives.

A golden sword cut the space like cutting glass, and the fracture spread forward in an instant. The world seemed to be divided into two, and the sky and the earth were no longer connected.

Countless soldiers were also divided into two by this sword. Before they died, most of them did not realize that the attack would be launched from behind, and they didn’t even know who killed them.

Gao Shanggong slashed this sword, and his crazy eyes actually had a trace of clarity again. Seeing the tens of thousands of soldiers’ corpses in front of him, his body shook violently.

The next second, the killing intent surged into his heart again. He suddenly roared in pain. The next moment, he held the long sword in his hand, pierced his brain from his chin, and the whole person slowly knelt down.

At this time, countless blood beads in the magic sealing area floated over, and the blood beads seemed to make a sharp laugh.

The survivors, who were originally in shock, also had blood beads reflected in their pupils. Then all the survivors attacked and killed each other frantically, and finally fell in a pool of blood, all of them died with their eyes wide open.

After a large number of creatures died, the blood beads emitted bloody light, and the corpses, the earth, and everything quickly decayed into blood. The entire golden area turned into a sea of ​​blood at a very fast speed, and spread to other areas as the blood beads drifted.

The news of the fall of the Shenzang space spread quickly throughout the heavens and the worlds as if it had wings.

In the Council of the Heavens Building, Lucy Feier couldn't help but shed tears when Gao Shanggong died. She was processing documents at the time, and she was startled when she saw her tears dripping on the documents.

Thirty seconds later, Aries came in with a sad face and told her that the golden area had fallen and Gao Shanggong... died in battle.

Lucy Fei'er thought she would be sad, but she was unexpectedly calm when she heard the news. She clenched the pen in her hand slightly and asked, "What's the situation now? Is it under control?"

"I'm afraid... it's out of control. All the current situations come from a cultivator named 'Shang Duan Ce'. He has a treasure from the Shenzang Trial, so he was not affected by the blood sea, but he escaped back after a narrow escape." Aries said.

Lucy Fei'er's eyes were gloomy, and she spoke for a while: "I know, notify all departments and use all the power to pass information to the cultivators in the Shenzang space. Those who can go offline will go offline, and those who are logged in will try to escape back to Dahuang City. Everything that can deal with the blood sea should be used. This incident is temporarily defined as SSS level."

SSS-level events have never occurred since the establishment of the Council of All Heavens. The only SSS-level event recorded so far is the Wanmomen incident before the establishment of the Council of All Heavens.

In other words, this incident is equivalent to the reappearance of Wanmomen!

Of course, this is just Lucy Fei'er's preliminary judgment. She is very clear about her father's strength in the Golden Region. Even Gaoshang Palace fell in the disaster. SSS-level may just be the beginning.

Aries Palace did not say much. After Lucy Fei'er gave the order, he immediately executed the order.

All the people who have the Oracle Stone in the Shenzang Space and even the heavens and the worlds saw the latest news at the same time, and also learned about the disaster of the Fengmomen.

While the news was being broadcast, the red sea of ​​blood and blood clouds in the Shenzang Space were spreading at a very fast speed. After a large amount of space was broken, the energy ocean below also turned into a sea of ​​blood, and the sea of ​​blood continued to penetrate downwards.

In some worlds, after learning about the disaster, the practitioners immediately decided to go to the Great Wasteland City for refuge.

This has been the first reaction of everyone for thousands of years. Everyone believes that no matter how terrible the disaster is, as long as they hide in the Great Wasteland City, they can rest assured.

Once the Council of Heavens resolves the source of the disaster, everything will return to the peaceful and tranquil times of the past.

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