I Contracted Myself

【008】Little Dino

Dino-Machia was born in the middle of the era when the "Vest" was popular.

His father's name is "Dino-Machia". We will temporarily call them "Big Dino" and "Little Dino".

The Big Dino has 800 trillion descendants, and the practice method is called "God's Blood Meditation Method".

The core of this practice is very simple, that is, to continuously split the self-soul and host it in one's own offspring, and slowly replace it as the offspring grows up.

Basically, every offspring has become a vest of the Big Dino after the age of ten.

In fact, many of the descendants of the Big Dino don't even know who their father is. The Big Dino just sows in the heavens and the worlds, and leaves when the mother is pregnant.

He and his descendants don't need to meet, and the soul can be implanted only by blood relationship. When the blood descendants reach ten years old, they will become his vests and dedicate everything to his pursuit of transcendence.

Little Dino was born in this situation. When he was born, Great Dino already had countless vests, and his birth did not attract Great Dino's attention at all.

Because at that time, hundreds of millions of descendants were born in the heavens and the worlds almost every breath, and Little Dino was just an insignificant and dispensable dust among the many descendants.

But Little Dino was born extraordinary and gifted. After he was born, he brought with him some of the characteristics of the "God Age Blood Meditation Method". All the descendants who were replaced by Great Dino, the resentment, anger, and resentment at the moment of being replaced, all fell on Little Dino in a magical way.

The pain, fear, and anger of his brothers and sisters made Little Dino grow up at a very fast speed. At the age of one, he learned blood sacrifice magic without a teacher and possessed magic power that ordinary people could hardly imagine.

His mother was named Lilu, a branch of the Finlachi family.

The Finlaci family is a magic family. After Lilu realized that her son had amazing talent, she immediately contacted the patriarch of the Finlaci family, Armas, hoping that the family could train her son well and let Xiao Dino become an excellent magician.

When Armas first saw Xiao Dino, he was immediately shocked by the huge magic power in Xiao Dino's body. After taking Xiao Dino to his magic tower, he couldn't wait to refine Xiao Dino into a vest.

In the era when vests were popular, the most terrifying thing was all kinds of greedy powers.

They split their souls at will, injected the split souls into the target's body, devoured the other party's soul, and obtained everything from the other party in the other party's identity.

Most vests will not even take off their horses for their entire lives, and everyone around them will not realize that 'he' is no longer 'him'.

Xiao Dino's mother Lilu didn't know that the patriarch of the Finlaci family, Armas, was actually one of the vests of the demon god Mo Dili, and the Finlaci family was just a casual chess move in Mo Dili's eyes.

After discovering the terrifying talent of Xiao Dino, family affection and elders, which were originally non-existent, were long forgotten.

But Modili did not realize how terrible Xiao Dino's talent was. When Amas tried to turn Xiao Dino into his vest, Xiao Dino absorbed his split soul and realized the true meaning of the magic way by absorbing this part of the soul: I see everything as straw dogs.

He learned it by himself, manipulated the magic power to become a wizard's hand to crush Amas to death, and then sacrificed the lives of all the creatures in the magic tower.

A few months later, the Finlaci family learned that the patriarch had died. Many family members rushed to the magic tower and then died. Xiao Dino pretended to be Amas for several months. After easily learning all kinds of knowledge in the magic tower, he stopped pretending.

He killed all members of the Finlaci family, including his own mother.

After solving the "worry", Xiao Dino lost his goal. In fact, he himself didn't know what he wanted. Only when he killed could he feel a little happy, just like the suppressed mind was released for a short time.

So, in order to pursue that short moment of release, he began to hunt humans, hunt monsters, and hunt all creatures.

He spent twenty years in this aimless killing, and dozens of Mo Dili's vests finally came to this world.

Obviously, Mo Dili didn't want to give up Xiao Dino's body. He knew very well how terrible Xiao Dino's potential was.

But his so-called "clear" was just seeing flowers in the fog and the moon in the water. It was completely self-righteous "clear". When his dozens of vests found Xiao Dino, Xiao Dino was hunting a group of wolves.

Xiao Dino ran like a beast, killing the magic wolf in the forest, and biting the flesh of the magic wolf in the most primitive way. Although his body was small, his muscles were already quite strong. The whole person looked like a ferocious little beast.

But ten minutes later, Mo Dili found that his judgment was wrong.

Xiao Dino is not a beast. Although no one taught him, Xiao Dino is a natural monster. When his vest took action, Mo Dili saw Xiao Dino's incredible fighting style and incredible power.

"Sure enough... you are still the most delicious!"

Before all the vests died in the battle, Mo Dili heard the only sentence Xiao Dino said.

He realized that the reason why Xiao Dino was still in the form of a child after twenty years was most likely because of "malnutrition". The other party needed extremely huge energy to continue to develop.


This kind of creature born with extraordinary talents is a freak to the strong men of the vest flow.

Because they always break common sense, and can even defeat the old monsters of the vest flow and crush the vest flow into slag.

Mo Dili was afraid, so he decided to send a stronger vest to destroy Xiao Dino and the whole world together. This is the simplest way to deal with freaks.

Before the freaks grow up, before they have the power to cross the void, they should be strangled without hesitation.

Mo Dili's approach is very correct, but he still underestimated the horror of Xiao Dino. Xiao Dino did not die after the world was destroyed. He was drifting in the void like a meteorite.

The hardness of his body is extremely exaggerated. Mo Dili's vest can't destroy it with all its power. He has no choice but to throw it into the abyss, hoping to use the power of the evil god to completely destroy it.

After Xiao Dino entered the abyss, he first fell into the blood nest, which is the domain of the blood demon.

As long as the creature still has blood, the blood demon will never die. Even if it is surrounded and killed by strong men again and again, it can still be resurrected in the blood nest.

After discovering Xiao Dino, the blood demon directly attacked and wanted to drain Xiao Dino's blood. As a result, Xiao Dino felt satisfied for the first time from the blood demon.

He twisted off the blood demon's head and drank the blood of the blood demon. His body finally began to develop, changing from the image of a child to a young man.

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