I Contracted Myself

【009】Finally seen

Xiao Dino's spiritual world is like a huge void. No matter what he does, it is difficult to have a "feeling". The world is too fragile for him. Steel and rock are like cream, and the flesh and blood of creatures are like foam. He can pierce it with a light poke.

He has no empathy for those emotions that people can understand. He can't have any feelings for his mother, his tribe, or all life.


Rather than saying that he has no feelings, it should be more strictly said that he has feelings, but in front of the huge void in the spiritual world, these feelings are insignificant and not enough to fill one billionth of it.

He is like a hungry beast, constantly chasing prey.

This time he finally hunted the real prey. He felt that he had a real meal and was so satisfied that he stood there for a full ten years.

For ten years, his heart was peaceful. Even if he was attacked by other demons, he didn't care.

But after ten years, the satisfaction receded like a tide, replaced by a huge emptiness. When he opened his eyes, he was already in the lair of the demon of desire.

The Desire Demon's lair is called the Indulgence Lair, and the style of the entire lair is completely different from that of the Blood Lair.

The Blood Lair is like a cave made up of countless blood-colored rocks in a disorderly manner, while the Indulgence Lair is a lair made up of countless creatures of different races. These creatures are not dead, but are piled together in a disorderly manner, reproducing madly.

"What a beautiful body..."

The Desire Demon noticed Xiao Dino's awakening and appeared in front of Xiao Dino in a blink of an eye.

Its image is indescribable, and every piece of flesh and blood is constantly changing. Sometimes there will be two lovers kissing flesh on its face, and sometimes the flesh turns into two snakes entangled together.

Xiao Dino swallowed his saliva subconsciously when he saw the Desire Demon. The Blood Demon can make him so satisfied, so what about the demon in front of him?

Although the two look very different, Xiao Dino wants to give it a try.

Before the Devil of Desire could react, the blood in Xiao Dino's body penetrated his flesh and skin and appeared in the air. A drop of blood pierced through the Devil of Desire's body, and then a large amount of blood instantly devoured the Devil of Desire.

The problem was that the sense of satisfaction did not appear, and Xiao Dino still felt infinite emptiness.

He first wondered why this happened. When the blood returned to his body, he learned the answer, because the Desire Demon had been refined into a vest by the Desire Witch several epochs before the Desire Destruction.

At the moment when the Desire Demon died, the Desire Witch took away its essence. Xiao Dino was like taking a bun and biting it. The bun filling was sucked away by others first, and his mouth was full of bun skin.

At this moment, he hated the Desire Witch!

A few days later, he walked out of the Desire Demon's lair, and the first thing he encountered was a group of genderless palm fire demons.

This kind of demon is not tall, only about the height of a human knee. Because it can condense flames on the palm, it is called a palm fire demon.

Generally speaking, low-level demons dare not wander around the territory of big demons, but the lair of the Desire Demon is an exception, because the Desire Demon is only interested in creatures with gender, and the Fire Demon happens to have no gender.

In the eyes of the Desire Demon, the Fire Demon is just like the weeds on the roadside, completely inconspicuous, and even passing by is too lazy to crush these dispensable existences.

However, for the hungry little Dino, these Fire Demons are also food.

He instinctively released a large amount of blood, and in a blink of an eye, he devoured all the Fire Demons within a radius of 100 miles, and then he felt a slight satisfaction.

This satisfaction was fleeting, and it disappeared before he could even experience it.

The little Dino suddenly went crazy, rushing around in the abyss and killing. All living things that can move are his hunting targets. He has no sense of justice or guilt, even some ordinary people who strayed into the abyss are within his attack range.

For hundreds of years afterwards, the little Dino was killing in the abyss.

Sonic demons, flying demons, dark demons, storm demons, shadow demons...

Many demons with names and surnames became his food, but the more demons he devoured, the more dissatisfied he felt, because nine out of ten demons were other practitioners' vests, and the moment these vests died, their essences would be taken back.

This feeling is probably like following the scent to find food with your eyes closed. After finally smelling the delicious smell, you run over to eat, and your mouth is full of shit.

During this period, a big thing happened in the outside world.

The Great Curse God personally took action and forcefully killed the son of the son of the younger brother of Little Dino, and declared war on the Great Dino.

In fact, this matter is essentially a declaration of sovereignty and a warning to the other party not to cross the line.

The Great Curse God himself is not an upright character. He just wanted to refine the descendants of the Great Dino into vests, and then he found that his home had been stolen.

The purpose of his fuss was to warn the Great Dino.

But he probably didn't expect that his actions would bring him a fatal disaster.

While countless powerful people were hiding in the dark and eating melons, Xiao Dino, who was in the abyss, was able to detect a coordinate through the blood connection because of the powerful suppression of the Great Curse God.

There were too many shits hidden in the abyss, and he was tired of eating them.

So he decisively left the abyss along the coordinates. At this time, he already had the ability to cross the void in his physical body, but crossing the void would take a lot of time, so he simply wrapped himself in a lot of blood, and waited for the blood to solidify into a dark red lump, and then gently pushed himself forward along the coordinates.

A thousand years later, Xiao Dino descended into the world of the Great Curse God.

As the landlord, the Great Curse God was the first to notice Xiao Dino's invasion. Countless vests immediately moved and rushed to Xiao Dino, but they could not break the dark red lump formed by blood coagulation with all their abilities.

This thing is extremely strange.

The Great Curse God discovered that this dark red lump was not composed of atoms, or even particles.

It is purely composed of blood. Even in the microscopic world, it is blood, not molecules or atoms. It is still blood at the molecular level, blood at the atomic level, and even basic particles are composed of blood.

The energy that forms basic particles is a dark red energy.

The Great Curse God lived for countless cosmic eras. He realized that something was wrong the moment he realized it. His real body fled on the spot, and all his avatars and the world soon fell under the butcher knife of Little Dino.

In fact, after the Great Curse God warned Great Dino, the old man, Great Dino, quietly placed a lot of pawns in the territory of the Great Curse God.

All these pawns died after Little Dino came.

After a thousand years, Great Dino finally found Little Dino, and learned from the information sent back by the avatar before his death that this was his descendant, a descendant that was not controlled by him.

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