I Contracted Myself

【010】Horror Freak

Accidents often contain opportunities.

An individual who can remain unaffected by the "God's Blood Meditation Method" must have talents or powers that the Great Emperor Nuo does not have.

This is the foundation of Taoism!

The Great Emperor Nuo did not hesitate at all and decisively attacked the Little Emperor Nuo from the blood level.

All his blood, his descendants, no matter how many generations have passed, he can manage the target through the "God's Blood Meditation Method".

But this time there was an accident. His power fell on the body of the Little Emperor Nuo through the connection of blood, and was sucked dry by the Little Emperor Nuo in a blink of an eye. Not only did it not affect the Little Emperor Nuo, but it was swallowed up.

At this moment, the Great Emperor Nuo realized that the Little Emperor Nuo was not a foundation of Taoism, but a freak!

The main reason is that freaks are too rare. It is difficult for one to appear in several cosmic eras. The Great Emperor Nuo never thought that he would be so unlucky and become the unlucky guy who met a freak.

But now he knows that his disaster has come.

In the past, any vest-style strongman who encountered a freak, unless he could discover the freak in the early stage and destroy the world together, would eventually be killed by the freak.

This freak seemed to be born with a mission, which was to kill its own source.

When the source was killed, the freak itself would die quickly.



This kind of feeling has not been experienced by Da Dino for a long, long time. When he felt fear, his first reaction was to send a vest to kill Xiao Dino.

But he did not do so.

Freaks often have great restraint on the power of the source. If he sent a vest to kill Xiao Dino, it would be like a meat bun hitting a dog, which would only make Xiao Dino stronger.

He had missed the best time to kill the freak. Now the most correct thing to do is to contact other strongmen and let other strongmen kill the freak.

In half a year, he contacted a large number of strongmen. After paying countless costs, he finally asked the ancestors of the Baiyun Sect, the technology geek and other strongmen to deal with Xiao Dino.

The ancestor of Baiyun Sect, named Bai Mudan, although the name sounds a bit like a woman, is actually a plant that has cultivated into a demon, and its body is a hermaphroditic white peony.

After cultivating into a human form, Bai Mudan joined Baiyun Sect, and finally quietly killed the sect master who controlled Baiyun Sect, and then slowly turned the entire Baiyun Sect into its own nest over tens of millions of years.

The entire sect is full of its vests.

The Tech Geek is a strong man of the technology school, who is best at replicating various extraordinary creatures and using clones as vests. His body has never been exposed, but his vests are all over the world, and his image changes in thousands of ways. No one knows whether an ant or a blade of grass around him will be the vest of the Tech Geek.

In addition, there are also strong men such as Yueyao Witch and Green Tan Ancestor who will send vests to help.

In order to kill Xiao Dino 100%, Da Dino spared no expense. After inviting the strong, he also took out many treasures. As long as Xiao Dino could be killed, he would not want these treasures, and all of them belonged to the one who made the move.

Such a big battle, Da Dino and many strong people thought it was foolproof. After all, Xiao Dino now did not even have the power to destroy the world. Although he had the ability to cross the void, how could he survive with so many strong people gathered to surround and kill him.

A week later.

Ninety percent of Bai Mudan's vests died, all the vests of the technology geeks were destroyed, all the vests of the Yueyao witch were destroyed, and the Green Tan ancestor died.

In fact, the battle was not fierce at all.

Bai Mudan and other strong men first blasted the world where Xiao Dino was, and chose the battlefield in the void. Their way of destroying the world was very simple, that is, injecting destructive power into the world from the outside at the same time. In an instant, the space shattered, and countless planets were torn apart along with the shattered space.

These space fragments scattered in the void at once. Before everyone could react, Xiao Dino came out of the broken world unscathed and killed the Green Tan Patriarch in an instant.

The Green Tan Patriarch was a zombie, controlling countless zombie vests. This time, his main body did not actually take action, but only sent out the strongest vests to help.

The problem was that his spirit was connected to the vest, so when Xiao Dino killed his vest, it was like sucking a snail. With one suck, the main body's mental power and soul were sucked in. He died without even a chance to react.

The following battle can be summarized as "unable to break the defense."

Xiao Dino's body was extremely strange. No matter what attack, it could not break his defense. Even if the artifact hit him, it was useless. If it hit him twice more, the artifact itself would be damaged.

After a lot of fighting, a lot of his own people died, and the enemy's skin was not broken. Even the most cunning monsters could not stand it.

Then Bai Mudan, the technology geek and other strong men fled in embarrassment, completely losing their will to fight.

The only feeling Xiao Dino had was that these vests tasted like shit, and only the spiritual power of the Green Tan Patriarch was still good, which made him feel a little satisfied.

In fact, every time he was satisfied, Xiao Dino's strength would change dramatically.

After absorbing the power of the blood demon, his physique changed fundamentally, and his body was completely made of "blood", no longer an ordinary body.

Even if a strong man with infinite cutting ability could break his defense, infinite cutting would only make the blood smaller and smaller, and even if the blood was broken up, it would only turn into blood energy.

And the palm fire demon and various messy creatures that he swallowed later also gave him various abilities.

Although Xiao Dino himself does not pursue ability, and even has no idea of ​​improving his strength, after all, he has never encountered an enemy that he cannot defeat since he was born, but after absorbing the spiritual power of the Green Tan Patriarch, he still sensed something, and for a while he did not chase Bai Mudan and others.

Before, Xiao Dino was like a blind man, rushing around in the infinite world, completely indistinguishable from superiors and inferiors.

The spiritual power of the Green Tan Patriarch made his spiritual power transform, he could vaguely sense the direction of the "delicious food", and he could find prey that could satisfy him through his sixth sense.

It was this strange feeling that made Xiao Dino give up Bai Mudan and the Tech Geek.

But what followed was indeed a terrifying beginning.

Xiao Dino was like a bear smelling a scent, bypassing all kinds of vests and heading straight to the source of all kinds of vests. Although many sources can be transferred to other vests before death, Xiao Dino can also chase after them.

In just a few hundred years, the practitioners of the Majia style have become terrified of Xiao Dino.

In fact, Xiao Dino is not a righteous man. Every time he attacks the source of the Majia style, countless lives will be killed and injured, and even many worlds will be destroyed.

But he doesn't care about these things at all.

He is like a bear that smells honey and wants to eat it regardless of the consequences. As for the damage caused in the process, what does it have to do with him?

Eat eat eat eat eat!

There are too many delicious foods in the heavens and the worlds. Even if it can only satisfy him for a short time, he will still take action without hesitation.

Over the long years, his body has changed again and again. At first, he grew into a 100-meter giant, then grew more arms, and slowly his legs turned into countless tentacles, each of which can span countless worlds.

These tentacles are full of eyes, and there are mouths in the pupils of the eyes.

Each tentacle was observing different worlds, looking for delicious food, while the main body of Little Dino was in the void. His huge body gradually turned into a meat ball with a mouth full of mouths. Only his head never grew bigger, maintaining its original size. From a distance, his head looked like a small meat lump on his body.

This was the most efficient foraging form. Every moment, he could destroy a world and take out delicious "honey" from it.

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