I Contracted Myself

【011】Nightmare Machiya

For many practitioners, the tree-like universe is like an extremely large, leafy tree.

But this is actually just an illusion.

In fact, the shape of the tree-like universe is more like a chaotic thread, or like ball lightning. As it expands, countless 'branches' appear and destroy continuously.

Some of these branches are indeed shaped like branches. One large branch serves as the main trunk, and then many branches grow out.

Generally speaking, the world closer to the branches is more immature, and the world closer to the trunk is older. Many powerful practitioners will operate their base camps in areas close to the trunk.

The tree-like universe is so vast and boundless that most areas are actually quite empty, without any matter or energy.

Even if you really reach the edge, the edge may continue to expand in the next second, and in the blink of an eye you can't find the edge again.

In such an open area, although old monsters gather together to build base camps, they are actually far apart.

Under normal circumstances, even if old monsters who practice the vest style have conflicts with each other, they will only send out vests to resolve the conflict. The losing party will suffer a loss by default, and the winning party will not push further to avoid a larger conflict.

Because no one knows who their enemy is. If you think your enemy is A, but in fact A is B's vest, then you may provoke B, who you cannot defeat.

Only when you accept the opportunity can you survive!

But the sudden appearance of Little Dino made all the old monsters complain.

They are very good at using vests to infiltrate the enemy's base camp, but Little Dino does not have a base camp. They are very good at using conspiracy and conspiracy to plot against the enemy, but Little Dino has nothing to pursue at all. He is just eating.

Even if the old monsters set traps, in the end little Dino can eat them together with the traps due to his strong strength.

When Little Dino's tentacles approached the base camps of various old monsters, some old monsters couldn't sit still. Some decided to join forces to kill Little Dino, while others decided to run away with their own base camps.

It is worth mentioning that Big Dino wanted to run away, but because Little Dino came from him, many old monsters joined forces to force him to stay. If he really lost to Little Dino, these old monsters would be merciless. Sacrifice the Great Dino.

According to the rules, once Little Dino kills Big Dino, he himself will die within a very short period of time.

Then, without any surprise, a group of old monsters manipulated the vests to deliver food, which instead allowed Little Di Nuo to find their coordinates. After several old monsters died, these old monsters decided to sacrifice the great Di Nuo alive to the little Di. promise.

Of course Dadino is not willing. The problem is that his opinion is not important. He is also one of the old monsters, but he has a vest, and other old monsters also have vests.

With hundreds of thousands of old monsters targeting him at the same time, he had no way to resist.

In terms of numbers, none of those old monsters were less than him. In terms of strength, every old monster was on par with him. All of his vests were either killed or controlled, and they were packaged and sacrificed to the little emperor, including the great Emperor Nuo. promise.

From this moment on, there is no longer a distinction between the big Dino and the little Dino, because there is only one Dino left in the world - Machia.

Dino-Makia has three forms in total.

Each form represents that he has completed a life transition and evolved to a higher level.

‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏His first form is the human form. This form is divided into embryonic stage, infancy, early childhood, youth and adulthood. The embryonic stage is Machia. The only time he has a clear weakness is if he kills his mother along with him, Machia will also die.

After passing through the most fragile embryonic period, Machia's body gradually became composed of pure attributeless energy. He had no obvious weaknesses, and his physical body was extremely hard and indelible. Ordinary creatures posed no threat to him at all. A powerful practitioner has a chance to kill it during this period.

But Machia's luck was very good, and he spent this period peacefully under the care and protection of his mother.

When he enters the early childhood stage, his defenses in all aspects will be improved again, he will be able to survive the Big Bang unscathed, and his soul will become more mature.

In fact, at this period, his brain was able to understand all the rules and knowledge in the world, but he was too powerful, and these rules and knowledge were meaningless to him.

This is like a person with infinite strength who can unscrew a bolt with his bare hands without a wrench, so does he still need a wrench?

Machia does not need knowledge or understanding of the rules of the world, because it is meaningless to him. He is the one with infinite power and can do whatever he wants.

Under normal circumstances, it takes a huge amount of energy to grow from childhood to adolescence, but Machia was very lucky and met the blood demon.

After absorbing the energy accumulated by countless eons of blood demons, Machia grew into youth.

During this period, his body was further strengthened, and at the same time, the concept of "blood" was added to the originally pure energy, which would affect his life.

However, at this stage, he is still not invincible. As long as he kills Emperor Nuo, he will die with him.

The problem is that Dadino himself is very powerful. When there is not enough benefit, not many old monsters are willing to unite to kill Dadino.

This gave Xiao Dino the opportunity to evolve into his second form.

The second form is called the glutton form.

In this form, except for the head which still retains human characteristics, his body has no human-like features.

His body not only turns into a huge sphere, but also grows countless tentacles. Each tentacle has a large number of mouths, which can forage and eat in multiple lines at the same time, greatly increasing the efficiency of eating.

This form is divided into: tentacle stage, expansion stage, tumor stage, and blood nest stage.

In the tentacle stage, his lower body completely becomes a tentacle form, and he can extend his tentacles to various worlds without moving. In this period, he is actually a completely high-dimensional creature. When attacking various worlds, he will devour all creatures in the past and future on the timeline.

In other words, in the world attacked by him, no matter in the past, present, or future, all living things will not escape the fate of being eaten.

After swallowing enough food, his body will begin to become fat. At first, he is just an ordinary fat man, but the fat will increase, and the expanded body can grow more tentacles.

The efficiency of eating is enhanced again.

The following cancer stage and blood nest stage are actually just to further enhance the feeding efficiency of Little Dino.

For example, in the cancer stage, it takes a lot of time for the super-long tentacles to transport nutrients each time, and the efficiency is not improved, so tumors grow in the middle of the tentacles to store energy.

Then these tumors can grow more tentacles, and with the existence of cancer nodes, Little Dino is equivalent to having several more brains, and the feeding efficiency is greatly enhanced.

In fact, after entering the second form, Little Dino is no longer affected by the life and death of Big Dino. Even if Big Dino dies, he will not fall with him.

Because he actually has little relationship with Big Dino now.

However, Big Dino's death still has a certain effect, that is, after Little Dino devours Big Dino, he enters the third form.

This form is called the All-Eater Form, and many people later called it Nightmare Machiya. [It's very stuck, and because of the writer's stuck, my insomnia has become serious again. I can only fall asleep at three or four o'clock recently, but I should be able to finish this book on the 25th, and there are only a few chapters left. 】

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