I Contracted Myself

【016】Absolute restraint

The Lashao Universe is very special.

Anyone who has seen the huge statue stringing countless worlds together like playing a whistle knows that this world cannot be born naturally.

Wuming has a different experience every time he returns to the Lashao Universe. This time he felt darkness, endless darkness.

All the worlds in the Lashao Universe have been reduced to ashes, and not even the residue is left.

Obviously, the Dark King is completely impatient.

Black World!

Suddenly, a black sphere fell from the sky.

It was not blocked by the Great Wilderness Special Zone at all, and it pierced the earth with one blow, so that countless people in the Great Wilderness City were instantly killed by the terrifying black wave.

Everything happened too fast.

It took only a few breaths from the Great Wilderness Special Zone back to the Lashao Universe, and then the black ball attacked the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

Many people didn't react at all, and everything was over in the blink of an eye.

After a brief silence, screams and cries came one after another. The Dark King walked out of the dust and looked not far away. Wuming appeared instantly and frowned at the Dark King.

"You finally have the courage to come back?" The Dark King sneered.

Wuming said indifferently: "Sometimes, being a frog in a well is really a blessing."

Black Realm!

Seven Dreams of Floating Life!

The next moment, the domains of both sides collided with each other in an instant. The absolute darkness and the colorful domain did not give in to each other for a while. The terrifying power distorted all the substances in reality. The two of them penetrated the Great Wilderness Special Zone in an instant and moved from the Great Wilderness Special Zone to the outside world.

The two forces were like two giant beasts, changing their shapes madly in the dark void, rotating endlessly like Tai Chi, and no one could control anyone.

"You've really become stronger. If I recreate that scene, you should be able to save her, right?"

The Dark King frowned, sneered, and immediately burst out with all his strength. The terrifying darkness swept the whole world. In the Great Wilderness Special Zone, countless people wailed in despair, and then were swallowed by the darkness.

A crisp phoenix cry sounded in the darkness.

Lucy Feier turned into a huge phoenix and blocked the darkness with a dark blue flame, but she was swallowed by the darkness the next second.

At this time, her talent came into play. The closer she was to death, the harder it was to die. In the darkness, she burst out a brilliant blue flame, buying time for countless people to escape.

But talent is only talent after all. In the blink of an eye, the endless darkness swallowed her again. A generation of beauties disappeared silently in the darkness, and the Great Wilderness City disappeared with them.

Destruction is always easier than construction.

Wuming didn't want to protect the Great Wilderness Special Zone, but the Dark King could ignore the defense power of the Great Wilderness Special Zone and invade the Great Wilderness Special Zone in an all-round way. He could only block a few sides at most, but it was impossible to completely block all attacks.

He suddenly understood why the Bodhisattva of Guarantee only wanted to teleport him back at first, but didn't mention the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

"The Dark King!!!"

Wuming was instantly furious, but his tone was terribly cold.

Suddenly, countless black lines appeared in the Seven Dreams of Floating Life. These black lines formed spears and pierced into the interior of the Black Realm. A door suddenly opened, and the Dark King's confused face could be seen through the door.

Countless fantasy flowers turned into dense fists and poured in from the door. In an instant, the Dark King was hit by millions of punches.

The Black Realm is very strong. If it is weaker than it or at the same level as it, there is almost no way to crack it.

A long time ago, Wuming knew that the only way to crack the Black Realm is to have a stronger and more extreme force than it.

The 279-level Floating Life Seven Dreams can only fight against the 279-level Black Realm, while the power of the Dark Gate Dragon An Tian is the power of the Small Return to One Realm, which is the power of the 280-level power.

Therefore, the power of An Tian can just break the Dark King's Black Realm!

In fact, Wuming knew that he could beat the Dark King after he entered the 279-level, but he was more stable and felt that it would not be too late to deal with the Dark King at the 280-level, so he did not immediately attack the Dark King.

If it were not for the appearance of Machia, Wuming would never fight the Dark King at this time. He would wait until he broke through the 280-level and then come back to crush the Dark King.



Absolutely impossible!

The Dark King was completely angry. His power was absolute and unique. How could it be broken!

At this time, a door was instantly opened in the Black Realm, and the Titan's Fist bombarded his face at the speed of light. After being punched, he immediately used the power of the Black Realm to destroy the Titan's Fist, but his face was burning with pain.

Without the restraint of the Great Wilderness Special Zone, the next fight was almost one-sided.

Wuming constantly used the power of Dark Sky and combined various powers to beat the Dark King, while the Dark King could only passively defend and was completely unable to fight back.

His power was too specialized and pure. He could not be invincible at the same level, but he could be on par with anyone, and even in most cases he could win.

But Wuming was like his nemesis, and he just happened to restrain him perfectly.

In fact, even if the Dark King fought with Mao Lin, he could easily defeat Mao Lin, but Wuming could only fight Mao Lin 50-50.

Because Mao Lin was a strong man with many abilities, and he had integrated all these abilities to approach the Small Return to One Realm, even if he had no way to fight against Dark Sky's abilities, he had many ways to resolve Dark Sky's abilities.

It was like playing a game. Mao Lin was a balanced player. When he encountered a stronger enemy, he could not withstand it head-on, but he could dodge.

And the Dark King is like a character who has all the strength points, and there is no point in dodging. When he can't bear it, it means that he can't dodge.

After the Dark King realized that he couldn't defend against Wuming's attack, although he was unbelievable and even full of anger, he decisively changed his fighting style.

He simply shrank the black realm to the surface of his body, and then attacked frantically, trying to break Wuming's floating life seven dream domain, pull Wuming to the same level, and then continue to fight.

But how could Wuming give the Dark King a chance.

After the Dark King shrank the black realm, he immediately shot out more black lines, densely packed black lines attacked from different angles, and at the same time, countless fantasy flowers bloomed in the void. The Dark King was like a prey falling into a swamp. Whether he struggled or gave up, he had no chance of escape.

The Dark King, who once made Wuming feel what despair was, seemed so powerless in the face of absolute restraint.

In fact, the power of the Dark King is extremely extreme and terrifying. If I have to describe it, it is like the ink that can turn everything on the drawing paper into black.

Everything in the world, all colors, will eventually return to black.

The Dark King has a very solid foundation. Even though his body is constantly attacked by Wuming in various ways, he still does not give up fighting back. He grits his gums, and the surface of his body is covered with a layer of black power, bombarding Fu Sheng Qi Meng madly.

This way of concentrating power on one point can indeed break through Fu Sheng Qi Meng. Fu Sheng Qi Meng was deformed by the beating, and the Dark King was getting closer and closer to Wuming.

His body was wrapped with golden silk threads, and countless doors were opened behind him. Various attacks went straight to his internal organs, but every cell of his was covered with dark power, and he would only be injured after the door was opened.

Injury, it doesn't matter.

The Dark King now just wants to kill Wuming and start all over again.

Next time, he will kill Wuming a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times in one breath, and then stare at Wuming after the anger subsides, not giving Wuming any chance to grow.

From now on, Wuming will become a bird in a cage, and the meaning of existence is only to buy time for him to break through level 280.

He was careless this time, and there will be no such opportunity in the future.

But no matter how many thoughts and ideas the Dark King has in his mind, the only thing he can do now is to fight to the end, and there is a fact he cannot deny, he is actually at a disadvantage.

The Hand of Apocalypse!

Black Sword!

Dark Poison!

The Dark King usually does not need to use too many moves, the Black Realm alone is enough to kill all enemies instantly.

But at this time, every time he punches, he has other moves attached, and every time his hand swings, it actually changes, but this force hits the Seven Dreams of Floating Life, at most it only stirs up a little wave.

Suddenly, an arm appeared in front of the Dark King, and the colorful biological force field suddenly erupted, and a punch hit the Dark King's cheek.

Wuming looked at the Dark King calmly and indifferently, and instantly punched with both hands. The Dark King reacted and was about to fight back when he was entangled by dense black lines. A huge Titan hand slammed down from above, and a door appeared in his head in an instant, and his brain was in direct contact with the fist.

"You... damn it!"

Wuming's hand wrapped in a biological force field, hit the Dark King's chest heavily, and countless black lines instantly activated their abilities, and the dense small doors on the Dark King's body opened in the blink of an eye.


The Dark King's eyes widened suddenly when these small doors opened.

He burst out his own power almost without reservation, and thick black air erupted from his body. Every inch of cell emitted its own power like a volcanic eruption.

But Wuming did not retreat. He looked at the Dark King, and his hands slowly and firmly resisted the black air, and finally hammered heavily on the Dark King's defenseless heart.

Wuming, Ping!

In an instant, the Dark King let out a shrill, unwilling scream, and dense cracks appeared in his heart, which spread from his heart to his whole body.

"No, how could I, the Dark King... possibly... lose to..."

The Dark King Tong Kong trembled wildly, blood, saliva, and snot gushed out of his mouth and nose. He released all his power without reservation, but could not stop the spread of the golden power.

In despair, his body was shattered inch by inch, and in the end only a golden word was left floating alone in the void.

After the Dark King died, after the shouting and clamoring, the void suddenly became silent, leaving only Wuming standing alone in the void.

There was no place to go, and no place to return...

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