I Contracted Myself

【017】In an instant, nine hundred births and deaths

After a long time, Wuming sighed softly.

He stretched out his hand, and the golden words in the void fell into his palm obediently. His mind moved slightly, and the golden words merged with him.

In an instant, countless memories tore his self apart, penetrated his soul, and shattered his consciousness.

He was like a bullet in the head, and the whole person collapsed in the void.

"Su Jingyao, do you want to eat candy? I'll treat you."

Wuming lay on the desk, holding a green six-sided crystal in his hand, squinting at his deskmate Su Jingyao, and asked.

Su Jingyao glanced at the six-sided crystal and spit out a word expressionlessly: "Get lost."

"If you don't want it, don't want it. Is there any need to be so angry?" Wuming retracted his hand and complained in a low voice.

Su Jingyao's forehead veins protruded slightly, and she said unhappily: "**, although you have awakened a useless ability, I understand your feelings very well, but if you leave school and ask people everywhere like now, believe it or not, you will be beaten to death."


‏‎‏‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‏‎‎‏‎A dark fist suddenly appeared. Before Wuming could speak, his head was blown up by this punch, and the headless body fell down.

Before Su Jingyao could react, the Dark King showed his white teeth and smiled: "It's already killed, no need to thank me."


The restaurant opposite the patrol headquarters.

Wuming ordered a cup of tea and sat down by the window.

He angrily and calmly observed the patrol members opposite, but his heart slowly sank to the bottom of the valley. There was no living person in the entire patrol team, all of them were Tianchang Fox.

Pay the bill and leave.

Wuming walked on the street with full thoughts and accidentally bumped into someone.

Before he could apologize, the arrogant voice of the Dark King rang in his ears: "Say sorry if you bump into someone, remember it in the next life!"

The next second, Wuming was caught by the Dark King and thrown into the air, and finally fell to death on the street.

"Sister Sisi, I did something wrong tonight. I killed someone."

In the safe house, Wuming clenched his fists, reflected on it, looked at Liu Sishan, and told Liu Sishan very seriously that he had killed Zeng Xiaofan tonight.

"Are you fucking sick?"

Suddenly, a frivolous voice sounded, and before Wuming could react, his body was crushed and killed instantly.

The Dark King stepped on Wuming's body and said unhappily: "No matter how many times, I'm tired of seeing you, a saint."

Then he looked at Liu Sishan and said casually: "NPC, clean up the file!"

Base No. 08.

"Wait, we forgot two people!"

Just as he was about to teleport away, Ye Changchun already had the storage deed in his hand, and Wuming suddenly remembered the brothers Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu.

The two brothers were still locked up in the confinement room!

Ye Changchun stopped and looked at Wuming, but did not immediately return to the storage deed.

And Liu Sishan frowned slightly, and Zhang Shouzhong next to him also realized who the two people Wuming was talking about were.

He said directly: "Don't worry about them. They should have died. Now it's not us who killed them, so we can't worry about it."

"You go first, I'll go take a look." Wuming hesitated for a moment, and finally walked out of the teleportation array.

Suddenly, an invisible force slapped Wuming in the air, and his body twisted into a strange shape like a twist.

"Oh, I really can't bear it. Am I so saintly?" The Dark King appeared out of thin air at this time, looking at Wuming's body, and said with an unhappy face.

Liu Sishan and Zhang Shouzhong's child holes contracted at the same time. Without waiting for them to react, the Dark King said indifferently: "Okay, okay, let's reload the game!"


"Rescue, rescue, rescue, I let you rescue!"

Somewhere in a valley, the Dark King sat on Wuming's body and kept slapping Wuming's cheek with his shoes.


Wuming squatted down with a smile and patted Zhu Chengmian's cheek. Zhu Chengmian took a breath, and his eyes moved up with difficulty. When he saw Wuming, his breathing became rapid.

"Pig, what did you say before...? Whose era is it now?" Wuming approached with amusement and asked teasingly.

A hand was placed on Wuming's shoulder, and the voice of the Dark King came: "I have to answer this question, of course it is... my era!"




"Su Jingyao, do you want candy? I'll treat you."

Wuming lay on the desk, holding a green six-sided crystal in his hand, squinting at his deskmate Su Jingyao, and asked.

Su Jingyao glanced at the six-sided crystal and spit out a word expressionlessly: "Get lost."

"If you don't want it, don't want it. Is there any need to be so angry?" Wuming retracted his hand and complained in a low voice.

Su Jingyao's forehead veins protruded slightly, and she said unhappily: "**, although you have awakened a useless ability, I understand your feelings very well, but if you leave school and still ask people everywhere like now, believe it or not, you will be beaten to death."


A dark fist suddenly appeared. Before Wuming could speak, his head was blown up by the fist, and the headless body fell down.

Before Su Jingyao could react, another Wuming showed his white teeth and smiled, "It's already killed, no need to thank me."


The restaurant opposite the patrol headquarters.

Wuming ordered a cup of tea and sat by the window.

He observed the patrol team members opposite him angrily and calmly, but his heart sank to the bottom of the valley bit by bit. There was no living person in the entire patrol team, all of them were Tianchang Fox.

Check out and leave.

Wuming was walking thoughtfully on the street when he accidentally bumped into someone.

Before he could apologize, another nameless and arrogant voice sounded in his ears: "If you bump into someone, say you're sorry. You'll remember it in the next life!"

The next second, Wuming was grabbed by Wuming and thrown into the sky, and finally fell to death on the street.

"Sister Sisi, actually I did something wrong tonight.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) One thing, I killed a person. "

In the safe house, Wuming clenched his fists, looked at Liu Sishan after reflection, and told Liu Sishan very seriously that he had killed Zeng Xiaofan tonight.

"Are you fucking sick?"

Suddenly, a frivolous voice sounded, and before Wuming could react, his body was crushed and he was instantly killed.

Another Wuming stepped on Wuming's body and said unhappily: "No matter how many times I see you, the Holy Mother, I get annoyed."

Then he looked at Liu Sishan and said casually: "NPC, it's time to change the schedule!"

Base No. 08.

"Wait, we forgot two people!"

Just as he was about to teleport away, Ye Changchun already had the Chu Deed in his hand, and Wuming suddenly thought of brothers Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu.

These two brothers are still locked in a solitary room!

Ye Changchun stopped and looked at Wuming, but did not return to Chuqi immediately.

Liu Sishan frowned slightly, and Zhang Shouzhong next to him also realized who the two people Wuming was talking about were.

He even said directly: "**, don't worry about them. They both deserved to die in the first place. Now it's not us who killed them, so we can't care about that much."

"You guys go first, I'd better go take a look." Wuming hesitated for a moment and finally walked out of the teleportation array.

Suddenly, an invisible force slapped Wu Mingda and spun him in the air, twisting his body into strange shapes.

"Ouch, I really can't bear it, am I such a holy mother?" Another Wuming appeared out of thin air at this time, looked at Wuming's body, and said with an unhappy look on his face.

Liu Sishan and Zhang Shouzhong shrank at the same time. Before they could react, the other nameless person said: "Okay, okay, let's load the file!"

"Rescue, rescue, rescue, I'll let you rescue!"

Somewhere in a valley, Wuming sat on Wuming's body and kept slapping Wuming's cheeks with his shoes.

Wuming smiled and knelt down and patted Zhu Chengmian's cheek. Zhu Chengmian took a breath and moved his eyes upwards with difficulty. His breathing became rapid when he saw Wuming.

"Pig, you said before...what are you talking about? Whose era is it now?" Wuming came forward funny and asked teasingly.

A hand pressed on Wuming's shoulder, and another nameless voice came: "I have to answer this question, of course... it's my time!"

The murderer is nameless!

The person who was killed was nameless!

Sixty moments with a snap of the fingers, nine hundred births and deaths in one moment.

In just a short moment, Wuming seemed to be schizophrenic. He was being killed on one side and killing others on the other. He was the one being killed, and he was also the murderer.

Once, twice, a hundred times, ten thousand times, a hundred million times, billions and billions of times...

Endless cycle, constant killing, constant killing, constant repetition of a certain scene, constant freeze at a certain moment, different developments from different angles.

In the end, everything returned to its original point, Wuming came through time and was killed by himself.

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