Everyone looked at Xuangui.

If it is decades later, how strong should Xuangui be?

Bai De couldn't help saying with a smile: "So, Zhang Ping is equivalent to having an Overlord level Summoned Beast?"

"Feng Hall Master The speculation is really possible. As long as the Black Tortoise is not discovered by the Deep Frigate Bird, once it advances to a top-level alienated beast decades later, the Frost Frigate Bird Impossible is its opponent, and it will be the future overlord of the swamp." Lu Han analyzed.

Zhang Ping closes his eyes, opens his eyes at the next moment, lightly said with a smile: "Feng Hall Master really guessed it correctly. Xuangui knows the existence of the deep cold frigate bird, it has been hiding deep Cold frigate bird!"

This is the answer he got after communicating with Xuangui.

Xuangui also has his king's blood in his body, and he can communicate with animals through the king's blood, and Xuangui is his Summoned Beast, so naturally he knows everything.

He just didn't think of this layer before. After Feng Laixian clicked on it, he only needed to ask Xuangui to know the correct answer.


And it is space ability.

Zhang Ping really has a feeling of making a lot of money. He looked at Zhao Yanhu, took out ten contract gems, said with a smile: "Ahu, go on!"

"Thank you Zhang Lord Ping, can I share it with my big brother?" Zhao Yanhu caught the contract gem and then thanked him.

Zhang Ping said with a slight smile: "You can distribute your things as you like."

"Oh, then I will divide my brother half." Zhao Yanhu said happily .

Everyone here knows that the contract gem can increase the potential of organisms, and after the first one, there is a certain probability of awakening new superpowers after eating, so watching Zhao Yanhu and Zhao Yanlong use the contract gem as sugar Dou Chi, all were filled with emotion.

"If it weren't for Zhang Ping's contract gem, it's too ugly, I would like to eat one." Bai De envied.

Feng Hall Master squinted his eyes and asked: "Are you not afraid of being completely controlled by Zhang Ping?"

"Do you think Zhang Ping would do this kind of thing?" Bai De said with a smile.

Fenglaixian nodded and said: "Yes, Zhang Ping can't do it, and... there is no need to do it."

If the trust score is rated, it will be given a full score of 10. , Then in Feng Laixian's heart, only two people present got full marks, one is Bai De, and the other is Zhang Ping.

I trust Bai De because of his countless years of life and death, and the experience of fighting side by side, and trusting Zhang Ping is to trust his character, and his dignified, straightforward and upright person.

Because of trust, Feng Laixian will tell Zhang Ping the information of the Transcendant. He has never told anyone in the past, and the document stone tablet was destroyed by him a long time ago.

He originally planned to enjoy this secret exclusively, but after meeting Zhang Ping, he didn't want to enjoy it exclusively.

This is probably the charm of Zhang Ping's personality, like the dew of spring wind and rain, silently and silently affecting everyone around him.

And the team should have been Liu Sishan and Feng Laixian had the final say.

Liu Sishan is the leader of the sweeping team. He Fenglaixian is the most powerhouse in the team, and the command team is justified.

Unconsciously, everyone is centered on Zhang Ping, which is a manifestation of trust.

That’s why he said that Zhang Ping can be controlled by gems, but it is not necessary.

After all, everyone listens to Zhang Ping.


No words for a night.

Everyone rested on turtle's back for a night, and they were greeted by the smell of meat early in the morning.

Yesterday everyone ate all of them with round stomachs, but the meat of the deep-cold frigate bird is so amazing that I still want to eat it, and I don’t feel tired at all.

Everyone woke up and gathered around Zhang Ping, sitting on the mat made by Zhang Shouzhong, eating the meat of the deep-cold frigate bird for breakfast.

"Master Zhang Ping, please help me to identify it. I feel like I have changed, but it feels very vague and inaccurate." Zhao Yanlong was whispered after eating the barbecue.

Zhang Ping nodded complied, and then use Appraisal Technique on Zhao Yanlong.

[Successful identification]

[Summoned Beast: Zhao Yanlong]

[Master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Human]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 96]

[level: high level awakened]

[ Level: 26]

[innate talent]

[Saint’s blood: Blood contains extremely strong stimulating substances, which can continuously strengthen itself, and it is also a highly poisonous. 】

【Poison Blood Nest: highly toxic blood can attract all kinds of poison insects, and at the same time strengthen the poison of poison insects. When the poison insect swallows Poison Blood, it will become a part of your blood. , And fight for you at any time! ]

[Absolute obedience: You absolutely obey the summoner's commands, and the summoner's commands will be executed faithfully (special)]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Super strong: When the mood swings gradually become larger, blood circulation will stimulate all parts of the body, thereby making the body stronger. ]

[high level-damp poison: the highly poisonous blood will flow out with sweat, and be evaporated by body temperature, forming a large area of ​​poison mist. 】


Zhang Ping shared the results of the appraisal with Zhao Yanlong, said with a smile: "Congratulations, you have upgraded, and you have an Innate Ability."

"This is all due to Master Zhang Ping."

Zhao Yanlong looked at his new abilities in surprise and said gratefully.

He knew very well that his innate talent impossible came out of thin air, and it must be the effect of the contract gems he ate yesterday.

"Brother, what new ability do you get, show me also!" Zhao Yanhu said curiously.

Zhang Ping looked at Zhao Yanlong, and after getting Zhao Yanlong’s consent, he shared the results of the identification with Zhao Yanhu. After reading it, Zhao Yanhu muttered: "What, brother, your ability is plagiarizing me."


"Zhang Ping, he really awakened to the second day gift?" Zhang Shouzhong asked when he saw this.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Well, I really awakened the second day gift, a very good innate talent."

"Zhao Yanlong, can we take a look?" Cheng Xuejieren Can't help asking.

Zhao Yanlong looked at Zhang Ping and replied calmly: "It's all up to Master Zhang Ping."

"Everyone is a trusted teammate, but you really want me to be the master?" Zhang Ping looked at Zhao Yanlong and asked.

Zhao Yanlong nodded and said: "I believe in adults."

"Then everyone will take a look. If you fight side by side in the future, you will emerge victorious in every battle! "Zhang Ping thought for a while and decided.

Only this one definitely can't favor one another, just let everyone disclose their abilities together.

When everyone saw Zhang Ping's series of luxurious attributes, they were suddenly a little bit sad. Compared with Zhang Ping's ability, they really felt like being sloppy-worked.

"Zhang Ping's ability is getting more and more." Cheng Xuejie exclaimed.

Liu Sishan calmly said: "There will be more and more in the future. This is the power of infinite-level abilities."

"Zhang Ping, it’s better to be your lackey. Come on!" Zhang Shouzhong swallowed, holding Zhang Ping's hand with one hand and Zhang Ping's neck with the other, and said enviously.

Zhang Ping didn't know whether to cry or laugh and said: "I gave it to you, do you dare to eat it? I can guarantee that there is a contract in the contract gem, that is, it is not allowed to be lost."

"The contract gem tastes worse than shit, wait until I'm ready." Zhang Shouzhong, as the retreat Master, immediately released Zhang Ping and replied confidently.

Cheng Xuejie teased: "When will you be ready?"

"Zhang Ping, give me a contract gem, let me try it!" Seeing this, Bai De said with a smile.

Everyone looked at Bai De with surprise, Bai De scratched his head, and some sorry said: "Haha, my potential is almost reaching its end. If I don’t use external forces, I might stop for a lifetime. High level awakened, Zhang Ping’s contract gem may help me further breakthrough!"

When you think of the attributes of Bai De you just saw, they all showed their understanding.

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