The potential of Bai De is only one star left.

But his level is only Level 25, which is five levels away from the top.

The potential of a star is basically impossible to promote him to the top level. After Level 26, he can only stand still and make no progress.

If there is no way, then he will accept his fate.

But now the opportunity lies in front of him, he really doesn't want to give up.

"Instructor Bai, are you sure you want to eat contract gem?" Zhang Ping's expression became serious, looking at Bai De to confirm.

Bai De nodded and said: "Well, I eat!"

"Well, there is only one contract in the contract gem. No loss or sinking is allowed. No problem. ?" Zhang Ping instantly condensed a contract gem in the shape of a capsule, and asked with a smile.

Bai De took over the contract gem, said with a smile: "I can trust you!"

In fact, he had guessed before that his potential is certainly not high, because he hasn’t been there for a long time. Feeling the progress, he actually thought a lot before going to bed last night, but after reading his attributes in the morning, he made up his mind to do it anyway!

This is not a decision made on the fly, but a choice he made after careful consideration.

He swallowed the contract gem and just digested it.

Next, he looked at Zhang Ping and asked: "Is this all right?"

"Let me see."

Zhang Ping did not immediately Answer, but use Appraisal Technique on Bai De.

In an instant, Bai De's attribute appeared in front of him, and he looked at the attribute with a surprised look.

Bai De’s attributes have changed very little, not only the potential has not increased, and other skills have not been strengthened, but he got a new ability like Zhao Yanlong.

【Nibble and swallow: You can quickly restore physical strength through eating, and the excess energy will be used to strengthen your physical fitness. 】

This ability makes Bai De a real Great Appetite King, and even if his potential is exhausted, he can continue to eat and strengthen his physical fitness through this ability.

Perhaps Bai De will one day become a high level awakened that will kill the top awakened with one punch.

"How?" Bai De asked Zhang Ping with a look of surprise, a little nervous and expectant.

Zhang Ping smiled and shared the attribute with Bai De. Bai De was a little disappointed seeing his potential as a star, but when he saw the new ability, his eyes widened.

Obviously, he also realizes that this ability is very unusual.

"Don't play dumb puzzles, let everyone see." Feng Laixian saw Zhang Ping and Bai De big eyes staring at small eyes, took a sip of water from the cup, and then said to Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping smiled and shared the latest attribute of Bai De with everyone, because I just saw the old version of the attribute, so the contrast is very obvious.

"My God, this ability is too abnormal." Cheng Xuejie envied.

Liu Sishan said solemnly: "The potential of this ability is very strong. If you dig deeper, it can be used as the main ability."

"Zhang Ping's contract gem is also amazing, right? Zhao Yanlong immediately got an ability after eating it, and the instructor Bai got another ability after eating it. I was a little excited about it." Cheng Xuejie sighed.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "When you are really ready, I can provide you with the contract gem at any time."

"Then wait until I get ready. "Cheng Xuejie said weakly.

Bai De can be eaten because Bai De has been unable to move forward for a long, long time. He can only constantly polish his boxing skills, and can only shift his attention to the students so as not to save himself. In the dead of night, I couldn't breathe in despair.

This is actually very torturous.

So, Zhang Ping's contract gem is his last hope.

The other point is trust. He believes that Zhang Ping will not harm himself. It is this trust and past pain that allows him to eat the contract gem at once.

This is not something ordinary people can do.

In fact, human beings are the most easily absorbed contract gem among all living things.

Because animals believe in their own instinct more, when instinct rejects the contract gem, their will will not overcome this instinct, but will obey the instinct and resist the contract gem together.

Humans are different.

critical moment, one can give up dreams, dignity, and even freedom.

For example, Zhou Qingbai and Long Fubo, they swallow the contract gem so easily. In fact, there are two reasons. The first is that life and death are in the hands of Zhang Ping, and the second is their subconscious identification. This result.

To put it simply, they themselves know that they have done something wrong, and they think they deserve to die.

When Zhang Shouzhong told the two that they were members of the sweeping team, Zhou Qingbai and Long Fubo had subconsciously identified Zhang Ping with their identities as Adjudicators. When they were declared to be executed, they knew Pearl City's rules therefore agree with this judgment.

But the instinct of creatures is to avoid death and prolong life. Zhou Qingbai and Long Fubo don't want to die, so when they get the opportunity to avoid death, even if they become slaves, they will not hesitate.

To put it simply, they agreed with the rules of Pearl City and only accepted the contract gem after the choice between life and death!


In the next few days, the mysterious tortoise continued to wander aimlessly in the poison swamp.

Zhang Ping painted prototypes of weapons on turtle's back, while Cheng Xuejie, Zhang Shouzhong, Liu Sishan, and Bai De were practicing shooting at the reeds with guns.

Within a hundred meters, many poisonous snakes and birds have been harmed by them, and even alienated beasts will occasionally be attacked.

"Look, over there over there!"

Suddenly, Zhang Shouzhong pointed to the river not far away, yelled excitedly.

Everyone looked over, and then all smiled.

There seems to be a painting on the river. In the painting is a sparse forest, and farther away are the mountains and the huge body of the mountain ancestor.

"It's like a mirage, magnificent!" Feng Lai Xian said in a gentle voice.

Zhang Ping said with a slight smile: "This should be the exit. It seems we are lucky. We will find the exit in three weeks."

"I hope the next level will follow this One level is almost the same, so we have more time to develop." Cheng Xuejie said with a smile.

In addition to practicing guns, she also exercises according to Zhang Ping’s plan these days. Although she hasn’t figured out why she exercises like this, but vaguely, she does have a strange feeling, as if tied to her body. The'rope' inside is extending outward.

'Extension' may not be appropriate.

In fact, she didn't know exactly what it felt like, vaguely she could hold something that she could not hold with one hand before.

But now this feeling has not changed substantially, so she didn't tell other people that she intends to wait until this step is truly achieved before confessing to Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping was silent for a moment, opened the mouth and said: "I hope I can pass the level as soon as possible. Although I know that in a special scene, the outside time will not change, but..."

"The same goes for us, but the rules for special scenes are like this, and we can only accept it." Liu Sishan comforted.

During the discussion, the mysterious turtle slowly left the swamp from the exit. When everyone left from the exit, there were many small spots of light that merged into everyone's body. This is proof of customs clearance!

The next level, Yan Scorpion Desert!

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