Coming out of the poison swamp, Zhang Ping put the black tortoise into the deed, and then, at the prompt of Situ Shibai, Zhang Ping's body came out of Liu Sishan's body.

The main reason is that every time you enter a special scene, your body will be marked by the special scene. If Zhang Ping hides in Liu Sishan's body, it may be regarded as part of Liu Sishan and not recognized by the special scene.

Of course, this will not happen when you come out, because the special scene is to register according to the entry mark.

Then Zhang Ping and the others held hands, and Lu Han took the lead into the Yan Scorpion Desert.

"Hope the environment will not be too bad!"

Zhang Shouzhong followed Lu Han, turned his head and said to Zhang Ping behind him, and immediately followed him into the Yan Scorpion Desert.

"I don't know if Yan Scorpion is delicious."

Zhang Ping thought in his heart, after Zhang Shouzhong followed him into the desert.

But after entering the Yan Scorpion Desert, Zhang Ping felt his hands empty, and then a heat wave assaults the senses, and the air was full of the smell of dust.

He opened his eyes and found that all his companions were missing, but he was standing alone on the endless sand dunes.

The blue sky does not have a single cloud, and the sun hangs high above the dome, exuding high temperatures.

The temperature in the yellow desert is very hot.

The wind is hotter.

Zhang Ping can't use it for less than one minute in the desert.

His stamina is fully restored, and the flame element energy is also full.

"What the hell is this."

Zhang Ping always feels that he is very adaptable and can survive most environments, but it’s just a while in this desert , He kind of missed the four seasons of Poison Swamp like spring.

"Old Mister Situ, what is going on, what about the others?" He couldn't help asking.

Situ Shibai responded: "This is your test. I shouldn't say too much, otherwise it will be cheating?"

"Well, let me think about it. , The most advanced is Lu Han senior, then fatty, and then me. Behind me is sister Sisi. I can be sure that I held their hands when I came in, but after I came in, I still lost contact. Obviously this is With the special effect of the Yan Scorpion Desert, this scene itself will separate us." Zhang Ping calmed down and thought seriously.

Situ Shibai asked: "Then why do you want to dismantle you?"

"There is nothing here, there is even no task prompt, then...the task is likely to be for us to find each other, Only when you find each other can you leave?" Zhang Ping speculated.

Situ Shibai said with a smile noncommittal: "Then do as you guessed it."

"I'll contact other people first!"

Zhang Ping closes his eyes, the next moment consciousness transfers to Liu Sishan's body.

Sure enough, Liu Sishan was also standing on a piece of yellow sand. Because the temperature was too high, the ice mask on her face had melted, and the hideous scars on her face were extremely terrifying, just like lying on her face. There are several dark red centipede.

"Sister Sisi, are you okay?" Zhang Ping asked.

Liu Sishan calmly said: "There is no danger for the time being. This level is likely to test our ability to survive alone. As for how to clear the level, I have no idea for the time being."

" I was thinking about this just now, will we find each other?" Zhang Ping said.

Liu Sishan thought for a while, nodded and said: "With this probability, and for safety's sake, we'd better get together as soon as possible. You first check the situation of other people, and then use you as the center. Communicate and discuss a collective approach."

"Okay!" Zhang Ping agreed.

Fortunately, everyone has his blood in their bodies, and now they can be connected even if they are scattered.

Next, he contacted other people one after another. Sure enough, everyone was in a different area, but without exception, it was an endless desert.

"This desert is very strange, you may not be able to see it, but I observed for a few minutes and found that the sun has always been in the center, and it has not shifted even a bit, so I want to use the sun to distinguish the direction. You don't have to think about it, it definitely won't work." Feng Laixian raised his head to look at the sun, and said solemnly.

After Zhang Ping relayed this passage, Bai De put forward his own thoughts: “Since you can’t tell the direction, it’s better for others to stay there and wait for you to join Zhang Ping?”

Because Zhang Ping can sense the location of one's own blood, Zhang Ping has a rough sense of the location of each person.

"Although this method is feasible, there is a question, who should I look for first? Your position is actually almost far away from me. The last person must have to wait longer. The food and water are all in me. Here, it may take more than ten days or even longer to find everyone, which is equivalent to the last person who needs to live alone for more than ten days!" Zhang Ping put forward his own opinion.

In this environment, there is definitely no perfect plan.

After a difficult discussion, everyone agreed that Zhang Ping would guide a general direction, and they would proceed in this direction. At the same time, Zhang Ping would meet Lu Han and Liu Sishan as soon as possible.

As for why it is Lu Han and Liu Sishan, the reason is actually very simple. The two of them have the worst physical fitness. In this cruel environment, the two of them cannot get water and food for a long time. Exhausted.

Other people are more adaptable. Even in this high temperature environment, they can survive for several days without eating or drinking.

However, Zhang Ping thought that he still had Zhang Shouzhong’s fat energy, so he decided to find Zhang Shouzhong first. After all, the fat energy would automatically fly in the direction of Zhang Shouzhong at super high speed. In addition, Zhang Shouzhong can make something that is convenient to move in the desert. The props can meet everyone faster.

After the discussion, Zhang Ping's thinking returned to the body, and then he was dumbfounded.

Under the sand dunes, densely packed red scorpions surrounded the sand dunes. Some red scorpions even slowly climbed up the sand dunes, and the nearest scorpion was almost in front of him.

"These are... Yan Scorpions?" He said in surprise.

It is conservatively estimated that there are at least 10,000 Yan Scorpions here.

If Yan Xie just took advantage of Zhang Ping's attention not here and chose to swarm them, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Next time you must switch your mind in a safe place, otherwise you don’t even know how to die."

Zhang Ping silently reviewed his mistakes in his heart, and then took out the bracelet A deposit deed.

This deposit deed stores the weapons made by Zhang Shouzhong. He took out the martial deed to prepare, unlocked the deed in an instant, and put it into the martial deed when the weapon turned into fat energy, and then The strong traction pulled him away quickly.

The flame scorpions looked up at the direction he was flying away, and after a while, they all chased Zhang Ping and started to move.

However, the fat energy is very fast, and the Yan Scorpion chased him for a while and couldn't see Zhang Ping at all.

Zhang Ping started with Nethermist protection, because Bai De and Fenglaixian were not dragged down this time, so he simply controlled Nethermist to cover himself layer by layer, forming a bullet shape.

As a result, he flew forward faster.

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