"The four beauties are actually called the four pearls of Pearl City."

"White pearls Bai Ya Ting, blue pearls Su Su, yellow pearls and Huang Zhenru, Red Pearl Zhuge Hongfang!"

"I once met Bai Zhuge Bai Ya Ting from a distance. She is really very beautiful. She is the Captain of the investigation team. Not only is she tall, she is white and beautiful, but also The strength is very strong. Our previous instructors have said that Bai Yating is among the top ten in Pearl City."

"Blue Pearl Su Su is the Captain of the Hai team, and the Hai team is ranked the most in the investigation team. The overall strength of the last team is the weakest team in the investigation team, but it is said that Su Su’s strength is not weak, but I have not seen her, so whether it is strong or not, is it beautiful...it’s hard to say."

"Yellow Pearl Huang Zhenru is the president of the Potion Master Alliance. Pearl City overwhelming majority pharmacies are all related to her. Recently, whereabouts unknown, our sweep team suspected that she might have been undermined by Heavenly Fox."

"The last is the red pearl Zhuge Hongfang. This woman is very scheming and has a lot of information channels. The Hongfang Tavern she opened is one of the adventurer's favorite places, and she is an intelligence dealer, and she has a lot of information in her hands. The handle of human beings is a role that can kill people with just moving their mouths. It is not to be trifled with."

Zhang Shouzhong said as he walked, and couldn't help drinking a sip of water to moisturize his throat.

This desert is too dry. There are almost no water molecules in the air. The saliva in the open mouth is evaporated, and within a few words, he is thirsty.

After drinking the water, he sighed: "In fact, our sweeping team also has beautiful women, but the sweeping team belongs to a secret unit, so the people in Pearl City don't know it."

"Is there any ?Senior Sister?" Zhang Ping asked.

To be honest, he didn't know the four beauties in Pearl City before.

However, this ranking generally has no credibility. Perhaps the four beauties are indeed beauties, but they are absolutely impossible to be the most beautiful woman in Pearl City, and more likely to be the most famous.

After all, no matter how beautiful it is, if few people know it, it is still impossible to be selected as the four beauties.

Zhang Shouzhong denied: "Although Senior Sister is not bad, it is like a little maid compared to the four beauties. I am talking about Chen Luowei senior in the Formation group and Lin Bingbing senior in the medical group. They are no worse than Bai Yating, but they spend most of their time cleaning the team headquarters.

Because there are not many people who have seen them, they have no reputation."

"You Who do you like more?" Zhang Ping asked with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong said in a righteous manner: "I just want to save the people who are in dire straits, my children's personal relationships, I can't take care of them!"

"Chen Luowei?" Zhang Ping speculated.

Zhang Shouzhong continued to move forward and said indifferently: "I only have respect for Chen Luowei senior, and I have no desire."

"That is Lin Bingbing." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong shook his head and said: "Lin Bingbing senior is a psychiatrist in the medical team. Anyone who appears in front of her will be dissectioned by her every move. In her eyes, you don’t have any secrets. Do you think Would I like such a person?"

"I understand, you are just pure lust, as long as you are beautiful, you like it!" Zhang Ping suddenly realized.

Zhang Shouzhong let out a long sigh, then put his arms around Zhang Ping's shoulders, gnashing teeth said: "Since you found out, then I have to kill a witness to silence them!"

"Fat brother, forgive me, in fact, I am also pure lust. Let's not talk about the second brother, our big brother." Zhang Ping couldn't help saying with a laugh.

Zhang Shouzhong fiercely let go of Zhang Ping, and said with a smug expression: "You brat you are acquainted!"

He was about to speak when he suddenly saw Zhang Ping looking in front of him. The smile faded away, so he also looked forward, and then he saw a skeleton.

The lower body of this skeleton is buried in the sand, with only the upper body exposed.

"Let's go and take a look!" Zhang Ping said seriously.

Zhang Shouzhong was nodded, an armor appeared on his body instantly, and the parasol turned into a gun at the same time.

The two leaned forward and Zhang Shouzhong whispered: "The deceased woman should be around 19 years old. The cause of death is temporarily unclear, dig it out to see?"

"You How do you know that she is a female?" Zhang Ping asked.

Zhang Shouzhong despised: "This school has teaching. Male skeletons and female skeletons are originally different. Learn more in the future, come and help!"

Then, the gun in his hand turned into two small shovels.

The two of them worked with a common purpose and quickly dug out the skeleton. The skeleton had many small and fine cracks, but it was not a fatal injury.

"The time of death was about three months ago. The cause of death may be that he was bitten to death by the scorpion. It was very painful before death. Several minor fractures were caused by struggling." Zhang Shouzhong checked. Skeleton, slowly said.

Zhang Ping felt a little heavy after hearing this. He asked: "Is she a newcomer to the investigation team?"

"Not sure, the strangest thing is that there is no clothing around, we simply can’t To determine her identity, the clothes may have been taken away by someone or blown away by the wind." Zhang Shouzhong said helplessly.

He thought about it, used fat energy to make a stove, and then used sand to burn glass.

Finally, he burned the skeleton into ashes and placed it in the cooled glass box. He said to Zhang Ping: "Wait when we return to Pearl City and place her in the cemetery. This matter can only be temporarily This way."

"Well, let's go!" Zhang Ping nodded and said.

Lieutenant Zhang Shou put the glass box containing the ashes into his backpack, and said as he walked: "Sometimes it’s like this in the wild. Unfathomable mystery will encounter the remains of other people. You don’t know his I don’t know his identity and his experience. No matter what grievances or hatred he has, he has disappeared, so the only thing he can do is let him die with a land of burial."

"I am a little worried about other people, My body is in the deposit contract, you lead me to continue in this direction, and I will look at the situation of other people." Zhang Ping said to Zhang Shouzhong.

Because he saw the remains of the unknown deceased, he was a little worried that Liu Sishan would be injured, poisoned, or even killed if they were besieged by the scorpion.

"Well, go!" Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said.

Zhang Ping's body entered the storage contract, and his consciousness quickly transferred to Liu Sishan's body. Sure enough, Liu Sishan was also chased by a large number of scorpions. Fortunately, the speed of scorpions was not fast, otherwise once surrounded, no matter how strong Everyone can die from exhaustion.

After confirming that Liu Sishan would be fine for a while, he immediately transferred to Cheng Xuejie, and then he found that Cheng Xuejie was in very bad condition.

Her body is like a fire like, the temperature is very high, and several wounds are bleeding.

Zhang Ping does not need to ask, immediately control Wang Xue and start treating her.

"Zhang Ping, is that you?"

Cheng Xuejie kicked a flame scorpion into the air, and found that her body injury had improved, so she asked.

She all around are all Yan Scorpions, and the densely packed Yan Scorpions have surrounded her heavily.

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