"Don't be afraid, I am here!"

Zhang Ping responded while repairing Cheng Xuejie's wound.

No process, Xuejie said hardly: "I am not afraid. The moment I join the sweeping team, I am ready to sacrifice!"

Then she stepped forward on Yan Scorpion. After a certain distance, she swept the ground with her legs and swept the flame scorpions all around. She gritted her teeth and said: "There are too many flame scorpions. I'm afraid I can't walk away. If I die, you tell others that I am At the end of the battle, I didn't lose the face of the sweeping team!"

There are too many flame scorpions here, and they are all flame scorpions at a glance.

She is in a low position, and all around are sand dunes. Those flame scorpions are constantly crawling over from the other end of the sand dunes to surround her.

Zhang Ping can feel Cheng Xuejie's despair, and he also understands why Cheng Xuejie is desperate.

In this environment, unless you can fly or master a wide range of attack capabilities, it is difficult to break through with your fists and feet alone.

Zhang Ping encouraged: "Don't give up, Senior Sister, believe in your own abilities!"

"Of course I believe, but do you think I can really survive?" Cheng Xuejie said ill -humoredly, while talking, she kicked a flame scorpion flying.

Now she can't stop at all, otherwise Yan Scorpion will approach her.

The taste of Yan Scorpion venom needle is uncomfortable.

If Zhang Ping hadn't come in time, she might have fallen poisonously now and become food for the Yan Scorpion.

"It must be possible, remember the training method I said? Have you ever thought about what your strength, speed, and defense come from? What is the essence of your superpower?" Zhang Ping Said seriously.

He knows Cheng Xuejie's body well, even better than Cheng Xuejie himself.

Actually, Cheng Xuejie’s muscles are at best the level of a female athlete. Her physical fitness does not exceed the limits of humans, but her strength and endurance far exceed the limits of humans.

And her defensive power, speed, etc., are actually very abnormal.

This kind of slight dissonance can only be noticed by Zhang Ping, because he is in Cheng Xuejie’s body. With her blood flowing through every corner of her body, there is absolutely no one in the world. He knew Cheng Xuejie's body better.

"Can you not play the Mummy?"

Cheng Xuejie kicked the approaching Yan Xie again, panting.

She is already sweating, and she has some difficulty breathing.

Zhang Ping helplessly said: "This can only be experienced by yourself. What is the super power that provides you with strength, speed, endurance, and defense? Its existence must be traceable, not out of thin air. Here comes!"


Cheng Xuejie has no extra energy to speak.

But she actually listened to Zhang Ping's words in her heart, because she did feel the existence of a certain power, which was already faintly felt in the swamp of poison mist.

She knows that Zhang Ping is right, but the problem is that she can't do it.

In the next few dozen minutes, she mechanically kicked the flame scorpions one after another, and her physical strength dropped rapidly. In the end, she wanted to move her feet but her legs became soft and she sat on the ground.

"No more..."

Cheng Xuejie's vision became blurred, and at this moment she knew she had reached the limit.

"Don't give up, Senior Sister!"

Zhang Ping's voice has become distant and misty.

But at the next moment, she felt something and her eyes widened.

Zhang Ping put half of the king's blood into her stomach, and her body is quickly digesting the blood to provide her with strength.

"Senior Sister, don't give up, trust me!" Zhang Ping's voice exploded in her ears.

Cheng Xuejie gritted her teeth and struggled up, but then sat down weakly and looked at the approaching Yan Scorpion. She smiled bitterly and said hoarsely: "Zhang Ping, thank you, but I did my best."

"Senior Sister, for the last time, you close your eyes and feel where your abilities come from. Leave everything outside to me!" Zhang Ping said seriously.

After speaking, he controlled Wang Xue to slowly seep out of Cheng Xuejie's body.

He left not much blood in everyone's body, only the size of an arm. He had just divided half of the blood to Cheng Xuejie, so now he can only control the blood equivalent to half of the arm.


Zhang Ping turned directly into a slender blood snake against the venomous sun, swept a few flame scorpions away with the sweep of the tail, and then He quickly detoured behind Cheng Xuejie and swept away the approaching Yan Scorpion.


Cheng Xuejie watched Zhang Ping constantly attacking Yan Scorpion around her. She knew Zhang Ping could not last long because the temperature in this desert was too high. Zhang Ping's blood snake will soon be evaporated clean.

"Last time!"

Cheng Xuejie said to herself silently, then closed her eyes and carefully felt her own abilities.

In fact, her body has indeed reached its limit. The reason why she is not paralyzed on the ground is completely supported by her superpowers.

Superpowers that were not detectable in the past have become particularly obvious at this moment.

In the world of perception, every cell is exuding invisible power. This power is different from other powers or energies because it is very loose and independent.

"So this is my ability!"

Cheng Xuejie felt the power released by every cell, and thought to herself.

Any creature has a special life substance that is invisible and intangible, but can transmit life information, interact with other creatures or objects, and play a decisive role in life.

This special life substance finally constitutes the biological field.

It’s just that the ordinary person’s biological field is not strong, and Cheng Xuejie’s biological field is exceptionally strong under the change of super powers, and this power will become stronger and stronger, and provide Cheng Xuejie with strength, speed, Strengthening of endurance and defense.

When she tried to control her biological field, all the escaping power instantly'flowed' with her will.

She opened her eyes and controlled her biological field to be concentrated into a line. In an instant, invisible power swept all around, and all Yan Scorpions stopped.

The original noisy sand dunes became silent, Zhang Ping looked at the flame scorpions all around in surprise, when a gust of wind passed, all the bodies of the flame scorpions divided into two.

"This is the biological force field?" Zhang Ping thought with some uncertainty.

In Zhang Ping’s previous life, many people have imagined this kind of power. For example, Superman’s biological force field can make it catch many things Will sink into the ground like a nail.

In addition, the biological field in EVA can form Absolute Domain, which acts like a shield to isolate most physical attacks and reduce mental damage, while having a strong attack power.

Zhang Ping doesn't know if Cheng Xuejie's biological field is the same as those in those works, but he knows that Cheng Xuejie will survive.

"Senior Sister, congratulations, you did it!"

Zhang Ping came back to his senses, controlling the few remaining Wang Xue to slowly crawl back.

Unfortunately, before he could return to Cheng Xuejie's body, there was only the last drop of Wang's blood left. In desperation, he left the last sentence and his consciousness quickly returned to his body.

"Zhang Ping, thank you!"

Cheng Xuejie looked at the dry Wang Xue, and silently hid the touch in her heart.

She looked up at the flame scorpions constantly appearing on the sand dunes all around, and she knew in her heart that this battle had just begun.

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