Zhang Ping's consciousness returned to his body, and the next moment he felt a splitting headache.

But he soon realized that his body had no head at all in the reserve. This kind of pain was not a headache at all, but the result of his overdraft of spirit strength.

Actually, after purifying countless souls, he has extremely strong spirit strength. Normal Spirit Attacks are not effective against him, and his spirit strength has also begun to grow rapidly.

Because of this, he can control the blood to fight.

But the power of blood splitting is very weak and weak, far inferior to manipulating the main body. He is completely relying on strong spirit strength to hold on to the battle. At that time, he was too engaged and didn't feel it, but the spirit relaxed. The repercussions appeared.

At this moment, he was like returning to the state he was in when he was purifying the undead, and he couldn't wait to roll around in pain.

The problem is that his body is in the contract, and he has no body to roll around.

It took a full half an hour before the pain slowly subsided. He simply fell asleep in the storage deed and recovered the spirit strength he had consumed.

This sleep lasts for three hours. When he wakes up, what he feels directly comes out of the deed.


Zhang Shouzhong felt a sudden heavy weight behind his back, and he knelt in the sand.

"Sorry, I forgot to notify you!" Zhang Ping glanced at the backpack that was burst by himself, sat on Zhang Shouzhong's back, and turned his head and said somewhat sorry.

Zhang Shouzhong said ill-humoredly: "Then you don’t hurry up. When do you want to sit down?"

Don’t look at the huge gap between the two bodies, in fact their weights Almost, Zhang Ping's muscles are very developed and strong, so the weight is not light.

Zhang Ping got up and lifted his feet from the backpack. Zhang Shouzhong immediately turned the backpack back into fat energy, and then made another backpack.

After he packed his things, he asked, "How are the others?"

"Sister Sisi and Senior Sister should be fine. The others have not had time to go. Look." Zhang Ping said roughly, and then before Zhang Shouzhong asked, he described Cheng Xuejie's situation in a little more detail.

While speaking, he used Appraisal Technique to himself, and he really upgraded.

Although the changes in physical strength are not obvious after the upgrade, the changes in the Spiritual Plane are still more significant, so he just guessed that he might have been upgraded in the reserve.

From Level 15 to Level 16.

Just upgrade to Level 4, he is high level awakened!

Now it has been only two or three months since he crossed over to upgrade from a zero-level rookie to Level 16. His upgrade speed can be said to be very fast.

Then he continued to look down, and an unexpected ability appeared in his Innate Ability.

[Super-conscious person: Spirit strength can be transformed into mind power, and mind power has a special attribute'supersensory analysis'.

Remarks: The rose is given to others, and the hand has a lingering fragrance. 】

In fact, at the moment when he saw this ability, Zhang Ping realized how this ability came from.

When he was manipulating the blood-sharing battle, he hardly had any distractions, and he had only one thought in his mind, which was to fight as much as possible and delay as much as possible.

At that time, he felt that there was a problem with his spirit strength.

But this problem is not a negative problem, but every time he controls the blood splitting battle, in fact, the blood is evaporating, but he still attacked the Yan Scorpion several times.

For example, his tail at first is ten centimeters. It should be able to attack the Yan Scorpion, but because the tail evaporates and shortens during the attack, he should not be able to touch the Yan Scorpion, but he Sweeping his tail, he still swept the Yan Scorpion away.

At that time, he didn't realize his changes, but thinking back now, he knew that this ability was probably awakened at that time.

Mind power, also known as mind power.

This is a power driven by ideas. It is mentioned in the overwhelming majority soft science fiction works, such as "Out of Control" and "Mind Power", which Zhang Ping has seen in his previous life. .

He closed the attribute panel, simply closed his eyes, and carefully felt the presence of mind.

In fact, the power of mind is not hidden, it just needs spiritual guidance. When he actively perceives it, spirit strength will automatically be transformed into power of mind.

This is a capability that needs to be actively used by Zhang Ping to be released.

If Zhang Ping does not perceive this power, then this power will show up slightly according to his intent, but it will not be particularly obvious, just like the previous control of blood-sharing battles.

After the spirit strength was transformed into mind power, he felt that his body was enveloped by a burst of energy, and he knew how every organ of the body worked. He tried to perceive deeper and found that he could actually feel the level exist.

If he doesn't do anything, it will take about 6 years to reach Level 17. This process can be shortened through various exercises, eating, and fighting.

He carefully perceives all the information of the body, and obtains a more precise answer after analyzing it.

Persistent exercise for four hours a day can shorten the day. Eating is based on the food you eat to determine the shortened time. The same is true for fighting.

“It turns out that awakened is upgraded like this, but in addition to exercise, other upgrade methods have great uncertainty, and even some food will prolong the upgrade time. The same is true for combat. It is the first time that Zhang Ping has such a clear perception of the upgrade process, but he wanted to further analyze his own abilities and body, but he ended up in failure. .

After all, he just got the power of mind.

Now the level of mental power may be only one, or even zero, so the analytical function of mental power has great potential to be tapped.

He opened his eyes, and his thought power extended directly out of his body. Seeing Zhang Shouzhong looking at him, he smiled slightly and squeezed Zhang Shouzhong’s ass with his thought force.

"Oh, who pinches my ass!?"

Zhang Shouzhong suddenly jumped up in pain, and immediately turned around and shouted fiercely.

But when he saw that there was no one behind him, he immediately looked at Zhang Ping suspiciously. Zhang Ping looked up at the sky and whistled.

"Zhang Ping, don't pretend, I knew it was you!"

Zhang Shouzhong immediately grinned and rushed forward to pick up Zhang Ping, and threw Zhang Ping in two quick runs. To the front of the sand pile.

However, when Zhang Ping was about to land, he lifted himself up with his mind.

"What new ability is this? Flying in the air? Reading power?" Zhang Shouzhong asked when he saw this scene.

Zhang Ping controlled the power of mind and lifted Zhang Shouzhong up, said with a smile: "The power of mind, it feels quite fun. You are still 20 years away from the advanced level. If you keep exercising, then every time you exercise Six hours can shorten the time by half a day. If you insist on exercising for two hours a day, you can shorten it by three days. Eating and fighting depends on the situation."

"You are not mind power, right? Function?" Zhang Shouzhong was surprised at first, then asked rhetorically.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "This is the special attribute of my mind,'supersensing analysis'."


Zhang Shouzhong is envious , Even if you have mind power, it is still the rarest attribute mind power, even if you have attribute mind power, it is still the rarest'analysis'.

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