In Pearl City, the awakened awakened mind is most concerned about the various ancillary attributes of the awakened mind.

Even in the past, awakened, which specializes in the study of mind power, summarized many special attributes of mind power, and ranked them according to their rarity and preciousness.

Mindfulness attribute first is'representation', which is an attribute that can create visible physical matter through mindfulness. Once there was a mindfulness awakened who possessed manifestation attributes, and every shot was 100 It can be said that the mountain is invincible at the same level.

The second place is analysis. When the level of practice is high enough, no one can hide secrets in front of analysis. Pearl City had this attribute a hundred years ago, and he solved the case. The rate is 100%, and no one has surpassed it so far.

Many people may mistakenly think that analysis does not have any battle strength, but in fact it can easily detect the enemy’s weakness and attack with thought power, so facing the awakened thought power with the analysis attribute, There are countless signs of weakness appearing on his body, and a little carelessness may lead to defeat.

The third place is displacement. The awakened mind force with this attribute can exchange positions with objects through mind force. Almost equivalent to possessing spatial ability, the only restriction on displacement is whether the mind force awakened by mind force is sufficient. Huge, how far it can extend.

Lieutenant Zhang Shou told Zhang Ping all the information he knew. After Zhang Ping heard nodded and said: "If you say so, my luck is really good. I will analyze your body again."


"Don't, uncle, please don't analyze it. In fact, my body is lying, and the information he gives you is deceiving you." Zhang Shouzhong complexion slightly changed and quickly begged for mercy.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Then I have to see how he can lie to me."

But speaking of it, he didn’t actually analyze Zhang Shouzhong further. Everyone has secrets that he doesn't want to be known by others, and he will not want to spy on other people's secrets just because he has analytical capabilities.

The two had a fight for a while.

Later, Zhang Shouzhong used fat energy to create a sofa with a sun umbrella.

The two sat on the sofa, and Zhang Ping used his mind to control the sofa to fly forward.

According to the analysis, it is also a kind of exercise, which can shorten the upgrade time.

At this moment, Zhang Shouzhong held down the armrest of the sofa, and the fat energy instantly stretched out and quickly became a table connected to the sofa.

"Zhang Ping, let's have some barbecue, I want to speed up my leveling!" Zhang Shouzhong looked at Zhang Ping, opened the mouth and said.

Zhang Ping suddenly thought that there was a lot of food in his bracelet. He couldn't help wondering how much'upgrade experience' these foods could provide, so he took out some frigate bird meat from the bracelet.

His thought power went deep into the bird meat, and then he got the answer.

If he eats frigate bird meat, every 50 catties he eats can shorten the upgrade time by one week, and if Zhang Shouzhong eats it, it can only shorten it by six days.

Obviously, because he possesses the ability of alien eater, he absorbs nutrients better.

"For every fifty catties of frigate bird meat you eat, you can save six days."

Zhang Ping uses the ability of an inflammation eater to quickly roast the meat, and then put it On the saucer.

"Fifty catties are less than six days, and it will take me 20 years to get promoted. That is to say...I can get promoted by eating 30 tons more?" Zhang Shouzhong settled the matter and continued.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Is there so many problems? Why don't you go back to the swamp and look for it. If you find the Chilled Frigatebird again, I will kill it for free."


Zhang Shouzhong rolled the eyes, not at all.

He is not stupid.

Let’s not talk about whether there is a deep cold frigate bird in the poison swamp.

Zhang Ping accepted as soon as he was good, and did not continue to tease Zhang Shouzhong.

Then he took out the flesh of other animals for perception. Sure enough, the stronger the creature, the higher the nutrition it provides, and the more time it can shorten, but there are exceptions.

For example, the meat of the corpse ape has no effect on him, but if it is given to Zhang Shouzhong, it will increase his upgrade time, and every ton eaten will extend the upgrade time by one day.

If he often eats the flesh of the corpse apes, then the upgrade will become indefinite.

Then the two will brag or tease each other while eating, or maybe just talk about going to school.

Because the sun has been hanging high in the sky, they didn't know the time and came to an oasis unconsciously.

"Oasis, there are oasis in the desert!" Zhang Shouzhong saw the oasis ahead with a shocked expression on his face.

Zhang Ping took a sip of water and said with a smile: "It's rare and strange. Is it amazing that there are oasis in the desert? Let's go and take a look."

In fact, the chairs they sit on are very strange. The light and the really heavy are themselves. Under Zhang Ping's control, the chairs flew to the oasis quickly.

This is a small oasis, about equivalent to half a football field. There is a small pool in the middle of the oasis. The water inside is crystal clear. Zhang Ping swept away with his thoughts and said in surprise:" This water is so clean!"

"How clean is it?" Zhang Shouzhong asked.

Zhang Ping looked at the pool and replied: "There are no bacteria at all, no impurities, it's just like pure water."

"There is no fraud, right?"

Zhang Shouzhong looked at all around suspiciously. The problem was that there were no animals in the oasis, only green grass and sparse trees.

"This may also be a place for trialist to rest." Zhang Ping speculated.

Zhang Shouzhong did not believe: "To the trialist? Are you so kind? I don't believe it, I feel that there is a fraud, we better go quickly."

"Well, listen to you. "

Zhang Ping is not sure whether his guess is correct, and they are not short of water. It is better to leave safety first.

The two of them sat on the sofa and quickly flew away from the oasis, about 20 meters away. Suddenly the oasis vibrated, and then it slowly bulged, and more and more sand came from Both sides slipped, and a huge fire scorpion with an'oasis' on its back came out of the sand. It looked at Zhang Ping and Zhang Shouzhong. The end of its tail opened like a flower, and one after another red liquid spurted crazily.

"Fuck, there really is a fraud!" Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help but cried out seeing this scene.

Zhang Ping's thoughts were swept away, and at the same time, the identification was also used, and then he got the information of this great flame scorpion.

However, this large flame scorpion, which is more than ten meters high, was actually marked as a'medium flame scorpion' in the appraisal. He couldn't help but his eyes were straight. This is only a medium size, how about a large one? Will there be giants?

He used his mind to block the liquid sprayed by the medium scorpion, and then he controlled the chair to accelerate the flight and flee forward.

I can't beat it.

Based on his analysis, the meat of this medium flame scorpion did not improve him much, and it was not even as good as the meat of the small flame scorpion.

Not all Yan Scorpions have the same nutrition, and different individuals actually have slight differences.

Some Yan scorpions can provide more nutrition, and some Yan scorpions are weaker, so they provide less nutrition. This medium-sized Yan scorpion has just laid eggs, and its nutrition is not as good as that of small Yan scorpions.

Zhang Ping doesn't want to fight this kind of battle that is destined to lose money.

"By the way, what does a scorpion eat?" Zhang Shouzhong looked at the medium-sized scorpion that was gradually being thrown away, and couldn't help but vomit.

Zhang Ping was taken aback, then shook his head and said: "I don't know, I really didn't pay attention to the information in this area. I will look at it later."

But at this moment , The sky suddenly darkened.

The two lifted the head at the same time, and they were surprised to find that the sun hanging in the middle of the sky turned into the moon in seconds.

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