Is it night?

Zhang Ping and Zhang Shouzhong looked at each other, both of them were incredible.

This desert is too weird. The sun was still shining a moment ago, and it was dark in the blink of an eye.

"Did you feel...a bit cold?"

Zhang Shouzhong then felt that the temperature was dropping rapidly, even if the desert had a large temperature difference between day and night, it would not be cold So fast.

"Well, the temperature is flowing in different directions, let's go and see!" Zhang Ping's mind swept all around, nodded said.

He used his mind to hold up the chair and move quickly. Zhang Shouzhong felt a little bit cold, so he made a windproof quilt from fat to cover the two of them, and then added a windshield to the chair.

For a moment, the two came to a sand dune. Looking down from the top of the dune, densely packed red flowers were blooming in the desert, just like the Manzhushahua on Yellow Springs Road, and the beauty was a little dreamy.

"This...looks a bit familiar." Zhang Shouzhong looked at the red flower below, frowned said.

Zhang Ping reminded: "The tail of the medium scorpion just opened like this, if I guess right, the scorpion will hide itself under the sand at night, only the tail It will emerge from the sand, blooming like a flower, absorbing heat from the outside world."

Through the inflammatory eater, he can feel the heat flowing downward, and the tails of these scorpions are absorbing all the heat. .

"Then why don't you smoke during the day?" Zhang Shouzhong wondered.

Zhang Ping replied: "How do I know, should you go interview the Yan Scorpion?"

Then he used his mind to pull out a Yan Scorpion from the sand, this Yan Scorpion struggled madly immediately, he pulled Yan Scorpion to the front, said with a smile: "Come on, interview."

"Scorpion, do you think this guy next to me is a dog? Hmm, You think so, too." Zhang Shouzhong simply changed a microphone and interviewed Scorpion.

Zhang Ping took off Yan Scorpion’s tail and threw Yan Scorpion on the table in front of Zhang Shouzhong, said with a smile: "You take your time to interview, and I will study its tail."

While speaking, he controlled the chair to continue moving in the direction where Liu Sishan was.

"It's just hungry."

Zhang Shouzhong smiled hehe and turned into an ultra-small gas stove, and directly fried the Yan Scorpion without its tail.

The Yanscorpion loses the poisonous needle in the tail section. It can be said that it is not threatening. After only struggling in the oil pan for a while, Zhang Shouzhong picked up the Yanscorpion with chopsticks and directly peeled the shell to eat. .

He was eating while watching Zhang Ping's movements. After eating the right pliers of the Yan Scorpion, he asked: "What is the study of this tail?"

"Very interesting ." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Through mental analysis, he found that the structure of the Yan Scorpion tail is actually quite complicated. Not only is there a venom sac, but there is also a nucleus crystal beside the venom sac that can absorb heat. The two seem to have a certain linkage relationship. , Once separated, both sides will explode at the same time.

But through analysis, he has found the cause of the explosion.

He peeled off his tail with a little bit of thought force, and cut off one of the nerves in the poison sac. By analyzing this nerve, a pheromone would be emitted, and it was this pheromone that caused the explosion.

The solution is very simple. First take out this nerve and throw it into the sand aside, then remove the poison sac, and finally take out the nucleus crystal.

This process must be very fast, and a fast nerve response cannot come.

Zhang Ping uses thought force to operate, all the process is completed in a single thought, so he soon got an endothermic nucleus crystal.

"Look at it!"

He handed the nuclear crystal to Zhang Shouzhong.

Zhang Shouzhong put down his chopsticks, took a closer look at the nucleus crystal, and asked: "What's the use of this?"

"It can absorb heat. If you familiarize yourself with it, maybe it will be a big one in the future. Use." Zhang Ping replied.

Zhang Shouzhong can make special materials. If this nucleus crystal is large enough, even pure heat absorption can create formidable power that is not weaker than his inflammatory eater.

Obviously, Zhang Shouzhong also realized this, he simply put the nucleus crystal away, said with a smile: "Lend me to play for a few days, and I will return to you."

" Take it directly, this desert is full of flame scorpions, not worse than that." Zhang Ping said lightly.

next moment, his thought power stretched out, and he pulled out a basin-sized scorpion from the sand. After the water was cleaned, he put the Yan Xie into Zhang Shouzhong's oil pan to fry it.

"This Yan Scorpion is not small, and the right clamp belongs to me!" Zhang Shouzhong closed the lid and looked at the Yan Scorpion floating in the hot oil, said with a smile.

Zhang Ping calmly said: "Eat whatever you like. There is nothing else in this desert. You can eat as much as you want, and you can eat as much as you can."

The same. Can shorten their upgrade time, but the degree of shortening is not particularly large.

"Follow brother Ping, eat eight meals a day, Aping, wait for you to join the sweeping team later, I will go to which group you are in, no one can stop it!" Zhang Shouzhong said with a laugh .

Situ Shibai said at this moment: "Zhang Shouzhong, pay attention to discipline!"

"Captain, I just made a joke, don't take it seriously!" Zhang Shouzhong suddenly complexion changed, thinking of Zhang Ping Situ Shibai is still hidden in the bracelet, so hurry up and hit haha.

In fact, the sweeping team has very strict discipline, and it is not Zhang Shouzhong’s turn to pick and choose.

Next, the two drove on the road while eating and drinking. About four or five hours, they successfully rendezvous with Liu Sishan. Because the temperature at night was very low, Liu Sishan was covered with a layer of pure water, and his face A thin layer of ice mask was once again condensed on it.

"Team leader, please wear cotton-padded clothes!" Zhang Shouzhong solemnly manufactured a cotton-padded jacket and handed it to Liu Sishan.

Liu Sishan glanced suspiciously at Zhang Shouzhong, then at Zhang Ping, Zhang Ping glanced at his yellow cheat bracelet with a faint smile.

In an instant, Liu Sishan understood.

This period of time is too free. All members of the sweeping team are a little loose. Obviously, Zhang Shouzhong was criticized by Situ Shibai.

"Captain, you should be hungry, eat first!"

Lieutenant Zhang Shou made the chair bigger and wider, and after Liu Sishan took his seat, he immediately extended the table to Liu Sishan , And at the same time, put the fried Yan Xie on a plate and push it to Liu Sishan's side.

"Okay, let's go. I don't know what the other people are doing now. I must meet them as soon as possible." Liu Sishan said to Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping uses his mind to control the chair to continue flying.

Although he has just awakened his mind power, his main attribute has spirit strength and his mental toughness is extremely strong, so in the initial state, his mind power is very strong, and his battery life is very exaggerated. He takes three people. Flying is not difficult.

"By the way, Zhang Ping, since it's night, we can actually ride the mysterious turtle on the road. The moonlight is good." Zhang Shouzhong looked up at the moon hanging in the sky and said to Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Well, I will let it out!"

The ability training is also over, so he really does not need to continue to waste his spirit strength.

He released the mysterious turtle from the storage deed, and then the three of them took the mysterious turtle and moved quickly in the direction where Cheng Xuejie was.

Originally, they should go to Lu Han. The problem is that Cheng Xuejie is in a worse state and needs their rescue. So after finding Liu Sishan, they decided to find Cheng Xuejie first.

On the way to Cheng Xuejie’s location, Zhang Ping shifted his consciousness several times to make sure everyone was safe.

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