Except for Cheng Xuejie, everyone else is fine.

Lu Han stepped on the Flying Sword and easily avoided the attack of the Yan Scorpion, but because of the sun exposure, he was tired and thirsty now.

Zhao Yanhu and Zhao Yanlong, one of them simply controlled a large number of flame scorpions, and the other used poison insects controlled in the poison swamp, and both easily resisted the attacks of the flame scorpions.

Bai De is even more vigorous. He simply turns into a werewolf form, and fights while eating the scorpion. Not only does it consume little, but also becomes a lot stronger when it gets dark.

I have to say that his new innate talent'Nibble Whale Swallow' is very powerful, as long as he is cruel enough, Yan Scorpion is just food!

Not to mention Feng Laixian. To him, the temperature of Yan Scorpion Desert is not high, and Yan Scorpion is not a difficult alienated beast. He also eats while walking. How much easier than Bai De, it's almost no different from an outing.

"Wait, Sisi sister, you can't eat this Yan Scorpion!"

Zhang Ping's consciousness wandered around and returned to his body, seeing Liu Sishan was about to eat Yan Scorpion , Subconsciously Nianli swept over, and quickly stopped.

"What's the matter?" Liu Sishan glanced at Yan Scorpion, then looked at Zhang Ping puzzled.

Zhang Ping replied: "My new mind power comes with its own analytical attributes, which can understand the impact of different foods on awakened. Your physique is not suitable for eating scorpions. You need more for every pound of scorpions. It takes a day to level up."

"so that's how it is, and this kind of influence." Liu Sishan simply clamped the Yan Scorpion meat from his plate to the plate in front of Zhang Ping. opened the mouth and said: "Then you can eat it for me."

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Okay, but you can eat the meat of the deep-cold frigate bird."

With that, he took out the deep-cold frigate bird meat from the yellow cheat bracelet.

"In the past, because everyone didn’t know whether the food had a positive or negative impact on them, they all do as one pleases eating the meat of different alienated beasts. Zhang Ping, you can open a restaurant with this ability. , Awakened when ordering, you are responsible for identifying whether they can eat or not. I think the business will be very good.” Zhang Shouzhong has eaten enough and touched his bulging belly, said to Zhang Ping.

Why are some awakened, obviously innate talent is not low, the potential is not bad, but the upgrade speed is very slow?

The reason is probably that the food they like to eat is the food they cannot eat. If they eat it every day, it will naturally slow down the progress of the upgrade.

The ability of Zhang Ping is indeed very useful.

"In fact, opening a restaurant is also good. I will open a restaurant in Pearl City when I retire in the future. When the time comes, you will be a chef!" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong immediately agreed: "Then it's a deal, say it!"

Because there is a moon, the mysterious turtle can use Shrinking the Earth into an Inch from time to time. , After about half an hour, they just happened to rendezvous with Cheng Xuejie.

Cheng Xuejie jumped onto turtle's back in two steps and immediately sat next to Zhang Ping.

"Quickly, give me water!" She leaned against Zhang Ping and said with her eyes closed.

When Zhang Ping took out a can of water, she took it and drank tons, and then exclaimed: "I finally survived, this time I really thought I was going to die."

"It's a blessing in disguise. Congratulations on mastering your true power." Zhang Ping picked up the empty jar that Xuejie handed over, said with a smile.

Cheng Xuejie glanced at Zhang Ping gratefully, nodded and said: "Well, thank you, I owe you my life!"

"Comrades in arms should not help each other, what is there? Do you owe it?" Zhang Ping retorted, he really thought so.

They gather together, have the same goal, and fight for it with their lives. It is right for them to help each other, and he believes other people must think the same way.

So he didn't think Cheng Xuejie owed him anything.


Somewhere in the Yanxie Desert, suddenly two women wearing short skirts with shiny bodies appear out of thin air.

Probably because they are not lifeforms, they are not separated.

They are the specimen soldiers Ajiu and Ashi sent by Zhu Jiuyang to kill Zhang Ping.

In fact, they have already experienced a special scene, because they did not find Zhang Ping, so they finally came out after breaking through the special scene. This is the second time they have entered.

The two stood still, and gradually the clown coins on their chests caught the breath of Zhang Ping, and the clown's face suddenly showed an evil smile.

In an instant, the two of them moved forward at high speed toward the place where the breath was, leaving a faint trail of footprints wherever they passed along the way.

Ajiu is a little fat baby, and Ashi looks colder, but because the stiff face expression is consistent with the clown coin, it looks very scary.

They are like humans and dolls.

Suddenly, on the way they were about to pass, a huge flame scorpion suddenly emerged from the sand. This huge flame scorpion immediately opened its pliers and clamped it towards the two of them. At the same time, its tail opened like a flower. The venom spurted.

A Jiu pulled out the big black sword behind his back, and his body suddenly accelerated and hit the Yan Scorpion's body. With a fierce swing of the big sword, a black rays of light fell, and the huge body of the Yan Scorpion instantly froze.

After the two of them walked away from the scorpion, the scorpion slowly split in half. Countless small scorpions came out of the sand after smelling the smell, all gathered around the giant scorpion. , Frantically licking the flesh and blood of the giant Yan Scorpion.

This scene is just a very small episode.

Two hours later, Ah Jiu and Ah Shi passed through most of the desert, and the clown coins on their chests became more and more evil.

Zhu Jiuyang’s specimen soldiers are like the dead reincarnated in Naruto. Not only will they not be tired, but they will not die before completing the mission, even if they burn to ashes, they will be reborn again.

During the assault, they have encountered countless dangers, but they all rely on their Undying and Inextinguishable bodies to kill their targets.

Suddenly, both eyes locked in front at the same time. On a huge black turtle's back thousands of meters away, Zhang Ping was sitting crosswise with chopsticks in his hands.

They lock Zhang Ping and speed up almost at the same time.

When they entered the 100-meter range, they all jumped up at the same time and attacked Zhang Ping.

A Jiu holds a black giant sword and cuts out a huge black sword qi. Ashi is in mid-air, with a red light flashing in his hand, and a blood-colored long spear appears instantly. The goal is Zhang Ping. .


Two attacks fell at the same time, setting off dust and sand in the sky.

The two did not look at the location of the attack at all, but turned around one after another, and the Moon Chasing Black Tortoise had quietly appeared behind them.

"What are you..."

Zhang Ping swept across and asked when analyzing the two.

But he stopped halfway through his words, and at the same time he clenched his chopsticks slightly. Through analysis, he already understood the nature of the two of them.

"Zhang Ping, what's wrong?"

Liu Sishan saw that Zhang Ping was in a bad mood and asked immediately.

In an instant, Ah Jiu and Ah Shi leaped high and launched an attack again. There was no change in the attack. They were still huge sword qi and red long spear. Chasing the moon and the mysterious tortoise could easily gossip. Shrinking the Earth into an Inch to avoid the attack.

Zhang Ping sighed: "They are dead."

After he finished speaking, the clean world suddenly opened, and the mysterious turtle Shrinking the Earth into an Inch appeared directly Before the two of them, they happened to fall into the clean world within the realm.

In an instant, the clown coins on the chests of Ah Jiu and Ah Shi screamed weirdly.

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