
Prior to this, Zhang Ping didn't know that cleansing the world had this purpose.

After seeing Ah Jiu and Ah Shi, and using his mind to analyze the two, he felt that the Jewel of the Pure Realm reacted to them.

At this time, in the projection of the clean world, the two of them are like ice cubes under the blazing sun, with dirt constantly flowing out of the body. These dirts are instantly purified when they fall into the clean world. .

This process is not long, it only took about half a minute, and the two of them dropped their heads limply, and at the same time the clown coin in their chests cracked.

next moment, Spirit Physique is constantly floating in the clean world.

They revolve around Ah Jiu and Ah Shi. They seem to be very curious about what happened to these two people. There is even a little Spirit Physique who wants to reach out and touch them, but they are stopped by the big Spirit Physique.

Obviously, they were scrupulous and did not really touch these two people.

Su Jingyao came out at this time.

She faintly smiled at Zhang Ping, and then her eyes fell on Ah Jiu and Ah Shi. She could perceive the painful souls in the two corpses, and she couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

The oil paint on Ajiu Ashi's body has been purified by the clean world, and the corpses are rapidly decomposing, and the coins in their chests are also shattering little by little.

Su Jingyao extend the hand, lightly tap on the eyebrows of the two of them, the clown coins on the chests of the two of them let out an unwilling scream, completely scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, and at the same time the two Spirit Physiques decayed Floating out of his body.

After most creatures die, Spirit Physique will not be formed.

Only creatures with strong enough spirit strength can form Spirit Physique after death.

Ajiu and Ashi have already died, but their consciousness was sealed in the body by Zhu Jiuyang with oil paint, and they did not die with the death of the body.

If it is normal, then when they are eliminated, their consciousness will die with the destruction of their bodies.

But in the projection of the clean world, they can use the power of Zhang Ping to form Spirit Physique and continue to exist in the form of Spirit Physique.

The two eyes slowly opened. First they hugged each other in tears of joy. After a while, they knelt down in front of Zhang Ping and said in unison: "Chen Shuang (Cao Bing) many thanks, my lord for help! "

"Don't be polite, get up first." Zhang Ping said pityingly.

Through identification and analysis, he also knows what happened to the two of them, so now he feels both heartbroken and angry.

The two got up and looked at Zhang Ping gratefully. They knew everything about the outside world when they were sealed in their bodies, so they were extremely grateful to Zhang Ping. Even if Zhang Ping wants them to die, they will all Execute immediately.

Zhang Ping said with a slight smile: "You first enter the pure land world and rest, and we will have a good chat later."

"Yes, adults!" the two said.

Next, they walked up in front of Zhang Ping sadly, and entered the clean world through the gems of the pure world.

As soon as they entered, Zhang Ping was slightly frowned, looking at the decomposing corpse.

Next, he looked at Zhang Shouzhong, opened the mouth and said: "fatty, prepare two more boxes, and pack the remains of the two girls."

"Well, good. "

Zhang Shouzhong was nodded, and then jumped to the bottom of turtle's back to burn the glass box with sand.

About half an hour later, Zhang Shouzhong processed the remains of the two women. Then he sat next to Zhang Ping and asked: "Zhang Ping, who sent them?"

"Zhu Family."

Zhang Ping took a deep breath and tried to keep yourself from getting angry.

By analyzing the bodies of Chen Shuang and Cao Bing, he obtained information about the specimen soldiers. Then through Appraisal Technique, it was determined that the two were controlled by a person named Zhu Jiuyang.

In fact, the specimen soldier is very strong. Unless there is a means to restrain it, the specimen soldier of Undying and Inextinguishable can be said to be invincible.

Unfortunately, Zhang Ping happened to have the ability to restrain the specimen soldiers, so the attack by the specimen soldiers looked like a joke instead.

The projection of cleansing the world, in addition to removing all dirt, the greatest effect is actually to purify evil, pain, hatred, etc. The clown coin, which contains evil thoughts, can be said to be cleansed from the world. Finish grams.

Three hours later, Zhang Ping reopened the projection of the clean world.

Su Jingyao came out with two girls.

It may be because the Spirit Physique of the two women was formed in the clean world, so the two recovered quickly in the clean world. Not only are they born with the ability to speak, but the Spirit Physique has now become pale- yellow.

"Chen Shuang (Cao Bing) pays homage to your lord!"

After the two women came out, they knelt on the ground immediately, bowing their heads in unison.

Out of curiosity, Zhang Ping used Appraisal Technique on the two women.

[Successful identification]

[Name: Chen Shuang]

[Race: Apostle]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐]

[lifespan: none]

[level: high level Guardian Spirit]

[level: 25]

【Innate talent 】

【Shadow Arms: You can use spirit strength to control shadows to form shadow arms to fight. 】

【Shadow Shield of Shaman: When the master that Shaman is following encounters an attack, there will be a 20% probability to automatically form a shadow shield to resist the attack. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Great Sword Armed: When using the Shadow Great Sword, every attack will release a shadow sword qi to attack the target. ]

[high level-Shadow Stream Arms: Control the shadow to flow, most attacks falling in the flowing shadow will be slid away by the shadow. ]


[Appraisal successful]

[Name: Cao Bing]

[Race: Shaman]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: none]

[level: high level Guardian Spirit]

[level: 28]

[innate talent]

[Blood inflammation divine spear: can consume blood and blood into divine spear to attack the enemy, the more blood and blood consumed, the formidable of the divine spear The stronger the power. 】

【Amateur Blood Shield: When the master that the servant is following encounters an attack, there will be a 20% probability to automatically form a blood inflammation shield to resist the attack. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Blasting Flame Gun: When the blood inflammation divine spear hits the target, the gun head will rotate at a high speed and penetrate into the target body Time explosion]

[high level-limit overdraft: when the blood is insufficient, the spirit strength can be used to activate the ability, if the spirit strength is insufficient, the lifespan activation ability can be overdrawn; the spirit strength ability to activate, the formidable power can be increased by 100 Fifty points; overdraft lifespan activation capacity, formidable power increased by 200%. 】



This is the second Spirit Physique that appears outside the Guardian Spirit.

Although it is because they transformed into Spirit Physique in the projection of the clean world, Spirit Physique retains more power, but the real reason for them to transform into spirits is not power, but their treatment of Zhang Ping's gratitude, gratitude, and gratitude.

They are not afraid of death. In the days of becoming specimen soldiers, it can even be said that life is worse than death. Zhu Jiuyang is a complete demon. As long as he is not the specimen soldier he likes, he will not care about it. , And even make many terrorist acts that humans simply cannot imagine.

They had been looking forward to death every day.

If Zhang Ping hadn't saved them, they wouldn't know when they would be tortured by Zhu Jiuyang.

So, after gaining freedom, they are very, very grateful to Zhang Ping, and even willing to give everything to Zhang Ping. They actually have no goal to live. Now Zhang Ping is their only faith.

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