Under the moonlight, the giant moon chasing turtle moved forward fast.

After learning about the past of Chen Shuang and Cao Bing, Liu Sishan and the others are eager to break Zhu Jiuyang's body into pieces.

However, after Chen Shuang and Cao Bing knew the ultimate goal of Zhang Ping and their entire group, they persuaded Liu Sishan and the others to ignore the Zhu Family and save Pearl City.

Through Chen Shuang and Cao Bing, they know a lot of Zhu Family's secrets. Unfortunately, the location of the Zhu Family base is still an unsolved mystery.

Everyone leaves Zhu Family’s base through a Formation, while entering it needs to go through a random Formation. Formation will change locations every other week, so Chen Shuang and Cao Bing don’t know how to get to Zhu. Family base.

The last time they left Zhu Family was directly dropped by Zhu Jiuyang into the land of experience, not a regular departure.

After some exchanges, Zhang Ping asked Su Jingyao to take the two women back to the clean world to rest.

Although the two women are more powerful than ordinary Spirit Physique, they have only been born for less than half a day, so after answering everyone's strange questions, they are already a little tired.

After the two women returned to the clean world, Zhang Shouzhong clenched his fists and said in annoyance: "The Yuju Zhu Family is too hateful. Captain is right. Yuju Zhu Family must pull up by the roots, no Give them another chance to do evil!"

"Okay, fatty, just remember this thing, come and help now!"

Zhang Ping was rather calm, and he left. Going to one side, he took out a large number of deep-cold frigate bird feathers, and then called out.

"What tools do you want?" Zhang Shouzhong asked as he stepped forward with his hands in his pockets, breathing out a chill.

Zhang Ping is not afraid of the cold. He took out the notebook from the Storage Bracelet and replied: "Look at my design first. This is the weapon I customized for Feng Hall Master."

" Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade? It’s a good name, and the weapon is well drawn." Zhang Shouzhong took the notebook, and then roughly the appearance of a weapon appeared in his mind.

While speaking, he took out a portion of the fat energy and transformed an Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade made of deep-cold frigate bird feathers according to Zhang Ping's design.

"Look!" He threw the knife to Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping took the knife and tried it, said with a smile: "Yes, it's this style. What do you think?"

"Domineering, this style of closing the knife, This is the first time I have seen you!" Zhang Shouzhong praised.

The Guan knife in Pearl City is not the Guan knife of Zhang Ping's previous life, but a long-handled straight-bladed knife, because the name of the first person to use this kind of knife is'Guan Yi' , So this kind of knife is called Guan Dao, also known as Guan Yi knife.

In fact, there is a big difference between the two.

Zhang Ping learns to forge from Liu Tiefeng, this kind of basic knowledge will naturally not be mistaken.

But the sword he wants to forge must be different from this world. What he wants to build is the Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade of Second Master Guan.

As a blacksmith, he certainly has his own ambitions.

Feng Laixian is one of the most famous powerhouses in Pearl City, and his weapons will definitely receive the attention of countless people. Since the ancient treasure is the sword and the hero, Zhang Ping certainly has to build a weapon worthy of him.

Next, Zhang Ping asked Zhang Shouzhong to make a mold and start preparing for forging.

Feng Laixian's request is very simple, that is, to close the knife, about three meters, the heavier the better. Zhang Ping considered that Fenglaixian's Big Sun Red Emperor's form would exude astonishing high temperatures, so he decided not to add any additional materials, and forged this weapon purely from the feathers of the deep-cold frigate bird.

Biometals are not difficult to deal with. Zhang Ping took out several vegetable oils from Storage Bracelet, mixed them according to the ratio taught by Liu Tiefeng, and then added the blood of some animals collected before to the vegetable oil and mixed them.

He applied this mixed liquid to the feathers, and the feathers softened into a ball next moment.

Next, he smeared the feathers one by one, and all the feathers quickly softened. As others saw clicking one's tongue in wonder, Cheng Xuejie couldn't help asking: "Zhang Ping, why did you apply the oil? , They are all soft?"

"Because biometals are actually a combination of organisms and metals, this mixture of plant and animal oils can paralyze the biological parts of the metal." Zhang Ping replied.

Liu Sishan frowned: "If the enemy uses the same formula, wouldn’t it be easy to destroy weapons made of bio-metal?"

"Of course we have taken this into consideration , So there is a formula behind this formula, the two formulas used together will form an effect similar to a "code lock", unless the other party has a corresponding antidote, otherwise it will not be able to paralyze the biological part of the biometal again. A craftsman has his own formula, equivalent to only he knows the password." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

More than a hundred years ago, there was an awakened with extreme personality. In order to no longer have weaknesses in his weapons, he slaughtered the Blacksmith's family with the purpose of killing his mouth.

Later, the blacksmiths stopped telling the public about such confidential matters. Only the people who know biometal have an antidote. Zhang Ping now tells others that it is because he trusted everyone.

Next, he put all the softened metal into the mold, and then smeared a layer of black liquid in the mold.

This black liquid is a secret recipe formulated by Liu Tiefeng very early. Every blacksmith often has some exclusive secret recipes. Liu Tiefeng sincerely regards Zhang Ping as a successor, so he has no reservations. Teach all this to Zhang Ping.

"Okay, the next step is to beat the mold!"

Actually, the forging methods of Pearl City are the same. The real difficulty lies in the inheritance of some exclusive secret recipes and exclusive forging methods.

The reason why Zhang Ping dared to pack up votes and promise to make weapons for everyone is that biometals are easy to handle. As long as there is a unique secret recipe, it is not difficult to make weapons.

Of course, if the fight requires a composite bio-metal weapon, Zhang Ping cannot guarantee that he can forge it. It is already the realm of the forge, and only veterans like Liu Tiefeng It may be forged.

After a beating sound of ding ding dong dong, Zhang Ping opened the mold and applied several liquids on it. After several repeated beatings, he grabbed the long handle of the Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade and used the food The flame heats the weapon one last time.

Naked eye can be seen, the whole knife immediately turns red, and the blade is extremely sharp. Just naked eye has a tingling sensation of being cut.

"Okay, you can use it when it naturally cools down." Zhang Ping put the knife aside, wiping the sweat said with a smile.

Next, he continued to forge the weapons that other people needed. Don’t look at his current forging weapons, but in fact, he has overcome the most difficult points, even more in the poison swamp. With a lot of design drawings, it was finally decided what the final version would look like.

In fact, having said that, he was very sympathetic to Chen Shuang and Cao Bing's experience, and at the same time very angry at Zhu Family Zhu Jiuyang's evil deeds, because of this, he was more calm.

Because he knows he can't do anything.

Now for him, the most important thing is to save Pearl City, after which is the Zhu Family to clean up the beast.

Because of this, he simply put his anger into the forging, and hope that one day, everyone can use these weapons to end the Heavenly Fox and the Zhu Family.

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