There is nothing to say for the next two days.

In the daytime, he will be chased by the flame scorpion, and at night, he will be riding the moon chasing mysterious tortoise.

Lu Han met at the dawn of the first night, followed by Bai De, Zhao Yanlong, and Zhao Yanhu. Now they are riding the mysterious tortoise chasing the moon to the location of Fenglaixian.

After Zhang Ping distributed the weapons, everyone was very happy. In the two nights, they would hold the weapons to ponder how to use them, and even occasionally learn from each other on the turtle's back. The sound of weapons and weapons collided constantly. .

It is worth mentioning that the difference between awakened and awakened is really very, very big.

During the day, Zhang Ping found through analysis that Liu Sishan's exposure to the sun would slow down the upgrade speed. Fortunately, she usually wears an ice mask, and there is not much chance of being exposed to the sun. That's why it didn't stand still.

Zhao Yanhu is even more miserable. As long as he eats meat, it will slow down the speed of upgrading. This is why he had obviously better aptitude than Zhao Yanlong at the beginning, but his level was lower.

In short, Zhao Yanhu can only be vegetarian, he cannot eat meat.

In addition to Liu Sishan and Zhao Yanhu's weird physique, Zhang Ping researched for two days and discovered some even stranger features. As long as Bai De laughs, it will slow down the upgrade to a very small extent.

Laughing out for about a day will extend the upgrade speed by about one minute.

After knowing these weird questions, everyone became a little helpless and asked Zhang Ping if he could do anything.

"Zhang Ping, I want to go shit, can you... Come with me, in case I shit will..." Zhang Shouzhong quietly moved to the side of Zhang Ping, quietly opened the mouth and said.

Zhang Ping squinted his eyes and said: "If you shit will extend the upgrade time, will you just vomit it out of your mouth?"

"Hey, actually... It's not that I can't think about it." Zhang Shouzhong touched his head and said sorry.

Zhang Ping suddenly said while staring: "Go away, or I will use my mind to pull you in your pants!"

"Go away now!" Zhang Shouzhong heard it, and hurriedly lifted his pants and ran. road.

As soon as Zhang Shouzhong's front foot left, Lu Han moved forward with his hind foot, and some sorry asked, "Zhang Ping, you can help me see that I can't eat anything except raw meat. "

"Lu Han senior, there is really nothing left. My current ability has only been developed for two or three days. You can wait until I develop it." Zhang Ping helplessly said.

Zhang Ping is actually very happy to help. The problem is that his training level is really not high. Unless the other party triggers this problem, it is difficult for him to detect the other party's taboos out of thin air.

"Okay, sorry." Lu Han quickly nodded and said.

The so-called eating people’s mouth is softer than people’s hands. Lu Han now eats Zhang Ping’s food and takes Zhang Ping’s forged weapons. It’s really hard to be hardened and even very ashamed. As a senior, he doesn’t have anything. Dry, eat and take instead.

"Zhang Ping, come and see if my biological force field is wrong."

After Lu Han turned and left, Cheng Xuejie came up again and pulled Zhang Ping His hand whispered.

In desperation, Zhang Ping put down the bottle with the black liquid in his hand and asked: "What do you mean, can't you let me be quiet for a while?"

Not far away, everyone formed a circle, all looking at Zhang Ping.

"In fact, everyone is worried about you. You have been sitting here for two hours, and from time to time you take out a bottle of poison and stare at your brows. We are afraid that you can't think about it." Cheng Xuejie said quickly.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "Yes, I heard people say that there is a strange disease in Pearl City that will keep people away from the crowd, and finally quietly committed suicide."

"It's called self-destructive tendency, I'm just thinking about whether to try to eat the feathers of the deep-cold frigate bird!" Zhang Ping said ill-humoredly.

Of course, the hard deep-cold frigate bird feathers cannot be eaten, and they will not be digested if they are eaten, but if an anesthetic is used, then the biometal should be edible, right?

The question is whether to eat like this, is biometal soft or hard?

Zhang Ping is not so sure, and also worried that there is only one chance, in case you eat soft, you will always be soft, eat hard...


He actually has too many worries, so he frowns and thinks from time to time when he looks at the secret medicine here.

Although his strength has greatly improved, most of his abilities belong to the type with great potential and the future can be expected. There are only a few tricks that can really play a lethal force back and forth.

The defense is even worse. Except for Nethermist and the shield in the King’s Jewel, other abilities are only useful under certain circumstances.

In short, his'soft' aspect is not bad, but the'hard' aspect is far worse.

"So you don't want to open it?" Cheng Xuejie asked after listening to Zhang Ping's words, letting go of her arm holding Zhang Ping's arm, and squinting at Zhang Shouzhong.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Is there anything I can't think of?"

"Fatty said just now. He said that you are squatting here by yourself. I feel hesitant and helpless in the future. As the hope of Pearl City, you are under too much pressure, and it is inevitable that you may not think about it. So... let everyone take care of you." Cheng Xuejie said as she said, the look in Zhang Shou's eyes gradually revealed murderous aura.

Others are the same, looking at Zhang Shouzhong one by one harboring malicious intentions.

Zhang Shouzhong panicked immediately, he quickly opened the mouth and said: "You listen to my sophistry...ah no, explain..."

"Beat him!"

Cheng Xuejie interrupted immediately.

Everyone immediately surrounded Zhang Shouzhong and fisted, but Zhang Shouzhong had already crouched on the ground with special protective gear for being beaten, holding his head and begging for mercy.

Zhang Ping watched everyone laugh together, couldn't help but smile faintly, then took out a feather and smeared it with special mixed oil.

In fact, he doesn’t need to think so much. Although he wants to be a'hard' man, but with companions by his side, he can actually look for opportunities slowly. Even if he fails this time, he still has once.

After the feathers were softened, he swallowed them in one mouthful. Everyone stopped and looked at Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping closed his eyes. About one minute later, a trace of silver rays of light gradually appeared on his skin. He opened his eyes, and the next moment stared at one of his fingers, which quickly changed. Into silver white.

He immediately used Appraisal Technique to himself, and he couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw the newly born ability in the attribute.

[Gold swallowers: They can be converted into elemental metals by continuously swallowing metals. After the idea is stimulated, the elemental metals will form a metal coating on the body surface. The metal coating has various special attributes of the swallowed metal.

Remark: Are you just... an iron-eater? 】

Although it is somewhat different from the ability he wants, this ability is undoubtedly more potential, because the metal coating is a special attribute that contains all the metals he has eaten. In the future, just continue to eat Different metals, its metal coating defense will be higher and higher, even Ultra Grade is not better than Ultra Grade.


Even so, this is still another ability that can be expected in the future.

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