In fact, Zhang Ping considered eating this biometal when he got the deep-cold frigate bird feathers.

But because he already had a lot of abilities, he was not in a hurry, and at that time his consciousness was on the stand-in, so he forgot to come and go.

When he remembered, he had acquired the power of thought again, so he procrastinated for a few days, and finally dragged it to this day to eat the feathers of the deep-cold frigate bird.

At this time, he took out five deep-cold frigate bird feathers, directly applied a layer of mixed oil, softened them and swallowed them all.

It is strange to say that if an inflammatory eats calories, he will have a very intuitive feeling.

That is how much inflammation element energy the body stores. He has a number in his heart. After the inflammation element energy is saturated, he can no longer absorb heat through the inflammation eater.

But the gold swallower is completely different, it is like a bottomless pit.

Five feathers under the belly, there is no such intuitive feeling at all, as if you can eat all the time.

Zhang Ping thought for a while, and simply took out a handful of feathers. This time, he didn't even bother to apply the mixed oil. The body directly turned into pure water, and the feathers were stuffed into the stomach.

Originally, he thought that it would be indigestible if he did it like this. Who knew that the next moment the feathers would be digested after turning into flesh and blood.

"It's weird!"

Zhang Ping took out some common metal minerals collected in the past from the bracelet, including iron ore, copper ore, silver ore, dog head gold, etc., he Swallowing these metal ore into the stomach, the next moment also digested smoothly.

"This ability seems to have no limit!"

Zhang Ping thought with surprise, the entire palm of his right hand at the next moment became silver.

Thinking that the defensive power of the metal coating has not been tested yet, he took out a bio-metal knife that he had forged, and slammed it into the palm of his hand.

When the tip of the knife pierced the palm, it was directly blocked by the metal coating. The metal coating was only slightly sunken and not pierced.

He stepped up his efforts, but still couldn't pierce this metal coating.

"Already have the characteristics of the deep-cold frigate bird feathers?"

Zhang Ping puts away the knife, the next moment releases the inflammation element, the entire palm becomes red immediately, and the nails are sharper Incomparable.

The feathers of deep-cold frigatebirds will become harder and defensive when it is cold, and become extremely sharp at high temperatures.

Zhang Ping immediately realized that the inflammatory eater and the gold swallower were paired together, and his palm already had the function of digging out the heart with one hand.

Next, he continued to eat the feathers of the Deep Frigate Bird. Anyway, everyone's weapons have been forged, so he can eat all the remaining feathers.

He calculated that after eating all the feathers, he should be able to cover his whole body with a metal coating.

"Except for the wrong color, this thing is a bit like the armed domineering in One Piece?"

Zhang Ping thought while eating feathers.

But in fact, there is a big difference. The metal coating does not consume its elemental metals, and only consumes very little spirit strength when driving.

The real difficulty of this ability is to collect special metals.

Only by constantly eating various special metals, this ability can continue to grow.

The more metal you eat, the more elemental metals are converted, and the stronger the defensive power of the metal coating.

After a night of struggle, Zhang Ping finally ate all the deep-cold frigate bird feathers in the bracelet, and his body was covered with a layer of silver in an instant.

"This damn sense of security!"

Zhang Ping can feel that in this state, his defensive power is not weaker than that of a deep-cold frigate bird, and general attacks are already difficult breakthrough his defense.

When the sun appeared again, he put away the mysterious tortoise chasing the moon and continued to move forward with everyone.

Zhang Shouzhong couldn’t help saying curiously: "Zhang Ping, what is your ability?"

In fact, after everyone had a fight last night, Zhang Ping was testing his abilities. Then I didn't bother Zhang Ping anymore, but did what I should do.

But if you are not curious, it must be fake.

"Watch for yourself!"

Zhang Ping simply shared his attributes with everyone.

"This ability is great, right? In other words, your current defense should be similar to that of the Deep Frigate Bird?" Zhang Shouzhong said enviously after reading it.

In fact, he can also do this. After all, the feathers of the deep-cold frigate bird have been playing with him for many days in the poison swamp. Now he can use this special material to make armor. defense.

"In fact, I think the biggest benefit of this ability is...insulation!" Zhang Ping raised his head and glanced at the sun, then said with a smile.

After the sun came out, the temperature in the desert, which was originally minus ten degrees Celsius, rose again. Now the temperature is good. Once it is noon, it will be the real torment.

Zhang Ping They can now determine the time according to the temperature. From 7 to 8 in the morning, the temperature is the coolest and pleasant. After 9 o'clock, the temperature starts to move closer to summer, and it turns into sweltering heat after twelve o'clock. Up.

About five o'clock in the evening is the hottest time in the Yan Scorpion Desert. When the moon comes out at six o'clock, the temperature will drop rapidly as the Yan Scorpion consumes heat.

Zhang Ping is not particularly afraid of heat. With the metal coating, he is completely not afraid of high temperatures.

Now he can also be like Fenglai Immortal-like, using Yan Scorpion Desert as a tourist attraction.


About noon, everyone met Feng Laixian.

Sure enough, the test of the Yan Scorpion Desert has nothing to do with dispersing. Everyone got together and simply sat under the umbrella to discuss.

"What is the purpose of this desert separating us for no reason? It won't test our ability to survive alone, right?" Cheng Xuejie said grievously.

If she hadn't succeeded in mastering the biological force field with the support of Zhang Ping, she would be dead now.

She couldn't understand the purpose of Yan Scorpion Desert at all. When she thought that she might be killed by unfathomable mystery, she was furious.

Zhao Yanlong rarely opened the mouth and said: "Is it possible to test our ability to kill the Yan Scorpion alone? How many Yan Scorpions may have to be killed to complete the level."

" I almost killed more than 100,000 flame scorpions, this probability is not too great." Feng Laixian said calmly.

Zhang Shouzhong speculated: "Perhaps it requires us to live in the desert for a certain number of days, and we will be teleported out when the time is up."

"This is possible, and it is only now. About three days later." Bai De said ponderingly.

Separate everyone, test the ability to survive alone, and pass the level after a certain number of days.

The more you think about it, the more you think this probability is very high.

Because under normal circumstances, it is difficult for people who are scattered to gather together and can only survive alone.

Zhang Ping and they originally thought it would take a lot of days to get together, but because of the existence of the moon at night, they can take the moon chasing turtle and keep Shrinking the Earth into an Inch, so they have advanced so much. .

Liu Sishan pondered for a moment, opened the mouth and said: "Well, let’s make preparations with both hands. Although the probability of clearing the level after killing a certain number of scorpions is very small, but also not possible, ten thousand According to our level, the number of flame scorpions that need to be killed varies? And the time to kill the flame scorpion does not conflict."

"That’s right, in case Feng Hall Master is too high level. High, so there are one million flame scorpions that need to be killed?" Zhang Ping nodded agreed.

Others think it's impossible.

After all, Fenglaixian is the top awakened, and it is only a matter of time before one million Yan Scorpions.

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