Three in the afternoon.

The sand in the Yan Scorpion Desert is hot, and the air is distorted because of the heat.

Most people will quickly become dehydrated and die in this environment, even if it is awakened, it is difficult for most people to survive for a long time in this environment.

Feng Laixian is holding the Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade and is being besieged by countless flame scorpions under a sand dune. The Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade in his hand is exuding high temperature, where the sharp blade passes. Yan Xie all divided into two.

"hahaha, good knife!"

He likes this Guan knife very much.

Although the shape of this Guan knife is quite different from that of Guan Yi knife, it is more domineering and smoother when hacking.

This weapon is awesome!

Not far away, other people are also holding weapons against the Yan Scorpion, but more Yan Scorpions are gathering from all directions, which can be said to be endless.

On the other side of the sand dune, Zhang Ping sits alone on the ground, surrounded by scorpions.

These flame scorpions constantly used poisonous needles on him, but they were all easily blocked by the metal coating, and they couldn't break the defense at all.

He picked up a flame scorpion, skillfully disassembled its tail, and then threw the flame scorpion into the distance. After losing the poisonous needle, the flame scorpion turned around and fled from the terrifying Great Demon in front of him. King.

The scorpion's tail contains nuclear crystals that can absorb heat.

This kind of special material is difficult to encounter in the outside world, so Zhang Ping plans to collect more so that it will be used in case of a day.

I have to say that the metal coating formed by the gold swallower is very useful, and his current strength is actually no less than Fenglaixian.

If the two played against each other, it would be difficult for Feng Laixian to kill him in seconds.

And he has a variety of Ultra Grade abilities, but it can cause a lot of damage to Fenglaixian.

Once the two fight against each other, it is estimated that it will turn into a fierce battle. In the end, it must be the end of one of them.

Of course, the probability of Zhang Ping being physically exhausted is definitely higher than Fenglaixian. After all, he is only an intermediate awakened, and Fenglaixian is a top awakened. The physical attributes of the two are far worse.

Unless Zhang Ping awakens a certain ability that can one strike certain kill against Fenglaixian, he will definitely be inferior to Fenglaixian in a protracted battle.

"Zhang Ping, you really are lazy again."

At this time, Cheng Xuejie jumped from the other end of the sand dune to his side, and when she landed, she stepped on the sand without a trace.

She has more and more control over the biological force field. Although she is still unable to fly, with the blessing of the biological force field, she can easily jump to an altitude of four to five hundred meters and stay for a short time.

Furthermore, the biological force field itself also gave her stronger defensive power, and the flame scorpion had no threat to her.

Zhang Ping took a fire scorpion without a tail in his hand, and the metal coating of next moment silver quickly turned red. This fire scorpion struggled wildly, but was quickly steamed by the high temperature. .

He opened the Yan Scorpion's hard shell, and while eating, opened the mouth and said: "Anyway, the time outside is still, not in a hurry."

Although he wanted to immediately Clear the level, I can’t wait to solve Heavenly Fox and Zhu Family in an instant, but it’s useless if you don’t have to go out in a hurry. Others are already killing them. If killing a certain number of Fire Scorpions is really useful, someone will be teleported out soon. , When the time comes, it is not too late for him to exert his strength.

Now he has more important things to do.

In an instant, countless sands rolled, and then one after another metal gravel was extracted by Nian Li.

Zhang Ping ate the metal gravel in one bite and looked at Cheng Xuejie and asked: "Are the weapons still useful?"

The weapon he built for Cheng Xuejie is called Yinyue Shuang. Knife, it is said that the knife is actually a dagger. The two knives are half a meter long, and there is a ring at the end of the hilt. Inside the ring is a silk thread made of biometal. If necessary, the two weapons can threw away to attack the enemy. .

Because Cheng Xuejie did not control the biological force field when customizing, she customized the weapon with the strength at the time. Zhang Ping was not sure whether it was still applicable, so I asked this question.

"It's a bit light, but it's actually pretty good as a hidden weapon." Cheng Xuejie said with a smile.

Then she walked to Zhang Ping and squatted down, the invisible biological force field swept away, all around all the flame scorpions were swept out, and they all split in half when they landed.

She looked at Zhang Ping and said with a smile: "Look, I did the training you said."

while speaking, she grabbed the ground with one hand Sand, as her hand pulled up, she held a sand ball the size of a basketball and was entirely made of sand.

"Unfortunately, there is no water source in this desert, otherwise it should be quick to step on the water and not sink." she said helplessly.

Zhang Ping looked at the sphere made of sand in surprise, comforted: "This has been very difficult to deal with, and your abilities continue to be developed, and the potential is absolutely endless."

" In fact, I came to see you just because I wanted to tell you something." Cheng Xuejie said hesitantly.

She first took a deep breath, and then patted her cheeks. She did Zhang Ping, and her heartbeat speeded up a bit. Isn’t she trying to confess?

Although Zhang Ping thinks Cheng Xuejie's long legs are very attractive and beautiful, he really has no intention of falling in love now.

"Zhang Ping, I think I seem to be ill, mentally ill!" Cheng Xuejie was ready at this time, and she leaned into Zhang Ping's ear with a serious face, and whispered.

Zhang Ping froze for a while, then relaxed, and asked: "Just... this is it?"

"That's it. Deterioration of mental illness will become a lost person, which is very serious. Okay, listen to me, I feel like I can control other people’s bodies, and even do things similar to the power of mind. What's more terrifying is that I have a faint feeling that I can help others wake up just like me. Ability!" Cheng Xuejie gave Zhang Ping a blank look of dissatisfaction, and explained very seriously.

Zhang Ping directly covered Cheng Xuejie with his thought power, and then analyzed while comforted: "Don’t worry, I’ll take a look first, what if this is not a disease?"

In fact, most creatures are Having your own biological force field is just too weak and impossible to play any role.

Cheng Xuejie’s biological force field is powerful based on superpowers. Zhang Ping suspects that Cheng Xuejie’s “awakening-like ability” is actually gathering the biological force field for others to make the biological force field controllable. change.

Through the analysis of mind power, Zhang Ping said with a smile: "I can be 100% sure that you are not mentally ill, so your illusion should be a new change after the application of the biological force field becomes stronger. You might as well do more research, if it can really make everyone awaken the biological force field, then everyone will become dual abilities."

"Really possible?" Cheng Xuejie was surprised.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Don’t mention your own biological force field and the ordinary person’s biological force field mention on equal terms. If your biological force field level is 100, then the ordinary person The biological force field may only be 0.1, even if it is awakened, it is actually useless."

"Hoo, I was shocked, I thought my ability would subvert the order of the entire Pearl City." Cheng Xuejie relaxed.

If everyone can awaken the biological force field, and the strength is the same as hers, then Pearl City will no longer have an ordinary person from now on.

Everyone will be awakened!

Even if it cannot be considered awakened, the ordinary person with a biological force field is no longer a lamb to be slaughtered there's no resistance.

This means that the social structure of Pearl City will be completely overturned, and no one will do what the ordinary person is doing now, and it will even lead to factional battles, food crisis and other major problems.

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