I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [014] Fighting

When Zhang Ping returned to Iron Soul, the only thing he felt was poverty.

The fees of martial arts schools are too expensive. Even for small martial arts schools, the fees are between 300 and 500. He needs to save for at least several months before he can sign up for the most basic projects.

"I wonder if I can apply for activity funds from Liu Sishan."

Zhang Ping was lying on the bed. Before going to bed, he suddenly thought that the organization Liu Sishan belonged to must be very rich.

For the next week, Zhang Ping's life was very regular.

He stayed in Iron Soul to study during the day, and went out at night to continue investigating the situation of the martial arts school, and by the way, he identified Tian Changhu to Liu Sishan.

The cleaning team would not take action immediately after he identified the Tianchang Fox, but would clean up the Tianchang Fox from time to time. It was not until several days later that Zhang Ping discovered that several Tianchang Fox had disappeared.

Apparently the cleanup team took action.

Zhang Ping knew very well that the cleaning team did not trust him. After all, Liu Sishan had never mentioned the name of his organization. The reason why he knew it was the cleaning team was entirely because his identification skills had been upgraded.

Contract gems can increase potential, and potential has three consumption directions.

The first is to slowly release potential through exercise.

As a result, he can continue to break through the limits of human beings and possess physical fitness that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve. If he continues to exercise, he feels that one day he will be able to compete with awakened people of the physical enhancement system.

The second is to have a one percent probability of awakening new talents.

To a certain extent, Zhang Ping can be regarded as the European Emperor. After all, he has awakened three innate abilities.

The third is to upgrade the original talents.

From 'Unstable Appraisal Technique' to 'Stable Appraisal Technique', because Appraisal Technique can be said to be the skill Zhang Ping uses the most, this skill upgrades very quickly, and it evolved into 'Strategic Version Appraisal Technique' two days ago. .

The strategic version of the identification technique can identify the target's camp or the force it belongs to. If the target does not have a camp, the camp will not be displayed.

After upgrading his skills, he re-identified Liu Sishan and learned that the opponent's force was called the Sweeping Team.

Also, he finally had the shamelessness to apply for activity funds from Liu Sishan.

Liu Sishan gave him 10,000 Pearl Coins the day after he applied for activity funds.

With the funds for activities, Zhang Ping plans to join a martial arts gym to explore the situation. Once he understands the situation, he will choose a few trustworthy gym owners to try to contact them to see if he can win over more combat power.


Zhang Ping came to the Beast King Boxing Gym again.

In fact, the Beast King Boxing Gym is not the best choice. The problem is... it is close enough to the Iron Soul.

Zhang Ping purchased the course on the first three styles of Beast King Fist and finally entered the inner room of the martial arts gym. The martial arts gym has five floors, two of which are above ground and three floors underground.

Under the leadership of the waiter, Zhang Ping came to a room.

There were already many apprentices in the room, but these apprentices were generally between 25 and 30 years old. Zhang Ping felt out of place in the crowd. Until a young man about his age came in, the situation improved slightly.


The young man approached Zhang Ping and said.

Zhang Ping nodded and said, "Hello."

"Are you here to learn Beast King Fist too?" Wang Jieming asked.

Zhang Ping narrowed his eyes at the other party and complained: "You can't just come here to learn flower arrangement."

"Ah, sorry for asking unnecessary questions, my name is Wang Jieming." The young man realized that he had asked a stupid question, rubbed the back of his head and said sheepishly.

Zhang Ping introduced himself: "Zhang Ping."

Fortunately, the dry conversation ended here, because the instructor came.

The instructor is estimated to be around 4 years old

A strong man between 0 and 50. In fact, most of the awakened ones of the physical enhancement system are very tall and majestic, and all of them are muscular men.

The instructor had a beard and a pair of eyes similar to those of a wolf. When he opened his mouth, you could see that he had a pair of canine teeth.

When Zhang Ping introduced himself to the instructor, he directly activated the identification technique, and then the instructor's information was identified.

[Identification successful]

[Name: Bai De]

[Race: Human]

[Force: Beast King Boxing Gym]


【Lifespan: 159】

[Level: Advanced Awakener]

[Level: 25]


【Food Shape Compensation: Gradually change the body constitution through food. 】

【Advanced skills】

[Running Wolf Form: Stimulates the body's potential strength and gradually transforms into a human wolf form, greatly increasing the speed]

[Frenzy Lion Form: Stimulate the potential strength of the body, transform into a strong lion-man form, and strengthen the body in all aspects]

Very strong.

Judging from attributes alone, he can almost compete with Liu Sishan.

However, who is stronger, Liu Sishan or Bai De, I am afraid you will only know if you have fought them. After all, how fast the running wolf form is and how strong the fighting lion form is, it is difficult to imagine just by reading the literal introduction.

After Bai De introduced himself, there was no nonsense and he went directly to the topic.

"The first three postures of the Beast King Fist are the Ape King Posture, the Giant Crocodile Posture, and the Phoenix Claw Posture. Like the Ming Fist, the three postures correspond to three types of creatures. The Ape King Posture is changeable and has no fixed movements, while the Giant Crocodile Posture exercises finger strength. , you will be able to tear apart tigers and leopards after you have mastered it. The chicken claw pose also requires very high finger strength. I recommend learning the giant crocodile pose first and then the chicken claw pose.”

"Okay, now let's actually learn. Everyone, follow my actions."

After Bai De finished speaking, he began to teach the Ape King pose.

The Ape King Style does not imitate the movements of an ape, but a boxing technique with extremely fast attack speed. The reason why it is called the Ape King Style is that it means "the mind of an ape is difficult to determine".

The boxing technique has matching footwork. When Zhang Ping was learning it, he felt that this set of footwork was the essence of the Ape King Style.

In the first class, everyone learned very slowly, mainly because they were afraid of making mistakes, and would rather be slow than make mistakes.

Bai De taught the first move, and then asked the apprentices to practice repeatedly. He shuttled among the apprentices, constantly correcting each apprentice's mistakes.

When he walked to Zhang Ping, he looked at it for a while before nodding: "Not bad, continue."

When he walked to Wang Jieming's side, he suddenly frowned, and then he kept correcting Wang Jieming's movements, but after each correction, Wang Jieming's movements quickly went out of shape again.

"Feet, watch your feet."

"No, the power point of your feet is not on the toes, but on the heels. Watch carefully."

"Is your pelvis separated from your lower body? Otherwise, how could you do it? Your upper body moves but your lower body doesn't cooperate at all?"


Bai De taught for more than ten minutes and was completely speechless in the end.

He thought for a while, walked to Zhang Ping and said, "You try to compete with him."

Sometimes, practice is the best teacher.

Some people are just naturally gifted, and if they study diligently, they may not even get started after studying for several years, but they can improve quickly in actual combat.

Bai De is now counting on Wang Jieming to be a genius of this type. Otherwise, it will definitely be a painful task to teach Wang Jieming the first three moves of the Beast King Fist.

The other apprentices stepped aside slightly, and Zhang Ping and Wang Jieming stood opposite each other.

"You are not allowed to use other abilities. You can only use the Ape King Style. Let's get started." Bai De said.


Ping took action instantly. He feinted to the left, then rushed towards Wang Jieming from the right. Wang Jieming immediately punched out instinctively. Zhang Ping was like a monkey climbing a tree, moving forward close to Wang Jieming's arm, and then punched Wang Jieming. facade, but in the end he let it slip and didn't put in much effort.


Bai De looked at the two people on the court and finally sighed. Zhang Ping beating Wang Jieming was like an adult beating a baby, there was no suspense at all.

Obviously, Wang Jieming is not a practical genius.

The awakened people all around were joking, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that Zhang Ping was no longer just releasing water, but was releasing a large ocean.

Wang Jieming and Zhang Ping are about the same age, but their abilities are far different.

At least, Zhang Ping has reached an entry-level level in the Ape King Style, while Wang Jieming has not even scratched the surface of it.

"Okay, stop." Bai De sighed.

Zhang Ping cupped his fists and said, "I accept."


Wang Jieming just smiled bitterly. The adventurer could tell that Zhang Ping was letting go. As the one who was beaten, he was naturally more aware. Every time Zhang Ping's fist hit him, he would hold back, otherwise he would have been beaten to the point of vomiting blood.

"You are not suitable for boxing training. I can refund the tuition fees." Bai De stepped forward and said to Wang Jieming.

Wang Jieming quickly said: "Instructor Bai, I want to learn, please believe me, I can learn!"


Bai De was speechless. He really didn't want to teach Wang Jieming.

Each instructor can only teach so many apprentices. Teaching a genius can be a master very quickly, but teaching Kuchiki takes a lot of time. In the same time, teaching one untalented apprentice is enough for him to teach three or four geniuses.

"Let me study for a few more days, please, Instructor Bai." Wang Jieming said with a sad face.

Bai De said helplessly: "Then five days. If you haven't learned the Ape King Style within five days, I will only refund 70% of the tuition fee."

"Okay, thank you, instructor Bai." Wang Jieming agreed immediately.

Zhang Ping was a little curious as to why Wang Jieming had to learn boxing since he had no talent. Judging from Wang Jieming's physique, he didn't look like an awakened person of the physical enhancement system.

Out of curiosity, he simply used the identification technique on Wang Jieming.

[Identification successful]

[Name: Wang Jieming]

[Race: Human]


【Lifespan: 92】

[Level: Junior Awakener]

[Level: 5]


[Diligence can make up for weakness: Learning ability drops by 90%. Any skill can be improved through persistent exercise. For every day of persistence, the growth rate of the same type of exercise increases by 10%, up to 1000%. 】

I see.

Zhang Ping finally understood what was going on after reading Wang Jieming's attributes.

It has to be said that Wang Jieming is a master in the later stage. Although it is difficult to learn skills in the early stage, as long as you get started and persist, your growth rate will be faster and faster.

Moreover, Wang Jieming has seven-star potential. At worst, he is a high-level awakener, and he may even become a top-level awakener.

This guy is a talent.

Although there are a large number of awakened people in Pearl City, in fact, most of them are intermediate awakened people, high-level awakened people and top-level awakened people. The number is very rare, and awakened people are only flesh and blood after all. Diseases, hidden injuries, age, etc. will all slow down their development. Slowly weaken one's own strength.

For example, Liu Tiefeng, although he is an intermediate awakener, can't even beat him, a junior awakener.

Even ordinary people can cause harm to him if he is caught off guard.

Time is not forgiving, this is the reality.

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