Wolves in a snowy field.

When everyone entered, they immediately placed themselves on a white snow field.

At this time, a cold wind blew, and a line of words appeared on the snow-white ground: [Guard Baitie Town for a week. 】

"Baitie Town?"

Everyone looked all around and didn't see the existence of the town at all.

Feng Laixian meditated: "It seems that we have to find Baitie Town first, and from the perspective of the mission, Baitie Town must be threatened by some kind of danger."

"It may be The wolf pack, after all, this is called the wolf pack snowfield!" Lu Han speculated.

Zhang Ping opened the mouth and said: "Well, everyone is on standby. Lu Han senior and I will fly. First go around and investigate around, and then come back to lead the way when we find Baitie Town."

After finishing speaking, he directly wrapped himself with thought power and soared into the sky. Lu Han quickly flew into the air. The two discussed in mid-air, and then proceeded in two different directions.

Looking down from the sky, almost the entire wolves snow field is covered by thick snow, only sporadic trees are emerging.

"How thick is this snow?"

Zhang Ping looked at the trees all around, whispered in his heart.

These trees don't know how high they are, and only a little bit of tip emerges in the snow, which means that most of them are buried by the snow.

"There are people!"

At this moment, Zhang Ping saw three people on the snow in the distance struggling forward, so he flew over quickly.


As he approached, Zhang Ping hovered not far from the three of them, and said hello first.

The three of them wore thick fur coats and masks on their faces. They only showed a pair of eyes, and they couldn't tell whether they were male or female.

When they saw Zhang Ping, they first took off their weapons, and then one of them opened the mouth and said: "How do you call this... Your Excellency?"

"Hello, My name is Zhang Ping, don’t worry, I’m not malicious, I just want to ask for directions.” Zhang Ping fell on the snow, smiled immediately, and looked at the three of them and said.

The person who spoke looked at the two companions, and then asked: "Where do you want to go?"

"Excuse me, do you know how to get to Baitie Town?" Zhang Ping Asked immediately.

The other party is slightly relaxed, pointing to the mountain in the distance, and replied neatly: "Baitie Town is behind the Great Snow Mountain."

"Ok, thank you!"

Zhang Ping nodded, the next moment will fly away directly.

To be honest, if he is not strong enough, he may be more cautious than these three when he meets strangers in this environment, so he understands the other side's guard.

Because of his understanding, he did not get close to the other party, but left directly after asking for directions, lest the other party continue to be suspicious.

He quickly flew to the top of Great Snow Mountain. Looking down from the top of the mountain, there really is a prosperous town.

This small town is not big, it can't even be described as supress', it's just a village at best.

But when he just flew in, he discovered that there were still many igloos on the wolves snowfield. These igloos were scattered all over the place, compared to those with only two or three igloos. "Village", then Baitie Town is really a small town.

"Because it is backed by Great Snow Mountain and the terrain is relatively high, it is not buried by heavy snow?"

Zhang Ping discovered that Baitie Town was not built on snow, but Built on the ground, there is snow only seven or eight meters outside the town.

Thinking of the attitude of the three people before, he decided not to disturb the residents of Baitie Town for the time being, and after investigating the situation in Baitie Town, he would consider whether to contact each other.

If there is no conflict, it is best if there is no conflict.

After all, their task is to protect Baitie Town. It's not good to have a quarrel with the residents.

He avoided the people in the town and flew quietly into a small alley. Since the people here were covered with a face mask, he also took out a face towel to cover it, and then walked out of the alley casually.

But as soon as he walked out, the residents all around scattered one after another, and some even took out weapons from all over the house and stared at him vigilantly.

For a moment, some young and strong youths quickly surrounded them with clubs in their hands.

Zhang Ping is dumbfounded.

Everyone is covering their faces, why is he seen through at a glance?

"Relax, I have no intentions, is this Baitie Town?"

He smiled helplessly, then pulled down the face towel he used to cover his face, raised his hand and asked quickly road.

A big bearded man who was about forty years old walked out of the crowd. He took off his scarf and squinted his eyes and said: "Are you from the investigation team?"

" Uncle, do you know the investigation team?" Zhang Ping eyes shined, asked immediately.

The big bearded man gnashing teeth said: "Why don't you know, those beasts stole three tons of white iron from our Baitie Town before they left. If you are a member of the investigation team, you are here... Then don't leave. !"

"Wait, I am not a member of the investigation team, I can swear on this!" Zhang Ping quickly clarified.

But obviously these people don’t trust outsiders. Someone opened the mouth and said: "Boss Hu, don’t believe him, he must be a thief from the investigation team."

"You can Tell me, which team is the investigation team that stole your white iron, and who is Captain? Maybe I can help you get justice." Zhang Ping took a step back, nodded in pain.

He didn't expect that the group of people in the investigation team were not doing any personnel, they came to experience and stole other people's white iron.

Is white iron so precious?

Is it worth it?

This equivalent to abandon the entire wolves in the snowy field, and the investigators at the back will come in to experience it, wouldn't it be miserable?

So Zhang Ping really wanted to know which team did a good thing. When he came back, he must punish the opponent in accordance with Pearl City's rules.

"Sure enough, he is an outsider, catch him first!"

But his words were equivalent to admitting that he was an outsider in disguise, so someone shouted.


In an instant, Zhang Ping's mind exploded.

Everyone is frozen in place, no matter how much effort they exert, they can't break free from the control of mind.

Zhang Ping helplessly said: "Why don't you communicate well? I said I am not a member of the investigation team."

Just after he finished speaking, Boss Hu's eyes suddenly emanated The red rays of light followed by two light beams shot out from Boss Hu’s eyes.

Zhang Ping felt bad when he saw Boss Hu's eyes glow. The metal coating covered his whole body for an instant, and then he was hit by the red light.

He stepped back two steps, looked down at the place where his chest was shot by the red light, his face was not very good, opened the mouth and said: "Do you want my life?"

Boss Hu roared and shot the red light again, but Zhang Ping easily caught it with his hand. Zhang Ping looked at the palm of his hand and said quietly: "You are awakened, that is to say...in Baitie Town People also come from Pearl City?"

But Boss Hu didn't have the idea of ​​communicating with him, one after another red light kept shooting.

"Since you are from Pearl City, hasn't anyone taught you that respecting powerhouse means respecting your own life!"

Zhang Ping ignored the light beam and went straight to Boss Hu. At the moment Boss Hu shook his fist, he punched Boss Hu's chin at a faster speed. Boss Hu vomited blood and fell to the ground, and a tooth flew out of his mouth.

Fortunately, it was him who came this time. If it were Feng Laixian, these people would definitely be gone.

In fact, he is also very upset. Although he has a good temper and does not like to fight and kill, it does not mean that he will tolerate other people's offenses infinitely.

This man repeatedly attacked his vitals, obviously wanting to put him to death, he did not kill on the spot, he was kind enough.

But this also stopped him from the idea of ​​friendly exchanges with the residents of Baitie Town.

Their task is only to protect Baitie Town for a week. As for whether the residents of Baitie Town should protect them, it is not within his consideration. At worst, he will tie everyone up and leave directly after the mission. .

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