Three hours later, everyone gathered in Baitie Town.

But Zhang Ping, they don't seem to protect Baitie Town at all, but like a group of bandits.

All the residents of Baitie Town were tied up with twine and held in the largest house in Baitie Town. Zhang Ping and the others were standing outside the house, discussing what to do next.

At present, they don't know where the danger comes from, and they don't know whether the enemy will be a human or an alienated beast.

The only information they know is the need to protect Baitie Town for a week.

Zhang Shouzhong came out of the house, foul-mouthed, and said unhappy: "These people are really impossible to tell good from bad. We are clearly here to protect them. If they don’t appreciate it, it’s fine, and moved towards me spit. Water."

"That was a problem left by the previous investigation team. Let it go for now. The most important thing now is how to protect Baitie Town." Lu Han said.

Feng Laixian looked towards the only main street in the town and said lightly: "This place is backed by mountains, easy to defend and difficult to attack. The only trouble is that I don't know how thick the snow is."

Once he shoots with all his strength, the snow all around will definitely melt quickly.

If the snow is very thick, he will definitely sink deep into the snowdrift, and even turn into a water battle.

Although he can swim and his water quality is not bad, he can only show 60% of his strength underwater.

"Zhang Ping, what do you think?" Zhang Shouzhong looked at Zhang Ping, who was holding a piece of white iron, and asked.

Zhang Ping put the white iron in his pocket and calmly said: "Now I don’t even know what the crisis is. It’s useless to think too much. I will summon Zhou Qingbai and Long Fubo to create more manpower. , Let’s see the tricks next."

"Yes, now we can only use static braking, see the tricks!" Bai De agreed.

Next, everyone simply acted according to their own ideas.

Feng Lai Xian and Bai De walked directly up the mountain, preparing to investigate the entire Great Snow Mountain and come back with some game.

Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie took a bath in a private house. They have not taken a bath for a long time. During the trip, Liu Sishan used pure water to wash their bodies, so they looked clean, but some places only I can wash myself, so I still need to take a bath.

Lu Han and Zhang Shouzhong went to the outskirts of the town to investigate, and Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu were in charge of inspecting the houses in the town to see if there were any hidden roads or the like.

For a moment, Zhang Ping brought out Zhou Qingbai and Long Fubo summon, and then ordered them to start'making people'.

The densely packed green forest hero was quickly released by summon, and then went to different positions to stand guard under Zhou Qingbai's order.

"It's no wonder that the people from the investigation team will steal the white iron. This is really a good thing."

After Zhang Ping arranged Zhou Qingbai and Long Fubo, only one investigative eye was released. Gems, then walked into the core of Baitie Town, the Baitie Smelting House.

There are a lot of white iron ore piled up in this room, and there are also many smelted white iron nuggets.

White iron is not an ordinary metal.

It is a kind of non-characterized metal. Once it comes into contact with other metals, they will quickly produce chemical reactions, and finally become the metal it comes into contact with.

For example, Zhang Ping puts the feathers of the deep-cold frigatebird together with white iron, and after a period of time, the white iron will become the same biometal as the deep-cold frigatebird!

This is equivalent to copy and paste all metals.

Although Zhang Ping does not have any metal that he wants to copy now, what if there is one in the future?

For example, the biometals that make up the feathers of the deep-cold frigate bird, Zhang Ping and the others can hardly find a second deep-cold frigate bird, so the bio-metal derived from the deep-cold frigate bird is out of print.

But now that there is white iron, he can copy bio-metals, and then use white iron to make more bio-metals when needed.

In fact, he also thought that if he eats white iron, the metal coating will have the ability to copy the characteristics of other metals, but he is worried that once the copy and paste effect is produced, the original effect will be changed. cover.

So he didn't eat the white iron right away. Instead, he was going to use his mind to analyze the metal coating first, and then eat after determining what effect the white iron would have on him.

The most ideal situation is to eat white iron. Later, when he touches other metals with a metal coating, he can instantly copy the characteristics of that metal, and the copied characteristics are similar to other original Features coexist perfectly.

After all, some rare metals may have been turned into weapons, the only one in the world.

Zhang Ping can never take advantage of others and eat other people's weapons.

However, the above is just an ideal result.

The worst result is that he duplicates a characteristic, and as a result, this characteristic becomes the only characteristic of the metal coating and directly replaces the original characteristic.


When everyone was performing their duties, a tall and sturdy man wearing a black windbreaker suddenly appeared at the entrance of the wolves snow field.

He wears a blindfold on his left eye, and the pupil of Golden's right eye is flat and long, with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Task pointer."

He spit out smoke on the snow, then opened the mouth and said.

For an instant, a red pointer appeared on the ground, pointing exactly in the direction of Great Snow Mountain.

He looked at the pointer, then took out a test tube from the windbreaker, and muttered to himself: "Infinite powers shouldn't appear in this world again, please die!"


After finishing speaking, he put the test tube on the ground, twisted the bronze bracelet on his wrist, and left the wolves snow field in an instant.

Zhu Family base.

The man appeared in a laboratory. Zhu Shi sat not far away, with Erlang's legs tilted and asked: "Is the metal virus already placed?"

"hehe, if nothing Unexpectedly, the entire wolves will be buried with him in the snowfield. Although a little overkill, it is not a waste to kill an infinite ability." The man lightly said with a smile.

His name is Zhu Zhaotian, and the owner of this laboratory is also a rare scientific research genius in the Zhu Family.

After the exchange of interests with Zhu Shi, he put the newly developed biological weapon'metal virus' in the laboratory into the snowy field of wolves.

Zhu Shi got up and walked into the middle of the laboratory, looked at the huge nutrient trough in front of him, and asked: "Actually, in my opinion, it is best to put it in, that is truly foolproof!"

"Its research value is too great, and your chips are not enough." Zhu Zhaotian also looked at the nutrition tank, lightly saying.

In the nutrient tank, a mass of red meat glowing with metallic luster. The mass is constantly beating like a heart. From time to time, the red metal factor is detached from the meat and floats in the nutrient solution.

This is a metal creature discovered by Zhu Family in a lava core.

In the beginning, it was only the size of a corn, and it became what it is now under the cultivation of Zhu Zhaotian.

If it is not for the existence of nutrient solution, in fact, the laboratory can't shut it down. The most terrifying part of it is its invincible power and terrifying defense.

Don't look at it as just a mass of meat, once rolled up, the entire base will be destroyed.

Zhu Zhaotian extracted its factors, combined with dozens of fungi and viruses, and finally developed a controllable virus, which is the biological weapon he put in the snowy field of wolves-the'metal virus'.

In his opinion, Zhang Ping is a person with infinite level of ability, but his awakening time is too short. Even with strength beyond the level, it is impossible to withstand the dimensionality reduction attack of the metal virus.

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