On the snowy field, the red dots in the test tube gradually increase.

They are multiplying rapidly. When the nutrient solution in the test tube is completely swallowed, densely packed cracks appear in the glass of the test tube, and then the metal virus penetrates from the cracks and spreads quickly all around.

A few thousand meters away, a few snow rabbits are eating the youngest leaves at the tips of the trees. They are alert to the sky and all around to prevent all possible dangers.

Suddenly, a touch of red appeared not far from them. It was a strange existence made up of very thin, very thin lines one after another.

The snow rabbits didn't feel the danger, they were watching the metal virus while eating the leaves.

There was even a very curious little snow hare who hopped up to the metal virus and sniffed the metal virus with his nose.

Actually, metal viruses are very small. When it sniffs metal viruses with its nose, countless extremely small particles enter its lungs with the air, and then multiply rapidly in its body.

About ten minutes later, all the rabbits inhaled the biological virus.

The first thing that changed was naturally the smallest snow rabbit. It was playing around and suddenly froze, and then suddenly began to swell, and its white fur fell off from a slap. The big little bunny quickly becomes a half-human monster.

The other rabbits hurriedly fled in different directions, but they all swelled as they ran, and finally turned into red half-human monsters.

They glanced at each other, then opened their mouths full of fangs, gnawing wildly at the trees all around, and their bodies expanded further as they ate.

Not far away, the snow fox who was going to hunt snow rabbits couldn't help but slowly stepped back, with panic in his eyes.


No words for a night.

Zhang Ping and the others wake up a little speechless.

Last night they were actually ready to fight at any time.

But there was no fart all night, let alone wolves, not even a rabbit.

Everyone was sitting in the lobby of a private house. Cheng Xuejie was holding a big teapot to pour tea for everyone. Zhang Ping picked up the teacup and took a sip of hot tea. Looking at the snow outside, he said, "We Is this a holdover for a day?"

"It should be regarded as it." After Zhang Shouzhong finished drinking his tea, said with a smile.

Zhao Yanhu and Zhao Yanlong came in from the outside, Zhao Yanhu said with a full face: "Master Zhang Ping, those residents are too damn, we kindly sent food over, they not only cursed people, but also a child peeed on me. "

"Let's bear it, after all we are here to protect them, hahahahahaha." Zhang Shouzhong held back said with a smile, and finally couldn't hold it anymore, so he laughed.

Feng Laixian said indifferently: "Since they are impossible to tell good from bad, then from now on, only give them one meal a day."

"This is not theirs Wrong, after all, it was the culprit of the previous investigation team stealing things. If they have a bad attitude, let's do what we should do and have a clear conscience." Zhang Ping said with a bitter smile.

Actually, he was attacked by Boss Hu yesterday. He was also very upset, but he calmed down after his anger disappeared. He also understood why the people in Baitie Town were so angry.

After all, white iron is too precious. I finally risked the mortal danger to dig out white iron ore from the mine, and then smelted a piece of white iron that is countless times more precious than gold, and finally it was stolen.

If you change to Zhang Ping, Zhang Ping also wants to kill.

"Well, next time you send food, let the green forest heroes go, and you can supervise them." Zhang Ping added.

Next, everyone returned to the task. Feng Laixian and Bai De wandered around Great Snow Mountain yesterday, and found no creatures that could threaten Baitie Town.

Not to mention a pack of wolves, not even one more rabbit.

The only one was caught by them for cooking.

To be honest, after some discussion, everyone is still puzzled and has no idea where the threat comes from.

"Okay, let's go away, since the danger has not yet appeared, then we will take a vacation, I will go to the mine to see." Zhang Ping finally said with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong got up and said: "I will go too!"

The two walked out of the hall with their backs on their shoulders, and the snowflakes fell on their heads.

There was light snow under the cloudy sky, and the temperature outside was about minus 20 degrees, but for Zhang Ping and Zhang Shouzhong, the temperature was not cold.

"I am going to mine, what are you doing?" Zhang Ping asked as he walked.

Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile: "Of course it is also mining."

"Do you have a copy of the target?" Zhang Ping immediately doubted.

Zhang Shouzhong glanced back, and then whispered in Zhang Ping's ear: "Do you know the Haitang Pavilion?"

"I don't know, don't sell it, just say it quickly. "Zhang Ping replied.

Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile: "hehe, Haitang Hall is one of the very best girls’ holy places in the city. In the ballroom of Haitang Hall, there is a metal finger called the Hand of Eros. People have a sudden feeling of love. It is the only one in Pearl City, but in fact it is made of a special metal called'Love Element Metal.' This kind of Love Element Metal can buy a lot of money for one gram!"

"I understand, you want to make money." Zhang Ping nodded and said.

Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile: "The most amazing thing is that the feeling of love is not only for people, but also for people and alienated beasts!"


Zhang Ping glanced at Zhang Shouzhong speechlessly, it seems that this guy has not learned his lesson.

Sure enough, the next moment Situ Shibai’s voice came from the bracelet: "Zhang Situ, back to the base, it seems you need to revise the team rules."

"Captain, I just Talking about gossip, there are actually no extra thoughts, I promise." Zhang Shouzhong quickly raised his hand and swore.

Situ Shibai said indifferently: "If there is no battle in the past few days, write the team rules a thousand times, and hand them to Zhang Ping before leaving, and I will check them personally."

"Yes ……Captain."

Zhang Shouzhong suddenly extreme joy turns to sorrow, and responded with a bitter expression.

The mine is actually behind Baitie Town. After the two entered the mine tunnel, the others left the hall one after another.

Lu Han glanced at the sky, and then stepped on Flying Sword to leave Baitie Town. He planned to investigate once around Baitie Town, and then return to Baitie Town to continue to exercise his abilities when he was sure that there was no danger.

According to Zhang Ping's analysis, he is very close to the next level, so he must exercise his abilities diligently.

In fact, stepping on the Flying Sword is also an exercise, which can shorten the time required to level up.

Rising from the ground to the air, the temperature is even colder, but he can bless the clothes with psychic energy to keep the clothes warmer, so he doesn't feel particularly cold.

He flew slowly along the town, and the scenery on the ground was in full view.

"That's it?"

Suddenly, he saw red in the snow in the distance, so he slowly flew over the red snow.

He slowly landed on the ground, holding a long sword and gently pushing away the red snow. There was still white snow under the red snow.

Although Hongxue seems to be harmless to humans and animals, he still has a bad feeling, which may be a sign.

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